[PATCH 10/19] Merge dgap_fep5.h into dgap_driver.h

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There is a lot of cleanup work to do on these digi drivers and merging as
much as is possible will make it easier. I also notice that many merged
drivers are single source and header.

Signed-off-by: Mark Hounschell <markh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.c |   1 -
 drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.h | 222 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_fep5.h   | 253 -------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_fep5.h

diff --git a/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.c b/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.c
index 6b1ff66..bba9fac 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.c
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
 #include "dgap_driver.h"
 #include "dgap_pci.h"
-#include "dgap_fep5.h"
 #include "dgap_conf.h"
 #include "dgap_parse.h"
 #include "dgap_types.h"
diff --git a/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.h b/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.h
index 640c46d..8bd6416 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_driver.h
@@ -238,6 +238,119 @@
 # define DGAP_UNLOCK(x,y)		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(x), y)
 # define DGAP_TRYLOCK(x,y)		spin_trylock(&(x))
+ *      FEP memory offsets
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define START           0x0004L         /* Execution start address      */
+#define CMDBUF          0x0d10L         /* Command (cm_t) structure offset */
+#define CMDSTART        0x0400L         /* Start of command buffer      */
+#define CMDMAX          0x0800L         /* End of command buffer        */
+#define EVBUF           0x0d18L         /* Event (ev_t) structure       */
+#define EVSTART         0x0800L         /* Start of event buffer        */
+#define EVMAX           0x0c00L         /* End of event buffer          */
+#define FEP5_PLUS       0x0E40          /* ASCII '5' and ASCII 'A' is here  */
+#define ECS_SEG         0x0E44          /* Segment of the extended channel structure */
+#define LINE_SPEED      0x10            /* Offset into ECS_SEG for line speed   */
+                                        /* if the fep has extended capabilities */
+#define ERROR           0x0C14L		/* BIOS error code              */
+#define SEQUENCE	0x0C12L		/* BIOS sequence indicator      */
+#define POSTAREA	0x0C00L		/* POST complete message area   */
+#define FEPSTAT         POSTAREA        /* OS here when FEP comes up    */
+#define NCHAN           0x0C02L         /* number of ports FEP sees     */
+#define PANIC           0x0C10L         /* PANIC area for FEP           */
+#define KMEMEM          0x0C30L         /* Memory for KME use           */
+#define CONFIG          0x0CD0L         /* Concentrator configuration info */
+#define CONFIGSIZE      0x0030          /* configuration info size      */
+#define DOWNREQ         0x0D00          /* Download request buffer pointer */
+#define CHANBUF         0x1000L         /* Async channel (bs_t) structs */
+#define FEPOSSIZE       0x1FFF          /* 8K FEPOS                     */
+#define XEMPORTS    0xC02	/*
+				 * Offset in board memory where FEP5 stores
+				 * how many ports it has detected.
+				 * NOTE: FEP5 reports 64 ports when the user
+				 * has the cable in EBI OUT instead of EBI IN.
+				 */
+#define FEPCLR      0x00
+#define FEPMEM      0x02
+#define FEPRST      0x04
+#define FEPINT      0x08
+#define FEPMASK     0x0e
+#define FEPWIN      0x80
+#define LOWMEM      0x0100
+#define HIGHMEM     0x7f00
+#define FEPTIMEOUT 200000
+#define ENABLE_INTR		0x0e04		/* Enable interrupts flag */
+#define FEPPOLL_MIN		1		/* minimum of 1 millisecond */
+#define FEPPOLL_MAX		20		/* maximum of 20 milliseconds */
+#define FEPPOLL			0x0c26		/* Fep event poll interval */
+#define	IALTPIN			0x0080		/* Input flag to swap DSR <-> DCD */
+ * FEP supported functions
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define SRLOW		0xe0		/* Set receive low water	*/
+#define SRHIGH		0xe1		/* Set receive high water	*/
+#define FLUSHTX		0xe2		/* Flush transmit buffer	*/
+#define PAUSETX		0xe3		/* Pause data transmission	*/
+#define RESUMETX	0xe4		/* Resume data transmission	*/
+#define SMINT		0xe5		/* Set Modem Interrupt		*/
+#define SAFLOWC		0xe6		/* Set Aux. flow control chars	*/
+#define SBREAK		0xe8		/* Send break			*/
+#define SMODEM		0xe9		/* Set 8530 modem control lines	*/
+#define SIFLAG		0xea		/* Set UNIX iflags		*/
+#define SFLOWC		0xeb		/* Set flow control characters	*/
+#define STLOW		0xec		/* Set transmit low water mark	*/
+#define RPAUSE		0xee		/* Pause receive		*/
+#define RRESUME		0xef		/* Resume receive		*/
+#define CHRESET		0xf0		/* Reset Channel		*/
+#define BUFSETALL	0xf2		/* Set Tx & Rx buffer size avail*/
+#define SOFLAG		0xf3		/* Set UNIX oflags		*/
+#define SHFLOW		0xf4		/* Set hardware handshake	*/
+#define SCFLAG		0xf5		/* Set UNIX cflags		*/
+#define SVNEXT		0xf6		/* Set VNEXT character		*/
+#define SPINTFC		0xfc		/* Reserved			*/
+#define SCOMMODE	0xfd		/* Set RS232/422 mode		*/
+ *	Modes for SCOMMODE
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define MODE_232	0x00
+#define MODE_422	0x01
+ *      Event flags.
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define IFBREAK         0x01            /* Break received               */
+#define IFTLW           0x02            /* Transmit low water           */
+#define IFTEM           0x04            /* Transmitter empty            */
+#define IFDATA          0x08            /* Receive data present         */
+#define IFMODEM         0x20            /* Modem status change          */
+ *      Modem flags
+ ************************************************************************/
+#       define  DM_RTS          0x02    /* Request to send              */
+#       define  DM_CD           0x80    /* Carrier detect               */
+#       define  DM_DSR          0x20    /* Data set ready               */
+#       define  DM_CTS          0x10    /* Clear to send                */
+#       define  DM_RI           0x40    /* Ring indicator               */
+#       define  DM_DTR          0x01    /* Data terminal ready          */
  * All the possible states the driver can be while being loaded.
@@ -564,6 +677,115 @@ struct channel_t {
 	wait_queue_head_t ch_sniff_wait;
+ * Command structure definition.
+ ************************************************************************/
+struct cm_t {
+	volatile unsigned short cm_head;	/* Command buffer head offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short cm_tail;	/* Command buffer tail offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short cm_start;	/* start offset of buffer	*/
+	volatile unsigned short cm_max;		/* last offset of buffer	*/
+ * Event structure definition.
+ ************************************************************************/
+struct ev_t {
+	volatile unsigned short ev_head;	/* Command buffer head offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short ev_tail;	/* Command buffer tail offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short ev_start;	/* start offset of buffer	*/
+	volatile unsigned short ev_max;		/* last offset of buffer	*/
+ * Download buffer structure.
+ ************************************************************************/
+struct downld_t {
+	uchar	dl_type;		/* Header                       */
+	uchar	dl_seq;			/* Download sequence            */
+	ushort	dl_srev;		/* Software revision number     */
+	ushort	dl_lrev;		/* Low revision number          */
+	ushort	dl_hrev;		/* High revision number         */
+	ushort	dl_seg;			/* Start segment address        */
+	ushort	dl_size;		/* Number of bytes to download  */
+	uchar	dl_data[1024];		/* Download data                */
+ * Per channel buffer structure
+ ************************************************************************
+ *              Base Structure Entries Usage Meanings to Host           *
+ *                                                                      *
+ *        W = read write        R = read only                           *
+ *        C = changed by commands only                                  *
+ *        U = unknown (may be changed w/o notice)                       *
+ ************************************************************************/
+struct bs_t {
+	volatile unsigned short  tp_jmp;	/* Transmit poll jump		 */
+	volatile unsigned short  tc_jmp;	/* Cooked procedure jump	 */
+	volatile unsigned short  ri_jmp;	/* Not currently used		 */
+	volatile unsigned short  rp_jmp;	/* Receive poll jump		 */
+	volatile unsigned short  tx_seg;	/* W  Tx segment	 */
+	volatile unsigned short  tx_head;	/* W  Tx buffer head offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short  tx_tail;	/* R  Tx buffer tail offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short  tx_max;	/* W  Tx buffer size - 1	 */
+	volatile unsigned short  rx_seg;	/* W  Rx segment		*/
+	volatile unsigned short  rx_head;	/* W  Rx buffer head offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short  rx_tail;	/* R  Rx buffer tail offset	*/
+	volatile unsigned short  rx_max;	/* W  Rx buffer size - 1	 */
+	volatile unsigned short  tx_lw;		/* W  Tx buffer low water mark  */
+	volatile unsigned short  rx_lw;		/* W  Rx buffer low water mark  */
+	volatile unsigned short  rx_hw;		/* W  Rx buffer high water mark */
+	volatile unsigned short  incr;		/* W  Increment to next channel */
+	volatile unsigned short  fepdev;	/* U  SCC device base address    */
+	volatile unsigned short  edelay;	/* W  Exception delay            */
+	volatile unsigned short  blen;		/* W  Break length              */
+	volatile unsigned short  btime;		/* U  Break complete time       */
+	volatile unsigned short  iflag;		/* C  UNIX input flags          */
+	volatile unsigned short  oflag;		/* C  UNIX output flags         */
+	volatile unsigned short  cflag;		/* C  UNIX control flags        */
+	volatile unsigned short  wfill[13];	/* U  Reserved for expansion    */
+	volatile unsigned char   num;		/* U  Channel number            */
+	volatile unsigned char   ract;		/* U  Receiver active counter   */
+	volatile unsigned char   bstat;		/* U  Break status bits         */
+	volatile unsigned char   tbusy;		/* W  Transmit busy             */
+	volatile unsigned char   iempty;	/* W  Transmit empty event enable */
+	volatile unsigned char   ilow;		/* W  Transmit low-water event enable */
+	volatile unsigned char   idata;		/* W  Receive data interrupt enable */
+	volatile unsigned char   eflag;		/* U  Host event flags          */
+	volatile unsigned char   tflag;		/* U  Transmit flags            */
+	volatile unsigned char   rflag;		/* U  Receive flags             */
+	volatile unsigned char   xmask;		/* U  Transmit ready flags      */
+	volatile unsigned char   xval;		/* U  Transmit ready value      */
+	volatile unsigned char   m_stat;	/* RC Modem status bits          */
+	volatile unsigned char   m_change;	/* U  Modem bits which changed  */
+	volatile unsigned char   m_int;		/* W  Modem interrupt enable bits */
+	volatile unsigned char   m_last;	/* U  Last modem status         */
+	volatile unsigned char   mtran;		/* C   Unreported modem trans   */
+	volatile unsigned char   orun;		/* C   Buffer overrun occurred  */
+	volatile unsigned char   astartc;	/* W   Auxiliary Xon char       */
+	volatile unsigned char   astopc;	/* W   Auxiliary Xoff char      */
+	volatile unsigned char   startc;	/* W   Xon character             */
+	volatile unsigned char   stopc;		/* W   Xoff character           */
+	volatile unsigned char   vnextc;	/* W   Vnext character           */
+	volatile unsigned char   hflow;		/* C   Software flow control    */
+	volatile unsigned char   fillc;		/* U   Delay Fill character     */
+	volatile unsigned char   ochar;		/* U   Saved output character   */
+	volatile unsigned char   omask;		/* U   Output character mask    */
+	volatile unsigned char   bfill[13];	/* U   Reserved for expansion   */
+	volatile unsigned char   scc[16];	/* U   SCC registers            */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_fep5.h b/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_fep5.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d0650ae..0000000
--- a/drivers/staging/dgap/dgap_fep5.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2003 Digi International (www.digi.com)
- *	Scott H Kilau <Scott_Kilau at digi dot com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- *
- ************************************************************************
- ***	FEP Version 5 dependent definitions
- ************************************************************************/
-#ifndef __DGAP_FEP5_H
-#define __DGAP_FEP5_H
- *      FEP memory offsets
- ************************************************************************/
-#define START           0x0004L         /* Execution start address      */
-#define CMDBUF          0x0d10L         /* Command (cm_t) structure offset */
-#define CMDSTART        0x0400L         /* Start of command buffer      */
-#define CMDMAX          0x0800L         /* End of command buffer        */
-#define EVBUF           0x0d18L         /* Event (ev_t) structure       */
-#define EVSTART         0x0800L         /* Start of event buffer        */
-#define EVMAX           0x0c00L         /* End of event buffer          */
-#define FEP5_PLUS       0x0E40          /* ASCII '5' and ASCII 'A' is here  */
-#define ECS_SEG         0x0E44          /* Segment of the extended channel structure */
-#define LINE_SPEED      0x10            /* Offset into ECS_SEG for line speed   */
-                                        /* if the fep has extended capabilities */
-#define ERROR           0x0C14L		/* BIOS error code              */
-#define SEQUENCE	0x0C12L		/* BIOS sequence indicator      */
-#define POSTAREA	0x0C00L		/* POST complete message area   */
-#define FEPSTAT         POSTAREA        /* OS here when FEP comes up    */
-#define NCHAN           0x0C02L         /* number of ports FEP sees     */
-#define PANIC           0x0C10L         /* PANIC area for FEP           */
-#define KMEMEM          0x0C30L         /* Memory for KME use           */
-#define CONFIG          0x0CD0L         /* Concentrator configuration info */
-#define CONFIGSIZE      0x0030          /* configuration info size      */
-#define DOWNREQ         0x0D00          /* Download request buffer pointer */
-#define CHANBUF         0x1000L         /* Async channel (bs_t) structs */
-#define FEPOSSIZE       0x1FFF          /* 8K FEPOS                     */
-#define XEMPORTS    0xC02	/*
-				 * Offset in board memory where FEP5 stores
-				 * how many ports it has detected.
-				 * NOTE: FEP5 reports 64 ports when the user
-				 * has the cable in EBI OUT instead of EBI IN.
-				 */
-#define FEPCLR      0x00
-#define FEPMEM      0x02
-#define FEPRST      0x04
-#define FEPINT      0x08
-#define FEPMASK     0x0e
-#define FEPWIN      0x80
-#define LOWMEM      0x0100
-#define HIGHMEM     0x7f00
-#define FEPTIMEOUT 200000
-#define ENABLE_INTR		0x0e04		/* Enable interrupts flag */
-#define FEPPOLL_MIN		1		/* minimum of 1 millisecond */
-#define FEPPOLL_MAX		20		/* maximum of 20 milliseconds */
-#define FEPPOLL			0x0c26		/* Fep event poll interval */
-#define	IALTPIN			0x0080		/* Input flag to swap DSR <-> DCD */
- * Command structure definition.
- ************************************************************************/
-struct cm_t {
-	volatile unsigned short cm_head;	/* Command buffer head offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short cm_tail;	/* Command buffer tail offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short cm_start;	/* start offset of buffer	*/
-	volatile unsigned short cm_max;		/* last offset of buffer	*/
- * Event structure definition.
- ************************************************************************/
-struct ev_t {
-	volatile unsigned short ev_head;	/* Command buffer head offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short ev_tail;	/* Command buffer tail offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short ev_start;	/* start offset of buffer	*/
-	volatile unsigned short ev_max;		/* last offset of buffer	*/
- * Download buffer structure.
- ************************************************************************/
-struct downld_t {
-	uchar	dl_type;		/* Header                       */
-	uchar	dl_seq;			/* Download sequence            */
-	ushort	dl_srev;		/* Software revision number     */
-	ushort	dl_lrev;		/* Low revision number          */
-	ushort	dl_hrev;		/* High revision number         */
-	ushort	dl_seg;			/* Start segment address        */
-	ushort	dl_size;		/* Number of bytes to download  */
-	uchar	dl_data[1024];		/* Download data                */
- * Per channel buffer structure
- ************************************************************************
- *              Base Structure Entries Usage Meanings to Host           *
- *                                                                      *
- *        W = read write        R = read only                           *
- *        C = changed by commands only                                  *
- *        U = unknown (may be changed w/o notice)                       *
- ************************************************************************/
-struct bs_t {
-	volatile unsigned short  tp_jmp;	/* Transmit poll jump		 */
-	volatile unsigned short  tc_jmp;	/* Cooked procedure jump	 */
-	volatile unsigned short  ri_jmp;	/* Not currently used		 */
-	volatile unsigned short  rp_jmp;	/* Receive poll jump		 */
-	volatile unsigned short  tx_seg;	/* W  Tx segment	 */
-	volatile unsigned short  tx_head;	/* W  Tx buffer head offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short  tx_tail;	/* R  Tx buffer tail offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short  tx_max;	/* W  Tx buffer size - 1	 */
-	volatile unsigned short  rx_seg;	/* W  Rx segment		*/
-	volatile unsigned short  rx_head;	/* W  Rx buffer head offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short  rx_tail;	/* R  Rx buffer tail offset	*/
-	volatile unsigned short  rx_max;	/* W  Rx buffer size - 1	 */
-	volatile unsigned short  tx_lw;		/* W  Tx buffer low water mark  */
-	volatile unsigned short  rx_lw;		/* W  Rx buffer low water mark  */
-	volatile unsigned short  rx_hw;		/* W  Rx buffer high water mark */
-	volatile unsigned short  incr;		/* W  Increment to next channel */
-	volatile unsigned short  fepdev;	/* U  SCC device base address    */
-	volatile unsigned short  edelay;	/* W  Exception delay            */
-	volatile unsigned short  blen;		/* W  Break length              */
-	volatile unsigned short  btime;		/* U  Break complete time       */
-	volatile unsigned short  iflag;		/* C  UNIX input flags          */
-	volatile unsigned short  oflag;		/* C  UNIX output flags         */
-	volatile unsigned short  cflag;		/* C  UNIX control flags        */
-	volatile unsigned short  wfill[13];	/* U  Reserved for expansion    */
-	volatile unsigned char   num;		/* U  Channel number            */
-	volatile unsigned char   ract;		/* U  Receiver active counter   */
-	volatile unsigned char   bstat;		/* U  Break status bits         */
-	volatile unsigned char   tbusy;		/* W  Transmit busy             */
-	volatile unsigned char   iempty;	/* W  Transmit empty event enable */
-	volatile unsigned char   ilow;		/* W  Transmit low-water event enable */
-	volatile unsigned char   idata;		/* W  Receive data interrupt enable */
-	volatile unsigned char   eflag;		/* U  Host event flags          */
-	volatile unsigned char   tflag;		/* U  Transmit flags            */
-	volatile unsigned char   rflag;		/* U  Receive flags             */
-	volatile unsigned char   xmask;		/* U  Transmit ready flags      */
-	volatile unsigned char   xval;		/* U  Transmit ready value      */
-	volatile unsigned char   m_stat;	/* RC Modem status bits          */
-	volatile unsigned char   m_change;	/* U  Modem bits which changed  */
-	volatile unsigned char   m_int;		/* W  Modem interrupt enable bits */
-	volatile unsigned char   m_last;	/* U  Last modem status         */
-	volatile unsigned char   mtran;		/* C   Unreported modem trans   */
-	volatile unsigned char   orun;		/* C   Buffer overrun occurred  */
-	volatile unsigned char   astartc;	/* W   Auxiliary Xon char       */
-	volatile unsigned char   astopc;	/* W   Auxiliary Xoff char      */
-	volatile unsigned char   startc;	/* W   Xon character             */
-	volatile unsigned char   stopc;		/* W   Xoff character           */
-	volatile unsigned char   vnextc;	/* W   Vnext character           */
-	volatile unsigned char   hflow;		/* C   Software flow control    */
-	volatile unsigned char   fillc;		/* U   Delay Fill character     */
-	volatile unsigned char   ochar;		/* U   Saved output character   */
-	volatile unsigned char   omask;		/* U   Output character mask    */
-	volatile unsigned char   bfill[13];	/* U   Reserved for expansion   */
-	volatile unsigned char   scc[16];	/* U   SCC registers            */
- * FEP supported functions
- ************************************************************************/
-#define SRLOW		0xe0		/* Set receive low water	*/
-#define SRHIGH		0xe1		/* Set receive high water	*/
-#define FLUSHTX		0xe2		/* Flush transmit buffer	*/
-#define PAUSETX		0xe3		/* Pause data transmission	*/
-#define RESUMETX	0xe4		/* Resume data transmission	*/
-#define SMINT		0xe5		/* Set Modem Interrupt		*/
-#define SAFLOWC		0xe6		/* Set Aux. flow control chars	*/
-#define SBREAK		0xe8		/* Send break			*/
-#define SMODEM		0xe9		/* Set 8530 modem control lines	*/
-#define SIFLAG		0xea		/* Set UNIX iflags		*/
-#define SFLOWC		0xeb		/* Set flow control characters	*/
-#define STLOW		0xec		/* Set transmit low water mark	*/
-#define RPAUSE		0xee		/* Pause receive		*/
-#define RRESUME		0xef		/* Resume receive		*/
-#define CHRESET		0xf0		/* Reset Channel		*/
-#define BUFSETALL	0xf2		/* Set Tx & Rx buffer size avail*/
-#define SOFLAG		0xf3		/* Set UNIX oflags		*/
-#define SHFLOW		0xf4		/* Set hardware handshake	*/
-#define SCFLAG		0xf5		/* Set UNIX cflags		*/
-#define SVNEXT		0xf6		/* Set VNEXT character		*/
-#define SPINTFC		0xfc		/* Reserved			*/
-#define SCOMMODE	0xfd		/* Set RS232/422 mode		*/
- *	Modes for SCOMMODE
- ************************************************************************/
-#define MODE_232	0x00
-#define MODE_422	0x01
- *      Event flags.
- ************************************************************************/
-#define IFBREAK         0x01            /* Break received               */
-#define IFTLW           0x02            /* Transmit low water           */
-#define IFTEM           0x04            /* Transmitter empty            */
-#define IFDATA          0x08            /* Receive data present         */
-#define IFMODEM         0x20            /* Modem status change          */
- *      Modem flags
- ************************************************************************/
-#       define  DM_RTS          0x02    /* Request to send              */
-#       define  DM_CD           0x80    /* Carrier detect               */
-#       define  DM_DSR          0x20    /* Data set ready               */
-#       define  DM_CTS          0x10    /* Clear to send                */
-#       define  DM_RI           0x40    /* Ring indicator               */
-#       define  DM_DTR          0x01    /* Data terminal ready          */

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