kernel-doc gets confused by code like the following: /** * define HOMA_MIN_DEFAULT_PORT - The 16-bit port space is divided into * two nonoverlapping regions. Ports 1-32767 are reserved exclusively * for well-defined server ports. The remaining ports are used for client * ports; these are allocated automatically by Homa. Port 0 is reserved. */ #define HOMA_MIN_DEFAULT_PORT 0x8000 It seems to use the last "-" on the line (the one in "16-bit") rather than the first one, so it produces the following false error message: homa.h:50: warning: expecting prototype for HOMA_MIN_DEFAULT_PORT - The 16(). Prototype was for HOMA_MIN_DEFAULT_PORT() instead There are similar problems if there is a ":" later on the line. -John-