On Fri, 25 Feb 2011 14:17:03 +0100, Dan Carpenter <error27@xxxxxxxxx>
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 11:31:40AM +0100, Arend van Spriel wrote:
Most of the util source files do not need the osl_info anymore due
to previous patches so usage of it has been removed.
@@ -1907,15 +1901,17 @@ static int initvars_srom_pci(si_t *sih, void
*curmap, char **vars, uint *count)
#if defined(BCMNVRAMR)
/* Use OTP if SPROM not available */
- else if ((err = otp_read_pci(osh, sih, srom, SROM_MAX)) == 0) {
- /* OTP only contain SROM rev8/rev9 for now */
- sromrev = srom[SROM4_CRCREV] & 0xff;
- }
else {
- err = 1;
- BS_ERROR(("Neither SPROM nor OTP has valid image\n"));
+ err = otp_read_pci(sih, srom, SROM_MAX);
+ if (err == 0)
+ /* OTP only contain SROM rev8/rev9 for now */
+ sromrev = srom[SROM4_CRCREV] & 0xff;
+ else {
+ err = 1;
+ BS_ERROR(("Neither SPROM nor OTP has valid image\n"));
+ }
In the original code, if si_is_sprom_available() returns false and
BCMNVRAMR is not defined, then err is set to 1, but in the new code
it's 0.
dan carpenter
Given the dependencies of these patches I probably should resend the whole
Gr. AvS
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the
mind to correlate all its contents." - "The Call of Cthulhu"
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