Hi! First of all, sorry Greg for confsuion;) There is a driver for a ZTE ZXDSL modem (USB ADSL modem). The driver sources are under the GPL licence, but there is a .o part with closed source. The driver is able to compile on x86 architecture (because the .o part is compiled only for this architecture). I just want to ask if there is a possibility that someone could take care about this driver, because it is not developed yet. I'm asking also, because the modem is very popular in Poland and it still getting more (popular), so it would be nice to see the working driver with new kernels. Here I put the sources of the driver patched by polish users (the patch made it able to compile with the 2.6.22 kernels - we didn't test it with newer kernels): http://ubudsl.ubuntu.pl/linuxdriverproject/unicorn_II-patched.tar I had mailed to the company about this driver but I got only answer that the driver's author isn't working on it anymore. Moreover, I find no driver sources on the internet. I have it from a CD provided by my ADSL provider. Thanks.