On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 17:23:30 +0200 Alexandre Torgue <alexandre.torgue@xxxxxx> wrote: > >> +Datasheet and reference manual are publicly available on ST website: > >> +.. _STM32MP157: https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32mp157.html > >> + > > > > Adding the URL is a fine idea. But you don't need the extra syntax to > > create a link if you're not going to actually make a link out of it. So > > I'd take the ".. _STM32MP157:" part out and life will be good. > > > > We also did it for older stm32 product. Idea was to not have the "full" > address but just a shortcut of the link when html file is read. It maybe > makes no sens ? (if yes we will have to update older stm32 overview :)) Did you actually run it through Sphinx to see what you get? If I understand the effect you're after, you want something like this: The datasheet and reference manual are publicly available on STM32MP157_. .. _STM32MP157: https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32mp157.html IOW you have to actually *use* the label you are setting up. That's a fine way to do it, I guess, though I'm not really convinced it's better than just putting the URL in directly. Thanks, jon