在 3/16/25 8:59 AM, Dongliang Mu 写道:
On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 6:28 PM Yanteng Si <siyanteng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Yanteng Si <si.yanteng@xxxxxxxxx>
Many new faces keep appearing on the mailing list from time to
time, and there may be many potential developers who want to
participate in the Chinese translation but don't know how to
get started. As more and more documents are translated, it is
becoming increasingly important to improve the maintainability
of Chinese documents. We have a lot of conventions, but currently
these conventions are still being passed on orally. At the same
time, during the review process, especially for the first few
patches submitted by newbies, we have made too many repetitive
comments. In order to address the above issues, I have drafted
this guide, and there is still a lot that needs to be improved.
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20250227103602.321198-1-si.yanteng@xxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Yanteng Si <si.yanteng@xxxxxxxxx>
As observed from my side, I think this how-to-translate manual covers
all the things in my mind (only some comments left below).
If Yanteng has other things in mind, I can help write some guidance.
I think there is still a lack of a quick guide to using
reStructuredText (RST). We should sort out the
frequently used chapters, simplify the content, and
insert them as a subsection at an appropriate position
in this article. It would be best to include many small
examples. Refer to
Of course, many common compilation warnings often
puzzle beginners. Perhaps a small section on these
should also be added.
Dongliang Mu
Documentation/translations/zh_CN/how-to.rst | 445 ++++++++++++++++++++
Documentation/translations/zh_CN/index.rst | 24 +-
2 files changed, 457 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Documentation/translations/zh_CN/how-to.rst
diff --git a/Documentation/translations/zh_CN/how-to.rst b/Documentation/translations/zh_CN/how-to.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..280fd3263237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/translations/zh_CN/how-to.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ - v1.0 2025年3月14日,司延腾参考社区的指导意见修订了部分内容。
+过去几年,在广大社区爱好者的友好合作下,Linux 内核中文文档迎来了蓬勃的发
+reviewer 们只能耐心地指导他们如何与社区更好地合作,但是这项工作具有重复
+性,长此以往,会渐渐浇灭 reviewer 审阅的热情。
+linux 发行版和简单地使用 linux 命令行,那么可以迅速开始了。若您尚不具备该
+能。您需要注意的一点是,请不要使用 root 用户进行后续步骤和文档翻译。
+中文文档翻译工作目前独立于 linux-doc 开发树开展,所以您需要拉取该开发树,
+ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/alexs/linux.git
+ git clone https://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/git/lwn.git
git clone https://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/git/kernel-doc-zh.git linux
In order to keep this same directory, I just add a folder name.
+这是 linux-doc 开发树,可能会落后于 Alex 的开发树,但是不多。如果将来有较快
+的 mirror,请随时更改。
We can change to :
这是 Alex 开发树的镜像库,每两个小时同步一次上游。如果将来有较快的 mirror,可随时更改。
how about:
这是 Alex 开发树的镜像库,每两个小时同步一次上游。如果您了解到更快的 mirror,请随时 **添加** 。
+命令执行完毕后,您会在当前目录下得到一个 linux 目录,该目录就是您之后的工作
+ cd linux
+ ./scripts/sphinx-pre-install
+ You should run:
+ sudo dnf install -y dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts graphviz-gd latexmk librsvg2-tools texlive-anyfontsize texlive-capt-of texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-ctex texlive-eqparbox texlive-fncychap texlive-framed texlive-luatex85 texlive-multirow texlive-needspace texlive-tabulary texlive-threeparttable texlive-upquote texlive-wrapfig texlive-xecjk
+ Sphinx needs to be installed either:
+ 1) via pip/pypi with:
+ /usr/bin/python3 -m venv sphinx_latest
+ . sphinx_latest/bin/activate
+ pip install -r ./Documentation/sphinx/requirements.txt
+ If you want to exit the virtualenv, you can use:
+ deactivate
+ 2) As a package with:
+ sudo dnf install -y python3-sphinx
+ Please note that Sphinx >= 3.0 will currently produce false-positive
+ warning when the same name is used for more than one type (functions,
+ structs, enums,...). This is known Sphinx bug. For more details, see:
+ https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/8313
+请您按照提示复制打印的命令到命令行执行,您必须具备 root 权限才能执行 sudo
+sphinx 虚拟环境,即只需要执行::
+ /usr/bin/python3 -m venv sphinx_latest
+ . sphinx_latest/bin/activate
+ pip install -r ./Documentation/sphinx/requirements.txt
+ deactivate
+ . sphinx_latest/bin/activate
+ cd linux
+ . sphinx_latest/bin/activate
+ make cleandocs
+ make htmldocs
+ deactivate
+ sudo dnf install git-email
+ vim ~/.gitconfig
+ [user]
+ name = Yanteng Si # 这会出现在您的补丁头部签名栏
+ email = si.yanteng@xxxxxxxxx # 这会出现在您的补丁头部签名栏
+ [sendemail]
+ from = Yanteng Si <si.yanteng@xxxxxxxxx> # 这会出现在您的补丁头部
+ smtpencryption = ssl
+ smtpserver = smtp.migadu.com
+ smtpuser = si.yanteng@xxxxxxxxx
+ smtppass = <passwd> # 建议使用第三方客户端专用密码
+ chainreplyto = false
+ smtpserverport = 465
+文档文件和对应的 index.rst 复制到 zh_CN 目录下对应的位置,然后修改更
+上一级的 index 即可开始您的翻译。