Re: ksmbd: Unsupported addition info

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On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 06:58:50PM +0900, Namjae Jeon wrote:
2021-11-17 16:00 GMT+09:00, Oleksandr Natalenko <oleksandr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

On středa 17. listopadu 2021 0:36:53 CET Namjae Jeon wrote:
2021-11-17 6:44 GMT+09:00, Oleksandr Natalenko
> With the latest ksmbd from the next branch I have an issue with wife's
> Windows
> 10 laptop while copying/removing files from the network share. On her
> client it
> looks like copy operation (server -> laptop) reaches 99% and then
> stalls,
> and
> on the server side there's this in the kernel log:
> ```
> ksmbd: Unsupported addition info: 0xf)
> ksmbd: Unsupported addition info: 0x20)

Namjae, looks like your code is handling the
following flags in query security descriptor:

        if (addition_info & ~(OWNER_SECINFO | GROUP_SECINFO | DACL_SECINFO |
                              PROTECTED_DACL_SECINFO |
                              UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECINFO)) {
                pr_err("Unsupported addition info: 0x%x)\n",

From the Samba code we have (the names are pretty

        /* security_descriptor->type bits */
        typedef [public,bitmap16bit] bitmap {
                SEC_DESC_OWNER_DEFAULTED        = 0x0001,
                SEC_DESC_GROUP_DEFAULTED        = 0x0002,
                SEC_DESC_DACL_PRESENT           = 0x0004,
                SEC_DESC_DACL_DEFAULTED         = 0x0008,
                SEC_DESC_SACL_PRESENT           = 0x0010,
                SEC_DESC_SACL_DEFAULTED         = 0x0020,
                SEC_DESC_DACL_TRUSTED           = 0x0040,
                SEC_DESC_SERVER_SECURITY        = 0x0080,
                SEC_DESC_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ  = 0x0100,
                SEC_DESC_SACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ  = 0x0200,
                SEC_DESC_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED    = 0x0400,
                SEC_DESC_SACL_AUTO_INHERITED    = 0x0800,
                SEC_DESC_DACL_PROTECTED         = 0x1000,
                SEC_DESC_SACL_PROTECTED         = 0x2000,
                SEC_DESC_RM_CONTROL_VALID       = 0x4000,
                SEC_DESC_SELF_RELATIVE          = 0x8000
        } security_descriptor_type;




Looks like you need to handle these bits.

Hope this helps,


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