On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 08:06:37AM +0700, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:
On 6/15/22 01:40, Greg Kroah-Hartman wrote:
+ .. list-table::
+ * - 'Not affected'
+ - The processor is not vulnerable
+ * - 'Vulnerable'
+ - The processor is vulnerable, but no mitigation enabled
+ * - 'Vulnerable: Clear CPU buffers attempted, no microcode'
+ - The processor is vulnerable, but microcode is not updated. The
+ mitigation is enabled on a best effort basis.
+ * - 'Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers'
+ - The processor is vulnerable and the CPU buffer clearing mitigation is
+ enabled.
+If the processor is vulnerable then the following information is appended to
+the above information:
+ ======================== ===========================================
+ 'SMT vulnerable' SMT is enabled
+ 'SMT disabled' SMT is disabled
+ 'SMT Host state unknown' Kernel runs in a VM, Host SMT state unknown
+ ======================== ===========================================
Why is list-table used in sysfs table instead of usual ASCII table in SMT
vulnerabilities list above? I think using ASCII table in both cases is enough
for the purpose.
Maybe you are right (and I am no expert in this), but quite a few
documents use list-table for sysfs status: