I worked for a company that tried to adop FOU/GUE(which is basically the
same thing) with some extra features a few years ago.
The project failed unluckily but I am still willing to contribute to
this protocol if possible.
I've noticed that GUE is now "Expired Internet-Draft" in IETF, but I
also noticed that fou.c has been rename
to fou_core.c, fou_bpf.c, fou_nl.c.
ref: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-intarea-gue/
I'd like to know:
Should I contribute to this protocol?
Is FOU/GUE dead?
If I'm allowed to get it involved, can I add advanced features(such as
FEC forward error correction) beyond the draft(version 9)?
Aiden Leong