[PATCH 25/91] staging: unisys: fix CamelCase in struct signal_queue_header

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Fix CamelCase names:
VersionId => version
Type => chtype
Size => size
oSignalBase => sig_base_offset
FeatureFlags => features
NumSignalsSent => num_sent
NumOverflows => num_overflows
SignalSize => signal_size
MaxSignalSlots => max_slots
MaxSignals => max_signals
Head => head
NumSignalsReceived => num_received
Tail => tail
Reserved1 => reserved1
Reserved2 => reserved2
ClientQueue => client_queue
NumInterruptsReceived => num_irq_received
NumEmptyCnt => num_empty
ErrorFlags => errorflags
Filler => filler

Signed-off-by: Benjamin Romer <benjamin.romer@xxxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/staging/unisys/channels/channel.c          | 62 ++++++++---------
 .../unisys/common-spar/include/channels/channel.h  | 40 +++++------
 .../common-spar/include/channels/iochannel.h       | 38 +++++-----
 drivers/staging/unisys/virthba/virthba.c           |  6 +-
 .../unisys/visorchannel/visorchannel_funcs.c       | 80 +++++++++++-----------
 5 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/channels/channel.c b/drivers/staging/unisys/channels/channel.c
index d6db661..0a98c5c 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/channels/channel.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/channels/channel.c
@@ -56,30 +56,30 @@ visor_signal_insert(struct channel_header __iomem *pChannel, u32 Queue,
 		+ Queue;
 	/* capture current head and tail */
-	head = readl(&pqhdr->Head);
-	tail = readl(&pqhdr->Tail);
+	head = readl(&pqhdr->head);
+	tail = readl(&pqhdr->tail);
 	/* queue is full if (head + 1) % n equals tail */
-	if (((head + 1) % readl(&pqhdr->MaxSignalSlots)) == tail) {
-		nof = readq(&pqhdr->NumOverflows) + 1;
-		writeq(nof, &pqhdr->NumOverflows);
+	if (((head + 1) % readl(&pqhdr->max_slots)) == tail) {
+		nof = readq(&pqhdr->num_overflows) + 1;
+		writeq(nof, &pqhdr->num_overflows);
 		return 0;
 	/* increment the head index */
-	head = (head + 1) % readl(&pqhdr->MaxSignalSlots);
+	head = (head + 1) % readl(&pqhdr->max_slots);
 	/* copy signal to the head location from the area pointed to
 	 * by pSignal
-	psignal = (char __iomem *)pqhdr + readq(&pqhdr->oSignalBase) +
-		(head * readl(&pqhdr->SignalSize));
-	memcpy_toio(psignal, pSignal, readl(&pqhdr->SignalSize));
+	psignal = (char __iomem *)pqhdr + readq(&pqhdr->sig_base_offset) +
+		(head * readl(&pqhdr->signal_size));
+	memcpy_toio(psignal, pSignal, readl(&pqhdr->signal_size));
 	mb(); /* channel synch */
-	writel(head, &pqhdr->Head);
+	writel(head, &pqhdr->head);
-	writeq(readq(&pqhdr->NumSignalsSent) + 1, &pqhdr->NumSignalsSent);
+	writeq(readq(&pqhdr->num_sent) + 1, &pqhdr->num_sent);
 	return 1;
@@ -113,28 +113,28 @@ visor_signal_remove(struct channel_header __iomem *pChannel, u32 Queue,
 				    readq(&pChannel->ch_space_offset)) + Queue;
 	/* capture current head and tail */
-	head = readl(&pqhdr->Head);
-	tail = readl(&pqhdr->Tail);
+	head = readl(&pqhdr->head);
+	tail = readl(&pqhdr->tail);
 	/* queue is empty if the head index equals the tail index */
 	if (head == tail) {
-		writeq(readq(&pqhdr->NumEmptyCnt) + 1, &pqhdr->NumEmptyCnt);
+		writeq(readq(&pqhdr->num_empty) + 1, &pqhdr->num_empty);
 		return 0;
 	/* advance past the 'empty' front slot */
-	tail = (tail + 1) % readl(&pqhdr->MaxSignalSlots);
+	tail = (tail + 1) % readl(&pqhdr->max_slots);
 	/* copy signal from tail location to the area pointed to by pSignal */
-	psource = (char __iomem *) pqhdr + readq(&pqhdr->oSignalBase) +
-		(tail * readl(&pqhdr->SignalSize));
-	memcpy_fromio(pSignal, psource, readl(&pqhdr->SignalSize));
+	psource = (char __iomem *) pqhdr + readq(&pqhdr->sig_base_offset) +
+		(tail * readl(&pqhdr->signal_size));
+	memcpy_fromio(pSignal, psource, readl(&pqhdr->signal_size));
 	mb(); /* channel synch */
-	writel(tail, &pqhdr->Tail);
+	writel(tail, &pqhdr->tail);
-	writeq(readq(&pqhdr->NumSignalsReceived) + 1,
-	       &pqhdr->NumSignalsReceived);
+	writeq(readq(&pqhdr->num_received) + 1,
+	       &pqhdr->num_received);
 	return 1;
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ SignalRemoveAll(struct channel_header *pChannel, u32 Queue, void *pSignal)
 				    pChannel->ch_space_offset) + Queue;
 	/* capture current head and tail */
-	head = pqhdr->Head;
-	tail = pqhdr->Tail;
+	head = pqhdr->head;
+	tail = pqhdr->tail;
 	/* queue is empty if the head index equals the tail index */
 	if (head == tail)
@@ -177,22 +177,22 @@ SignalRemoveAll(struct channel_header *pChannel, u32 Queue, void *pSignal)
 	while (head != tail) {
 		/* advance past the 'empty' front slot */
-		tail = (tail + 1) % pqhdr->MaxSignalSlots;
+		tail = (tail + 1) % pqhdr->max_slots;
 		/* copy signal from tail location to the area pointed
 		 * to by pSignal
 		psource =
-		    (char *) pqhdr + pqhdr->oSignalBase +
-		    (tail * pqhdr->SignalSize);
-		memcpy((char *) pSignal + (pqhdr->SignalSize * signalCount),
-		       psource, pqhdr->SignalSize);
+		    (char *) pqhdr + pqhdr->sig_base_offset +
+		    (tail * pqhdr->signal_size);
+		memcpy((char *) pSignal + (pqhdr->signal_size * signalCount),
+		       psource, pqhdr->signal_size);
 		mb(); /* channel synch */
-		pqhdr->Tail = tail;
+		pqhdr->tail = tail;
-		pqhdr->NumSignalsReceived++;
+		pqhdr->num_received++;
 	return signalCount;
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ visor_signalqueue_empty(struct channel_header __iomem *pChannel, u32 Queue)
 	struct signal_queue_header __iomem *pqhdr =
 	    (struct signal_queue_header __iomem *) ((char __iomem *) pChannel +
 				    readq(&pChannel->ch_space_offset)) + Queue;
-	return readl(&pqhdr->Head) == readl(&pqhdr->Tail);
+	return readl(&pqhdr->head) == readl(&pqhdr->tail);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/channel.h b/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/channel.h
index 3c4f7c0..c01c2e6 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/channel.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/channel.h
@@ -234,37 +234,37 @@ struct channel_header {
 /* Subheader for the Signal Type variation of the Common Channel */
 struct signal_queue_header {
 	/* 1st cache line */
-	u32 VersionId;		/* SIGNAL_QUEUE_HEADER Version ID */
-	u32 Type;		/* Queue type: storage, network */
-	u64 Size;		/* Total size of this queue in bytes */
-	u64 oSignalBase;	/* Offset to signal queue area */
-	u64 FeatureFlags;	/* Flags to modify behavior */
-	u64 NumSignalsSent;	/* Total # of signals placed in this queue */
-	u64 NumOverflows;	/* Total # of inserts failed due to
+	u32 version;		/* SIGNAL_QUEUE_HEADER Version ID */
+	u32 chtype;		/* Queue type: storage, network */
+	u64 size;		/* Total size of this queue in bytes */
+	u64 sig_base_offset;	/* Offset to signal queue area */
+	u64 features;		/* Flags to modify behavior */
+	u64 num_sent;		/* Total # of signals placed in this queue */
+	u64 num_overflows;	/* Total # of inserts failed due to
 				 * full queue */
-	u32 SignalSize;		/* Total size of a signal for this queue */
-	u32 MaxSignalSlots;	/* Max # of slots in queue, 1 slot is
+	u32 signal_size;	/* Total size of a signal for this queue */
+	u32 max_slots;		/* Max # of slots in queue, 1 slot is
 				 * always empty */
-	u32 MaxSignals;		/* Max # of signals in queue
+	u32 max_signals;	/* Max # of signals in queue
 				 * (MaxSignalSlots-1) */
-	u32 Head;		/* Queue head signal # */
+	u32 head;		/* Queue head signal # */
 	/* 2nd cache line */
-	u64 NumSignalsReceived;	/* Total # of signals removed from this queue */
-	u32 Tail;		/* Queue tail signal # (on separate
+	u64 num_received;	/* Total # of signals removed from this queue */
+	u32 tail;		/* Queue tail signal # (on separate
 				 * cache line) */
-	u32 Reserved1;		/* Reserved field */
-	u64 Reserved2;		/* Resrved field */
-	u64 ClientQueue;
-	u64 NumInterruptsReceived;	/* Total # of Interrupts received.  This
+	u32 reserved1;		/* Reserved field */
+	u64 reserved2;		/* Reserved field */
+	u64 client_queue;
+	u64 num_irq_received;	/* Total # of Interrupts received.  This
 					 * is incremented by the ISR in the
 					 * guest windows driver */
-	u64 NumEmptyCnt;	/* Number of times that visor_signal_remove
+	u64 num_empty;		/* Number of times that visor_signal_remove
 				 * is called and returned Empty
 				 * Status. */
-	u32 ErrorFlags;		/* Error bits set during SignalReinit
+	u32 errorflags;		/* Error bits set during SignalReinit
 				 * to denote trouble with client's
 				 * fields */
-	u8 Filler[12];		/* Pad out to 64 byte cacheline */
+	u8 filler[12];		/* Pad out to 64 byte cacheline */
 #pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/iochannel.h b/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/iochannel.h
index ac78d9c..d487cb2f 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/iochannel.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/common-spar/include/channels/iochannel.h
@@ -750,21 +750,21 @@ typedef struct _ULTRA_IO_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL {
 #define SignalQInit(x)						\
 	do {							\
-		x->cmdQ.Size = QSIZEFROMBYTES(x->ChannelHeader.size);	\
-		x->cmdQ.oSignalBase = SIZEOF_PROTOCOL -			\
+		x->cmdQ.size = QSIZEFROMBYTES(x->ChannelHeader.size);	\
+		x->cmdQ.sig_base_offset = SIZEOF_PROTOCOL -		\
 			offsetof(ULTRA_IO_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL, cmdQ);	\
-		x->cmdQ.SignalSize = SIZEOF_CMDRSP;			\
-		x->cmdQ.MaxSignalSlots =				\
+		x->cmdQ.signal_size = SIZEOF_CMDRSP;			\
+		x->cmdQ.max_slots =				\
 			QSLOTSFROMBYTES(x->ChannelHeader.size);		\
-		x->cmdQ.MaxSignals = x->cmdQ.MaxSignalSlots - 1;	\
-		x->rspQ.Size = QSIZEFROMBYTES(x->ChannelHeader.size);	\
-		x->rspQ.oSignalBase =					\
-			(SIZEOF_PROTOCOL + x->cmdQ.Size) -		\
+		x->cmdQ.max_signals = x->cmdQ.max_slots - 1;	\
+		x->rspQ.size = QSIZEFROMBYTES(x->ChannelHeader.size);	\
+		x->rspQ.sig_base_offset =				\
+			(SIZEOF_PROTOCOL + x->cmdQ.size) -		\
 			offsetof(ULTRA_IO_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL, rspQ);	\
-		x->rspQ.SignalSize = SIZEOF_CMDRSP;			\
-		x->rspQ.MaxSignalSlots =				\
+		x->rspQ.signal_size = SIZEOF_CMDRSP;			\
+		x->rspQ.max_slots =				\
 			QSLOTSFROMBYTES(x->ChannelHeader.size);		\
-		x->rspQ.MaxSignals = x->rspQ.MaxSignalSlots - 1;	\
+		x->rspQ.max_signals = x->rspQ.max_slots - 1;	\
 		x->ChannelHeader.ch_space_offset =			\
 			offsetof(ULTRA_IO_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL, cmdQ);	\
 	} while (0)
@@ -814,12 +814,12 @@ static inline int ULTRA_VHBA_init_channel(ULTRA_IO_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL *x,
-	if ((x->cmdQ.MaxSignalSlots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS) ||
-	     (x->rspQ.MaxSignalSlots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS)) {
+	if ((x->cmdQ.max_slots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS) ||
+	     (x->rspQ.max_slots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS)) {
 		return 0;
-	if ((x->cmdQ.MaxSignalSlots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS) ||
-	     (x->rspQ.MaxSignalSlots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS)) {
+	if ((x->cmdQ.max_slots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS) ||
+	     (x->rspQ.max_slots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS)) {
 		return 0;
 	return 1;
@@ -852,12 +852,12 @@ static inline int ULTRA_VNIC_init_channel(ULTRA_IO_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL *x,
-	if ((x->cmdQ.MaxSignalSlots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS) ||
-	     (x->rspQ.MaxSignalSlots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS)) {
+	if ((x->cmdQ.max_slots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS) ||
+	     (x->rspQ.max_slots > MAX_NUMSIGNALS)) {
 		return 0;
-	if ((x->cmdQ.MaxSignalSlots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS) ||
-	     (x->rspQ.MaxSignalSlots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS)) {
+	if ((x->cmdQ.max_slots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS) ||
+	     (x->rspQ.max_slots < MIN_NUMSIGNALS)) {
 		return 0;
 	return 1;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/virthba/virthba.c b/drivers/staging/unisys/virthba/virthba.c
index 9d4653d..a3da5e9 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/virthba/virthba.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/virthba/virthba.c
@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@ virthba_ISR(int irq, void *dev_id)
 	pqhdr = (struct signal_queue_header __iomem *)
 		((char __iomem *) pChannelHeader +
 		 readq(&pChannelHeader->ch_space_offset)) + IOCHAN_FROM_IOPART;
-	writeq(readq(&pqhdr->NumInterruptsReceived) + 1,
-	       &pqhdr->NumInterruptsReceived);
+	writeq(readq(&pqhdr->num_irq_received) + 1,
+	       &pqhdr->num_irq_received);
 	atomic_set(&virthbainfo->interrupt_rcvd, 1);
 	return IRQ_HANDLED;
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ virthba_probe(struct virtpci_dev *virtpcidev, const struct pci_device_id *id)
 	pqhdr = (struct signal_queue_header __iomem *)
 		((char __iomem *)pChannelHeader +
 		 readq(&pChannelHeader->ch_space_offset)) + IOCHAN_FROM_IOPART;
-	virthbainfo->flags_addr = &pqhdr->FeatureFlags;
+	virthbainfo->flags_addr = &pqhdr->features;
 	if (!uisthread_start(&virthbainfo->chinfo.threadinfo,
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorchannel/visorchannel_funcs.c b/drivers/staging/unisys/visorchannel/visorchannel_funcs.c
index 7b30c66..c24052b 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorchannel/visorchannel_funcs.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/visorchannel/visorchannel_funcs.c
@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(visorchannel_get_header);
  *  channel header
 #define SIG_DATA_OFFSET(chan_hdr, q, sig_hdr, slot) \
-	(SIG_QUEUE_OFFSET(chan_hdr, q) + (sig_hdr)->oSignalBase + \
-	    ((slot) * (sig_hdr)->SignalSize))
+	(SIG_QUEUE_OFFSET(chan_hdr, q) + (sig_hdr)->sig_base_offset + \
+	    ((slot) * (sig_hdr)->signal_size))
 /** Write the contents of a specific field within a SIGNAL_QUEUE_HEADER back
  *  into host memory
@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ sig_do_data(VISORCHANNEL *channel, u32 queue,
 	if (is_write) {
 		if (visor_memregion_write(channel->memregion,
-					  data, sig_hdr->SignalSize) < 0) {
+					  data, sig_hdr->signal_size) < 0) {
 			ERRDRV("visor_memregion_write of signal data failed: (status=%d)\n", rc);
 			goto Away;
 	} else {
 		if (visor_memregion_read(channel->memregion, signal_data_offset,
-					 data, sig_hdr->SignalSize) < 0) {
+					 data, sig_hdr->signal_size) < 0) {
 			ERRDRV("visor_memregion_read of signal data failed: (status=%d)\n", rc);
 			goto Away;
@@ -388,18 +388,18 @@ safe_sig_queue_validate(struct signal_queue_header *psafe_sqh,
 			struct signal_queue_header *punsafe_sqh,
 			u32 *phead, u32 *ptail)
-	if ((*phead >= psafe_sqh->MaxSignalSlots)
-	    || (*ptail >= psafe_sqh->MaxSignalSlots)) {
+	if ((*phead >= psafe_sqh->max_slots)
+	    || (*ptail >= psafe_sqh->max_slots)) {
 		/* Choose 0 or max, maybe based on current tail value */
 		*phead = 0;
 		*ptail = 0;
 		/* Sync with client as necessary */
-		punsafe_sqh->Head = *phead;
-		punsafe_sqh->Tail = *ptail;
+		punsafe_sqh->head = *phead;
+		punsafe_sqh->tail = *ptail;
 		ERRDRV("safe_sig_queue_validate: head = 0x%x, tail = 0x%x, MaxSlots = 0x%x",
-		     *phead, *ptail, psafe_sqh->MaxSignalSlots);
+		     *phead, *ptail, psafe_sqh->max_slots);
 		return 0;
 	return 1;
@@ -418,27 +418,27 @@ visorchannel_signalremove(VISORCHANNEL *channel, u32 queue, void *msg)
 		rc = FALSE;
 		goto Away;
-	if (sig_hdr.Head == sig_hdr.Tail) {
+	if (sig_hdr.head == sig_hdr.tail) {
 		rc = FALSE;	/* no signals to remove */
 		goto Away;
-	sig_hdr.Tail = (sig_hdr.Tail + 1) % sig_hdr.MaxSignalSlots;
-	if (!sig_read_data(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, sig_hdr.Tail, msg)) {
+	sig_hdr.tail = (sig_hdr.tail + 1) % sig_hdr.max_slots;
+	if (!sig_read_data(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, sig_hdr.tail, msg)) {
 		ERRDRV("sig_read_data failed: (status=%d)\n", rc);
 		goto Away;
-	sig_hdr.NumSignalsReceived++;
+	sig_hdr.num_received++;
 	/* For each data field in SIGNAL_QUEUE_HEADER that was modified,
 	 * update host memory.
 	mb(); /* required for channel synch */
-	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, Tail)) {
+	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, tail)) {
 		ERRDRV("visor_memregion_write of Tail failed: (status=%d)\n",
 		goto Away;
-	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, NumSignalsReceived)) {
+	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, num_received)) {
 		ERRDRV("visor_memregion_write of NumSignalsReceived failed: (status=%d)\n", rc);
 		goto Away;
@@ -465,10 +465,10 @@ visorchannel_signalinsert(VISORCHANNEL *channel, u32 queue, void *msg)
 		goto Away;
-	sig_hdr.Head = ((sig_hdr.Head + 1) % sig_hdr.MaxSignalSlots);
-	if (sig_hdr.Head == sig_hdr.Tail) {
-		sig_hdr.NumOverflows++;
-		if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, NumOverflows)) {
+	sig_hdr.head = ((sig_hdr.head + 1) % sig_hdr.max_slots);
+	if (sig_hdr.head == sig_hdr.tail) {
+		sig_hdr.num_overflows++;
+		if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, num_overflows)) {
 			ERRDRV("visor_memregion_write of NumOverflows failed: (status=%d)\n", rc);
 			goto Away;
@@ -476,22 +476,22 @@ visorchannel_signalinsert(VISORCHANNEL *channel, u32 queue, void *msg)
 		goto Away;
-	if (!sig_write_data(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, sig_hdr.Head, msg)) {
+	if (!sig_write_data(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, sig_hdr.head, msg)) {
 		ERRDRV("sig_write_data failed: (status=%d)\n", rc);
 		goto Away;
-	sig_hdr.NumSignalsSent++;
+	sig_hdr.num_sent++;
 	/* For each data field in SIGNAL_QUEUE_HEADER that was modified,
 	 * update host memory.
 	mb(); /* required for channel synch */
-	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, Head)) {
+	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, head)) {
 		ERRDRV("visor_memregion_write of Head failed: (status=%d)\n",
 		goto Away;
-	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, NumSignalsSent)) {
+	if (!SIG_WRITE_FIELD(channel, queue, &sig_hdr, num_sent)) {
 		ERRDRV("visor_memregion_write of NumSignalsSent failed: (status=%d)\n", rc);
 		goto Away;
@@ -514,12 +514,12 @@ visorchannel_signalqueue_slots_avail(VISORCHANNEL *channel, u32 queue)
 	if (!sig_read_header(channel, queue, &sig_hdr))
 		return 0;
-	head = sig_hdr.Head;
-	tail = sig_hdr.Tail;
+	head = sig_hdr.head;
+	tail = sig_hdr.tail;
 	if (head < tail)
-		head = head + sig_hdr.MaxSignalSlots;
+		head = head + sig_hdr.max_slots;
 	slots_used = (head - tail);
-	slots_avail = sig_hdr.MaxSignals - slots_used;
+	slots_avail = sig_hdr.max_signals - slots_used;
 	return (int) slots_avail;
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ visorchannel_signalqueue_max_slots(VISORCHANNEL *channel, u32 queue)
 	if (!sig_read_header(channel, queue, &sig_hdr))
 		return 0;
-	return (int) sig_hdr.MaxSignals;
+	return (int) sig_hdr.max_signals;
@@ -539,24 +539,24 @@ static void
 sigqueue_debug(struct signal_queue_header *q, int which, struct seq_file *seq)
 	seq_printf(seq, "Signal Queue #%d\n", which);
-	seq_printf(seq, "   VersionId          = %lu\n", (ulong) q->VersionId);
-	seq_printf(seq, "   Type               = %lu\n", (ulong) q->Type);
+	seq_printf(seq, "   VersionId          = %lu\n", (ulong)q->version);
+	seq_printf(seq, "   Type               = %lu\n", (ulong)q->chtype);
 	seq_printf(seq, "   oSignalBase        = %llu\n",
-		   (long long) q->oSignalBase);
-	seq_printf(seq, "   SignalSize         = %lu\n", (ulong) q->SignalSize);
+		   (long long)q->sig_base_offset);
+	seq_printf(seq, "   SignalSize         = %lu\n", (ulong)q->signal_size);
 	seq_printf(seq, "   MaxSignalSlots     = %lu\n",
-		   (ulong) q->MaxSignalSlots);
-	seq_printf(seq, "   MaxSignals         = %lu\n", (ulong) q->MaxSignals);
+		   (ulong)q->max_slots);
+	seq_printf(seq, "   MaxSignals         = %lu\n", (ulong)q->max_signals);
 	seq_printf(seq, "   FeatureFlags       = %-16.16Lx\n",
-		   (long long) q->FeatureFlags);
+		   (long long)q->features);
 	seq_printf(seq, "   NumSignalsSent     = %llu\n",
-		   (long long) q->NumSignalsSent);
+		   (long long)q->num_sent);
 	seq_printf(seq, "   NumSignalsReceived = %llu\n",
-		   (long long) q->NumSignalsReceived);
+		   (long long)q->num_received);
 	seq_printf(seq, "   NumOverflows       = %llu\n",
-		   (long long) q->NumOverflows);
-	seq_printf(seq, "   Head               = %lu\n", (ulong) q->Head);
-	seq_printf(seq, "   Tail               = %lu\n", (ulong) q->Tail);
+		   (long long)q->num_overflows);
+	seq_printf(seq, "   Head               = %lu\n", (ulong)q->head);
+	seq_printf(seq, "   Tail               = %lu\n", (ulong)q->tail);

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