Is it only me, getting zero-byte PDFs from SVG and this ImageMagick error? $ make pdfdocs ... WARNING: Error #1 when calling: /usr/bin/convert \ Documentation/doc-guide/svg_image.svg \ Documentation/output/latex/svg_image.pdf this is due to a ghostscript vulnerability [1] and was fixed since gs 9.24. If your gs is newer: $ gs --version 9.26 You can add the needed policy to ImageMagick to your policy.xml but first lookout for existing entries in the policy.xml.: $ locate policy.xml /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml There you need to add at least the rights to write PDFs: <policy domain="coder" rights="write" pattern="PDF" /> Hope that helps ... @Jonathan: do we need a entry in the docs [3]? -- Markus -- [1] [2] [3]