[PATCH RFC 03/17 v2] staging: dgap: Remove userland downld.c source file

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Remove userland downld.c source file. This file is not used by the kernel.

Signed-off-by: Mark Hounschell <markh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

 drivers/staging/dgap/downld.c |  798 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 798 deletions(-)

diff -urN linux-3.13.1-orig/drivers/staging/dgap/downld.c linux-3.13.1-new/drivers/staging/dgap/downld.c
--- linux-3.13.1-orig/drivers/staging/dgap/downld.c	2014-01-29 08:06:37.000000000 -0500
+++ linux-3.13.1-new/drivers/staging/dgap/downld.c	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2003 Digi International (www.digi.com)
- *	Scott H Kilau <Scott_Kilau at digi dot com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * $Id: downld.c,v 1.6 2009/01/14 14:10:54 markh Exp $
- */
-** downld.c
-**  This is the daemon that sends the fep, bios, and concentrator images
-**  from user space to the driver.
-** BUGS: 
-**  If the file changes in the middle of the download, you probably
-**     will get what you deserve.
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/errno.h>
-#include "dgap_types.h"
-#include "digi.h"
-#include "dgap_fep5.h"
-#include "dgap_downld.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-char		*pgm;
-void		myperror();
-**  This structure is used to keep track of the different images available
-**  to give to the driver.  It is arranged so that the things that are
-**  constants or that have defaults are first inthe strucutre to simplify
-**  the table of initializers.
-struct image_info {
-	short	type;		/* bios, fep, conc */
-	short	family;		/* boards this applies to */
-	short	subtype;	/* subtype */
-	int	len;		/* size of image */
-	char	*image;		/* ioctl struct + image */
-	char	*name;
-	char	*fname;		/* filename of binary (i.e. "asfep.bin") */
-	char	*pathname;	/* pathname to this binary ("/etc/dgap/xrfep.bin"); */
-	time_t	mtime;		/* Last modification time */
-#define IBIOS	0
-#define	IFEP	1
-#define	ICONC	2
-#define ICONFIG	3
-#define	IBAD	4
-#define DEFAULT_LOC "/lib/firmware/dgap/"
-struct image_info	*image_list;
-int			nimages, count;
-struct image_info images[] = {
-{IBIOS, T_EPC,      SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "EPC/X",	"fxbios.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "fxbios.bin", 0 },
-{IFEP,  T_EPC,      SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "EPC/X",	"fxfep.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "fxfep.bin", 0 },
-{ICONC, T_EPC,      SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "EPC/X",	"fxcon.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "fxcon.bin", 0 },
-{IBIOS, T_CX,       SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "C/X",	"cxbios.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "cxbios.bin", 0 },
-{IFEP,  T_CX,       SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "C/X",	"cxhost.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "cxhost.bin", 0 },
-{IBIOS, T_CX,       T_PCIBUS, 0, NULL, "C/X PCI", "cxpbios.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "cxpbios.bin", 0 },
-{IFEP,  T_CX,       T_PCIBUS, 0, NULL, "C/X PCI", "cxpfep.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "cxpfep.bin", 0 },
-{ICONC, T_CX,       SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "C/X",	"cxcon.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "cxcon.bin", 0 },
-{ICONC, T_CX,       SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "C/X",	"ibmcxcon.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "ibmcxcon.bin", 0 },
-{ICONC, T_CX,       SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "C/X",	"ibmencon.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "ibmencon.bin", 0 },
-{IBIOS, FAMILY,   T_PCXR, 0, NULL, "PCXR",	"xrbios.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "xrbios.bin", 0 },
-{IFEP,  FAMILY,   T_PCXR, 0,  NULL,  "PCXR",	"xrfep.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "xrfep.bin", 0  },
-{IBIOS, T_PCLITE,   SUBTYPE, 0, NULL, "X/em",	"sxbios.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "sxbios.bin", 0 },
-{IFEP,  T_PCLITE,   SUBTYPE, 0,  NULL,  "X/em",	"sxfep.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "sxfep.bin", 0  },
-{IBIOS, T_EPC,      T_PCIBUS, 0, NULL, "PCI",	"pcibios.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "pcibios.bin", 0 },
-{IFEP,  T_EPC,      T_PCIBUS, 0, NULL, "PCI",	"pcifep.bin", DEFAULT_LOC "pcifep.bin", 0 },
-{ICONFIG, 0,	    0, 0, NULL,         NULL,	"dgap.conf",	"/etc/dgap.conf", 0 },
-/* IBAD/NULL entry indicating end-of-table */
-{IBAD,  0,     0, 0,  NULL,  NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 }
-} ;
-int 	errorprint = 1;
-int 	nodldprint = 1;
-int	debugflag;
-int 	fd;
-struct downld_t *ip;	/* Image pointer in current image  */
-struct downld_t *dp; 	/* conc. download */
- * The same for either the FEP or the BIOS. 
- *  Append the downldio header, issue the ioctl, then free
- *  the buffer.  Not horribly CPU efficient, but quite RAM efficient.
- */
-void squirt(int req_type, int bdid, struct image_info *ii)
-	struct downldio	*dliop;
-	int size_buf;
-	int sfd;
-	struct stat sb;
-	/*
-	 * If this binary comes from a file, stat it to see how
-	 * large it is. Yes, we intentionally do this each
-	 * time for the binary may change between loads. 
-	 */
-	if (ii->pathname) {
-		sfd = open(ii->pathname, O_RDONLY);
-		if (sfd < 0 ) {
-			myperror(ii->pathname);
-			goto squirt_end; 
-		}
-		if (fstat(sfd, &sb) == -1 ) {
-			myperror(ii->pathname);
-			goto squirt_end;
-		}
-		ii->len = sb.st_size ; 
-	}
-	size_buf = ii->len + sizeof(struct downldio);
-	/*
-	 * This buffer will be freed at the end of this function.  It is
-	 * not resilient and should be around only long enough for the d/l
-	 * to happen.
-	 */
-	dliop = (struct downldio *) malloc(size_buf);
-	if (dliop == NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't get %d bytes of memory; aborting\n", 
-			pgm, size_buf);
-		exit (1);
-	}
-	/* Now, stick the image in fepimage.  This can come from either
-	 *  the compiled-in image or from the filesystem.
-	 */
-	if (ii->pathname)
-		read(sfd, dliop->image.fi.fepimage, ii->len);
-	else
-		memcpy(dliop ->image.fi.fepimage, ii->image, ii->len);
-	dliop->req_type = req_type;
-	dliop->bdid = bdid;
-	dliop->image.fi.len = ii->len;
-	if (debugflag)
-		printf("sending %d bytes of %s %s from %s\n",
-			ii->len, 
-			(ii->type == IFEP) ? "FEP" : (ii->type == IBIOS) ? "BIOS" : "CONFIG",
-			ii->name ? ii->name : "",
-			(ii->pathname) ? ii->pathname : "internal image" );
-	if (ioctl(fd, DIGI_DLREQ_SET, (char *) dliop) == -1) {
-		if(errorprint) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%s: warning - download ioctl failed\n",pgm);
-			errorprint = 0;
-		}
-		sleep(2);
-	}
-	if (ii->pathname) {
-		close(sfd);
-	}
-	free(dliop);
- *  See if we need to reload the download image in core 
- * 
- */
-void consider_file_rescan(struct image_info *ii)
-	int sfd ; 
-	int len ; 
-	struct stat 	sb;
-	/* This operation only makes sense when we're working from a file */
-	if (ii->pathname) {
-		sfd = open (ii->pathname, O_RDONLY) ;
-		if (sfd < 0 ) {
-			myperror(ii->pathname);
-			exit(1) ;
-		}
-		if( fstat(sfd,&sb) == -1 ) {
-			myperror(ii->pathname);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		/* If the file hasn't changed since we last did this, 
-		 * and we have not done a free() on the image, bail  
-		 */
-		if (ii->image && (sb.st_mtime == ii->mtime))
-			goto end_rescan;
-		ii->len = len = sb.st_size ; 
-		/* Record the timestamp of the file */
-		ii->mtime = sb.st_mtime;
-		/* image should be NULL unless there is an image malloced
-		 * in already.  Before we malloc again, make sure we don't
-		 * have a memory leak.
-		 */
-		if ( ii->image ) {
-			free( ii->image ); 
-			/* ii->image = NULL; */ /* not necessary */
-		}
-		/* This image will be kept only long enough for the 
-		 * download to happen.  After sending the last block, 
-		 * it will be freed
-		 */
-		ii->image = malloc(len) ;
-		if (ii->image == NULL) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%s: can't get %d bytes of memory; aborting\n",
-				 pgm, len);
-			exit (1);
-		}
-		if (read(sfd, ii->image, len) < len) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"%s: read error on %s; aborting\n", 
-				pgm, ii->pathname);
-			exit (1);
-		}
-		close(sfd);
-	}
- * Scan for images to match the driver requests
- */
-struct image_info * find_conc_image()
-	int x ; 
-	struct image_info *i = NULL ; 
-	for ( x = 0; x < nimages; x++ ) {
-		i=&image_list[x];
-		if(i->type != ICONC)
-			continue;
-		consider_file_rescan(i) ;
-		ip = (struct downld_t *) image_list[x].image;
-		if (ip == NULL) continue;
-		/*
-		 * When I removed Clusterport, I kept only the code that I
-		 * was SURE wasn't ClusterPort.  We may not need the next two
-		 * lines of code.
-		 */
-		if ((dp->dl_type != 'P' ) && ( ip->dl_srev == dp->dl_srev ))
-			return i;
-	} 
-	return NULL ; 
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	struct downldio	dlio;
-	int 		offset, bsize;
-	int 		x;
-	char 		*down, *image, *fname;
-	struct image_info *ii;
-	pgm = argv[0];
-	dp = &dlio.image.dl;		/* conc. download */
-	while((argc > 2) && !strcmp(argv[1],"-d")) {
-		debugflag++ ;
-		argc-- ;
-		argv++ ;
-	}
-	if(argc < 2) {
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"usage: %s download-device [image-file] ...\n",
-			pgm);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Daemonize, unless debugging is turned on.
-	 */
-	if (debugflag == 0) {
-		switch (fork())
-		{
-		case 0:
-			break;
-		case -1:
-			return 1;
-		default:
-			return 0;
-		}
-		setsid();
-		/*
-		 * The child no longer needs "stdin", "stdout", or "stderr",
-		 * and should not block processes waiting for them to close.
-		 */
-		fclose(stdin);
-		fclose(stdout);
-		fclose(stderr);
-	}
-	while (1) {
-		if( (fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR)) == -1 ) {
-			sleep(1);
-		}
-		else
-			break;
-	}
-	/*
-	** create a list of images to search through when trying to match
-	** requests from the driver.  Put images from the command line in
-	** the list before built in images so that the command line images
-	** can override the built in ones.
-	*/
-	/* allocate space for the list */
-	nimages = argc - 2;
-	/* count the number of default list entries */
-	for (count = 0; images[count].type != IBAD; ++count) ;
-	nimages += count;
-	/* Really should just remove the variable "image_list".... robertl */
-	image_list = images ; 
-	/* get the images from the command line */
-	for(x = 2; x < argc; x++) {
-		int xx; 
-		/*
-		 * strip off any leading path information for 
-		 * determining file type 
-		 */
-		if( (fname = strrchr(argv[x],'/')) == NULL)
-			fname = argv[x];
-		else
-			fname++;	/* skip the slash */
-		for (xx = 0; xx < count; xx++) {
-			if (strcmp(fname, images[xx].fname) == 0 ) { 
-				images[xx].pathname = argv[x];
-				/* image should be NULL until */
-				/* space is malloced */
-				images[xx].image = NULL ;  
-			}
-		}
-	}
-        sleep(3);
-	/*
-	** Endless loop: get a request from the fep, and service that request.
-	*/
-	for(;;) {
-		/* get the request */
-		if (debugflag)
-			printf("b4 get ioctl...");
-		if (ioctl(fd,DIGI_DLREQ_GET, &dlio) == -1 ) {
-			if (errorprint) {
-				fprintf(stderr,
-					"%s: warning - download ioctl failed\n",
-					pgm);
-				errorprint = 0;
-			}
-			sleep(2);
-		} else {
-			if (debugflag)
-				printf("dlio.req_type is %d bd %d\n",
-					dlio.req_type,dlio.bdid);
-			switch(dlio.req_type) {
-			case DLREQ_BIOS:
-				/*
-				** find the bios image for this type
-				*/
-				for ( x = 0; x < nimages; x++ ) {
-					if(image_list[x].type != IBIOS)
-						continue;
-					if ((dlio.image.fi.type & FAMILY) == 
-						image_list[x].family) {
-						if ( image_list[x].family == T_CX   ) { 
-							if ((dlio.image.fi.type & BUSTYPE) 
-								== T_PCIBUS ) {
-								if ( image_list[x].subtype 
-									== T_PCIBUS )
-									break;
-							}
-							else { 
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-						else if ( image_list[x].family == T_EPC ) {
-						/* If subtype of image is T_PCIBUS, it is */
-						/* a PCI EPC image, so the board must */
-						/* have bus type T_PCIBUS to match */
-							if ((dlio.image.fi.type & BUSTYPE) 
-								== T_PCIBUS ) {
-								if ( image_list[x].subtype 
-									== T_PCIBUS )
-									break;
-							}
-							else { 
-							/* NON PCI EPC doesn't use PCI image */
-								if ( image_list[x].subtype 
-									!= T_PCIBUS )
-									break;
-							}
-						}
-						else
-							break;
-					}
-					else if ((dlio.image.fi.type & SUBTYPE) == image_list[x].subtype) {
-						/* PCXR board will break out of the loop here */
-						if ( image_list[x].subtype == T_PCXR   ) { 
-									break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if ( x >= nimages) {
-					/*
-					** no valid images exist
-					*/
-					if(nodldprint) {
-						fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: cannot find correct BIOS image\n",
-							pgm);
-						nodldprint = 0;
-					}
-					dlio.image.fi.type = -1;
-					if (ioctl(fd, DIGI_DLREQ_SET, &dlio) == -1) {
-						if (errorprint) {
-							fprintf(stderr,
-							"%s: warning - download ioctl failed\n",
-							pgm);
-							errorprint = 0;
-						}
-						sleep(2);
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-				squirt(dlio.req_type, dlio.bdid, &image_list[x]);
-				break ;
-			case DLREQ_FEP:
-				/*
-				** find the fep image for this type
-				*/
-				for ( x = 0; x < nimages; x++ ) {
-					if(image_list[x].type != IFEP)
-						continue;
-					if( (dlio.image.fi.type & FAMILY) == 
-						image_list[x].family ) {
-						if ( image_list[x].family == T_CX   ) { 
-							/* C/X PCI board */
-							if ((dlio.image.fi.type & BUSTYPE) 
-								== T_PCIBUS ) {
-								if ( image_list[x].subtype
-									== T_PCIBUS )
-									break;
-							}
-							else { 
-							/* Regular CX */
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-						else if ( image_list[x].family == T_EPC   )  {
-						/* If subtype of image is T_PCIBUS, it is */
-						/* a PCI EPC image, so the board must */
-						/* have bus type T_PCIBUS to match */
-							if ((dlio.image.fi.type & BUSTYPE) 
-								== T_PCIBUS ) {
-								if ( image_list[x].subtype 
-									== T_PCIBUS )
-									break;
-							}
-							else { 
-							/* NON PCI EPC doesn't use PCI image */
-								if ( image_list[x].subtype 
-									!= T_PCIBUS )
-									break;
-							}
-						}
-						else
-							break;
-					}
-					else if ((dlio.image.fi.type & SUBTYPE) == image_list[x].subtype) {
-						/* PCXR board will break out of the loop here */
-						if ( image_list[x].subtype == T_PCXR   ) { 
-									break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if ( x >= nimages) {
-					/*
-					** no valid images exist
-					*/
-					if(nodldprint) {
-						fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: cannot find correct FEP image\n",
-							pgm);
-						nodldprint = 0;
-					}
-					dlio.image.fi.type=-1;
-					if( ioctl(fd,DIGI_DLREQ_SET,&dlio) == -1 ) {
-						if(errorprint) {
-							fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: warning - download ioctl failed\n",
-								pgm);
-							errorprint=0;
-						}
-						sleep(2);
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-				squirt(dlio.req_type, dlio.bdid, &image_list[x]);
-				break;
-				{
-					char string[1024];
-#if 0
-					sprintf(string, "%s /proc/dgap/%d/mknod", DEFSHELL, dlio.bdid);
-					sprintf(string, "%s /usr/sbin/dgap_updatedevs %d", DEFSHELL, dlio.bdid);
-					system(string);
-					if (debugflag)
-						printf("Created Devices.\n");
-					if (ioctl(fd, DIGI_DLREQ_SET, &dlio) == -1 ) {
-						if(errorprint) {
-							fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - DEVCREATE ioctl failed\n",pgm);
-							errorprint = 0;
-						}
-						sleep(2);
-					}
-					if (debugflag)
-						printf("After ioctl set - Created Device.\n");
-				}
-				break;
-			case DLREQ_CONFIG:
-				for ( x = 0; x < nimages; x++ ) {
-					if(image_list[x].type != ICONFIG)
-						continue;
-					else
-						break;
-				}
-				if ( x >= nimages) {
-					/*
-					** no valid images exist
-					*/
-					if(nodldprint) {
-						fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: cannot find correct CONFIG image\n",
-							pgm);
-						nodldprint = 0;
-					}
-					dlio.image.fi.type=-1;
-					if (ioctl(fd, DIGI_DLREQ_SET, &dlio) == -1 ) {
-						if(errorprint) {
-							fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: warning - download ioctl failed\n",
-								pgm);
-							errorprint=0;
-						}
-						sleep(2);
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-				squirt(dlio.req_type, dlio.bdid, &image_list[x]);
-				break;
-			case DLREQ_CONC:
-				/*
-				** find the image needed for this download
-				*/
-				if ( dp->dl_seq == 0 ) {
-					/*
-					** find image for hardware rev range
-					*/
-					for ( x = 0; x < nimages; x++ ) {
-						ii=&image_list[x];
-						if(image_list[x].type != ICONC)
-							continue;
-						consider_file_rescan(ii) ;
-						ip = (struct downld_t *) image_list[x].image;
-						if (ip == NULL) continue;
-						/*
-						 * When I removed Clusterport, I kept only the
-						 * code that I was SURE wasn't ClusterPort.
-						 * We may not need the next four lines of code.
-						 */
-						if ((dp->dl_type != 'P' ) &&
-						 (ip->dl_lrev <= dp->dl_lrev ) && 
-						 ( dp->dl_lrev <= ip->dl_hrev))
-							break;
-					}
-					if ( x >= nimages ) {
-						/*
-						** No valid images exist
-						*/
-						if(nodldprint) {
-							fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: cannot find correct download image %d\n",
-								pgm, dp->dl_lrev);
-							nodldprint=0;
-						}
-						continue;
-					}
-				} else {
-					/*
-					** find image version required
-					*/
-					if ((ii = find_conc_image()) == NULL ) {
-						/*
-						** No valid images exist
-						*/
-						fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: can't find rest of download image??\n",
-							pgm);
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				/*
-				** download block of image
-				*/
-				offset = 1024 * dp->dl_seq;
-				/*
-				** test if block requested within image
-				*/
-				if ( offset < ii->len ) { 
-					/*
-					** if it is, determine block size, set segment,
-					** set size, set pointers, and copy block
-					*/
-					if (( bsize = ii->len - offset ) > 1024 )
-						bsize = 1024;
-					/*
-					** copy image version info to download area
-					*/
-					dp->dl_srev = ip->dl_srev;
-					dp->dl_lrev = ip->dl_lrev;
-					dp->dl_hrev = ip->dl_hrev;
-					dp->dl_seg = (64 * dp->dl_seq) + ip->dl_seg;
-					dp->dl_size = bsize;
-					down = (char *)&dp->dl_data[0];
-					image = (char *)((char *)ip + offset);
-					memcpy(down, image, bsize);
-				} 
-				else {
-					/*
-					** Image has been downloaded, set segment and
-					** size to indicate no more blocks
-					*/
-					dp->dl_seg = ip->dl_seg;
-					dp->dl_size = 0;
-					/* Now, we can release the concentrator */
-					/* image from memory if we're running  */
-					/* from filesystem images */
-					if (ii->pathname)
-						if (ii->image) {
-							free(ii->image);
-							ii->image = NULL ; 
-						} 
-				}
-				if (debugflag)
-						printf(
-						"sending conc dl section %d to %s from %s\n",
-							dp->dl_seq, ii->name,
-						ii->pathname ? ii->pathname : "Internal Image");
-				if (ioctl(fd, DIGI_DLREQ_SET, &dlio) == -1 ) {
-					if (errorprint) {
-						fprintf(stderr,
-						"%s: warning - download ioctl failed\n",
-							pgm);
-						errorprint=0;
-					}
-					sleep(2);
-				}
-				break;
-			} /* switch */
-		}
-		if (debugflag > 1) {
-			printf("pausing: "); fflush(stdout);
-			fflush(stdin);
-			while(getchar() != '\n');
-				printf("continuing\n");
-		}
-	}
-** myperror()
-**  Same as normal perror(), but places the program name at the beginning
-**  of the message.
-void myperror(char *s)
-	fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: %s.\n",pgm, s, strerror(errno));

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