Hi there, Sorry to bother. Not sure whether it is correct to post this question to the mail list, but can't find a suitable linux console user mail list for discussing this. If you have good mail list to suggest, please help me to forward. Thanks! The question is: I tried to make my emacs have the same key response on both X and console (ssh pts). However, I can't find scan code for "Ctrl-PageDown" in console mode. I attached the code for testing the scan code, and below is different behavior in X and console: ============= X =========== Press a Key 338 // Just type <PageDown> Press a Key 27 Press a Key 91 Press a Key 54 Press a Key 59 Press a Key 53 Press a Key 126 // 6-chars for <Ctrl-PageDown> ============ Console ========= Press a Key 338 // Same for <PageDown> Press a Key // No response for <Ctrl-PageDown> Any idea on this? Greatly appreciate your replies, your suggested readings, and so on! Best Regards, Lamu Guo =============Below is text of the code, for easily reading to skip attachment================= #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <curses.h> int main(void) { WINDOW *_window = initscr(); int _rows; int _cols; cbreak(); /* Accept all keys */ keypad(_window, true); /* Don't echo things that are typed */ noecho(); /* Get the screen dimensions */ getmaxyx(_window, _rows, _cols); /* Don't display cursor */ curs_set(0); for (;;) { printw("Press a Key "); refresh(); int key = wgetch(_window); printw("%d \n", key); } endwin(); return 0; }
#include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <curses.h> int main(void) { WINDOW *_window = initscr(); int _rows; int _cols; cbreak(); /* Accept all keys */ keypad(_window, true); /* Don't echo things that are typed */ noecho(); /* Get the screen dimensions */ getmaxyx(_window, _rows, _cols); /* Don't display cursor */ curs_set(0); for (;;) { printw("Press a Key "); refresh(); int key = wgetch(_window); printw("%d \n", key); } endwin(); return 0; }