[PATCH 08/10] staging: rtl8723au: Remove unused rtl8723a_update_txdesc() and child functions

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From: Jes Sorensen <Jes.Sorensen@xxxxxxxxxx>

Signed-off-by: Jes Sorensen <Jes.Sorensen@xxxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/staging/rtl8723au/hal/rtl8723a_hal_init.c | 248 ----------------------
 drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h |   1 -
 2 files changed, 249 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/hal/rtl8723a_hal_init.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/hal/rtl8723a_hal_init.c
index 9a75eb6..8196a33 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/hal/rtl8723a_hal_init.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/hal/rtl8723a_hal_init.c
@@ -1975,254 +1975,6 @@ static void rtl8723a_cal_txdesc_chksum(struct tx_desc *ptxdesc)
 	ptxdesc->txdw7 |= cpu_to_le32(checksum & 0x0000ffff);
-static void fill_txdesc_sectype(struct pkt_attrib *pattrib,
-				struct txdesc_8723a *ptxdesc)
-	if ((pattrib->encrypt > 0) && !pattrib->bswenc) {
-		switch (pattrib->encrypt) {
-			/*  SEC_TYPE */
-			ptxdesc->sectype = 1;
-			break;
-			ptxdesc->sectype = 3;
-			break;
-		case 0:
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-static void fill_txdesc_vcs(struct pkt_attrib *pattrib,
-			    struct txdesc_8723a *ptxdesc)
-	/* DBG_8723A("cvs_mode =%d\n", pattrib->vcs_mode); */
-	switch (pattrib->vcs_mode) {
-	case RTS_CTS:
-		ptxdesc->rtsen = 1;
-		break;
-	case CTS_TO_SELF:
-		ptxdesc->cts2self = 1;
-		break;
-	case NONE_VCS:
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	if (pattrib->vcs_mode) {
-		ptxdesc->hw_rts_en = 1;	/*  ENABLE HW RTS */
-		/*  Set RTS BW */
-		if (pattrib->ht_en) {
-			if (pattrib->bwmode & HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40)
-				ptxdesc->rts_bw = 1;
-			switch (pattrib->ch_offset) {
-				ptxdesc->rts_sc = 0;
-				break;
-				ptxdesc->rts_sc = 1;
-				break;
-				ptxdesc->rts_sc = 2;
-				break;
-			default:
-				ptxdesc->rts_sc = 3;	/*  Duplicate */
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-static void fill_txdesc_phy(struct pkt_attrib *pattrib,
-			    struct txdesc_8723a *ptxdesc)
-	if (pattrib->ht_en) {
-		if (pattrib->bwmode & HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40)
-			ptxdesc->data_bw = 1;
-		switch (pattrib->ch_offset) {
-			ptxdesc->data_sc = 0;
-			break;
-			ptxdesc->data_sc = 1;
-			break;
-			ptxdesc->data_sc = 2;
-			break;
-		default:
-			ptxdesc->data_sc = 3;	/*  Duplicate */
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-static void rtl8723a_fill_default_txdesc(struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe,
-					 u8 *pbuf)
-	struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
-	struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData;
-	struct dm_priv *pdmpriv;
-	struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext;
-	struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo;
-	struct pkt_attrib *pattrib;
-	struct txdesc_8723a *ptxdesc;
-	s32 bmcst;
-	padapter = pxmitframe->padapter;
-	pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
-	pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
-	pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
-	pmlmeinfo = &pmlmeext->mlmext_info;
-	pattrib = &pxmitframe->attrib;
-	bmcst = is_multicast_ether_addr(pattrib->ra);
-	ptxdesc = (struct txdesc_8723a *)pbuf;
-	if (pxmitframe->frame_tag == DATA_FRAMETAG) {
-		ptxdesc->macid = pattrib->mac_id;	/*  CAM_ID(MAC_ID) */
-		if (pattrib->ampdu_en == true)
-			ptxdesc->agg_en = 1;	/*  AGG EN */
-		else
-			ptxdesc->bk = 1;	/*  AGG BK */
-		ptxdesc->qsel = pattrib->qsel;
-		ptxdesc->rate_id = pattrib->raid;
-		fill_txdesc_sectype(pattrib, ptxdesc);
-		ptxdesc->seq = pattrib->seqnum;
-		if ((pattrib->ether_type != 0x888e) &&
-		    (pattrib->ether_type != 0x0806) &&
-		    (pattrib->dhcp_pkt != 1)) {
-			/*  Non EAP & ARP & DHCP type data packet */
-			fill_txdesc_vcs(pattrib, ptxdesc);
-			fill_txdesc_phy(pattrib, ptxdesc);
-			ptxdesc->rtsrate = 8;	/*  RTS Rate = 24M */
-			ptxdesc->data_ratefb_lmt = 0x1F;
-			ptxdesc->rts_ratefb_lmt = 0xF;
-			/*  use REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL value */
-			ptxdesc->datarate =
-				pdmpriv->INIDATA_RATE[pattrib->mac_id];
-		} else {
-			/*  EAP data packet and ARP packet. */
-			/*  Use the 1M data rate to send the EAP/ARP packet. */
-			/*  This will maybe make the handshake smooth. */
-			ptxdesc->bk = 1;	/*  AGG BK */
-			ptxdesc->userate = 1;	/*  driver uses rate */
-			if (pmlmeinfo->preamble_mode == PREAMBLE_SHORT)
-				ptxdesc->data_short = 1;
-			ptxdesc->datarate = MRateToHwRate23a(pmlmeext->tx_rate);
-		}
-	} else if (pxmitframe->frame_tag == MGNT_FRAMETAG) {
-/*		RT_TRACE(_module_hal_xmit_c_, _drv_notice_,
-		("%s: MGNT_FRAMETAG\n", __func__)); */
-		ptxdesc->macid = pattrib->mac_id;	/*  CAM_ID(MAC_ID) */
-		ptxdesc->qsel = pattrib->qsel;
-		ptxdesc->rate_id = pattrib->raid;	/*  Rate ID */
-		ptxdesc->seq = pattrib->seqnum;
-		ptxdesc->userate = 1;	/*  driver uses rate, 1M */
-		ptxdesc->rty_lmt_en = 1;	/*  retry limit enable */
-		ptxdesc->data_rt_lmt = 6;	/*  retry limit = 6 */
-		/* CCX-TXRPT ack for xmit mgmt frames. */
-		if (pxmitframe->ack_report)
-			ptxdesc->ccx = 1;
-		ptxdesc->datarate = MRateToHwRate23a(pmlmeext->tx_rate);
-	} else if (pxmitframe->frame_tag == TXAGG_FRAMETAG) {
-		RT_TRACE(_module_hal_xmit_c_, _drv_warning_,
-			 ("%s: TXAGG_FRAMETAG\n", __func__));
-	} else {
-		RT_TRACE(_module_hal_xmit_c_, _drv_warning_,
-			 ("%s: frame_tag = 0x%x\n", __func__,
-			  pxmitframe->frame_tag));
-		ptxdesc->macid = 4;	/*  CAM_ID(MAC_ID) */
-		ptxdesc->rate_id = 6;	/*  Rate ID */
-		ptxdesc->seq = pattrib->seqnum;
-		ptxdesc->userate = 1;	/*  driver uses rate */
-		ptxdesc->datarate = MRateToHwRate23a(pmlmeext->tx_rate);
-	}
-	ptxdesc->pktlen = pattrib->last_txcmdsz;
-	ptxdesc->offset = TXDESC_SIZE + OFFSET_SZ;
-	if (bmcst)
-		ptxdesc->bmc = 1;
-	ptxdesc->ls = 1;
-	ptxdesc->fs = 1;
-	ptxdesc->own = 1;
-	/*  2009.11.05. tynli_test. Suggested by SD4 Filen for FW LPS. */
-	/*  (1) The sequence number of each non-Qos frame / broadcast /
-	 *   multicast / mgnt frame should be controled by Hw because Fw
-	 * will also send null data which we cannot control when Fw LPS enable.
-	 *  --> default enable non-Qos data sequense number.
-	 2010.06.23. by tynli. */
-	/*  (2) Enable HW SEQ control for beacon packet,
-	 * because we use Hw beacon. */
-	/*  (3) Use HW Qos SEQ to control the seq num of Ext port
-	 * non-Qos packets. */
-	/*  2010.06.23. Added by tynli. */
-	if (!pattrib->qos_en) {
-		/*  Hw set sequence number */
-		ptxdesc->hwseq_en = 1;	/*  HWSEQ_EN */
-		ptxdesc->hwseq_sel = 0;	/*  HWSEQ_SEL */
-	}
- *	Description:
- *
- *	Parameters:
- *		pxmitframe	xmitframe
- *		pbuf		where to fill tx desc
- */
-void rtl8723a_update_txdesc(struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe, u8 *pbuf)
-	struct tx_desc *pdesc;
-	pdesc = (struct tx_desc *)pbuf;
-	memset(pdesc, 0, sizeof(struct tx_desc));
-	rtl8723a_fill_default_txdesc(pxmitframe, pbuf);
-	pdesc->txdw0 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw0);
-	pdesc->txdw1 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw1);
-	pdesc->txdw2 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw2);
-	pdesc->txdw3 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw3);
-	pdesc->txdw4 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw4);
-	pdesc->txdw5 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw5);
-	pdesc->txdw6 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw6);
-	pdesc->txdw7 = cpu_to_le32(pdesc->txdw7);
-	rtl8723a_cal_txdesc_chksum(pdesc);
  *  Description: In normal chip, we should send some packet to Hw which
  *  will be used by Fw in FW LPS mode. The function is to fill the Tx
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h
index 815560c..7db29f4 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ struct txrpt_ccx_8723a {
 #define txrpt_ccx_qtime_8723a(txrpt_ccx) ((txrpt_ccx)->ccx_qtime0+((txrpt_ccx)->ccx_qtime1<<8))
 void handle_txrpt_ccx_8723a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, void *buf);
-void rtl8723a_update_txdesc(struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe, u8 *pmem);
 void rtl8723a_fill_fake_txdesc(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pDesc, u32 BufferLen, u8 IsPsPoll, u8 IsBTQosNull);
 int rtl8723au_hal_xmitframe_enqueue(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);

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