On 8/5/2021 10:25 AM, Kuppuswamy, Sathyanarayanan wrote:
On 8/5/21 9:37 AM, Dan Williams wrote:
I overlooked the "authorized" attribute in usb and thunderbolt. The
collision problem makes sense. Are you open to a core "authorized"
attribute that buses like usb and thunderbolt would override in favor
of their local implementation? I.e. similar to suppress_bind_attrs:
Even if such overriding is allowed in default boot, it should not be
allowed in protected guest + driver_filter model.
Allowing overriding would be acceptable, as long as nobody does it by
default. In theory a (root) user program can already do other things
that make the guest insecure.
Still it's not clear to me how this proposal solves the builtin and
platform drivers problem. AFAIK that needs a builtin allowlist in any
case. And once we have that likely we don't need anything else for
current TDX at least, because the allowlist is so small and there is no
concept of hotplug or similar.
Also another consideration is that we were trying to avoid relying too
much on user space for this. One of the goals was to move an existing
guest image to a confidential guest with only minor changes (new kernel
/ enable attestation). Complex changes for securing it would make that
much harder.