Re: [PATCH cifs segfault ]

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Hi Aurélien,

> From: Aurélien Aptel <aaptel@xxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:28 AM
> To: Seth Thielemann <sthielemann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; CIFS <linux-cifs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [PATCH cifs segfault ] 
> Hi Seth,
> Seth Thielemann <sthielemann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > - Observed segfaults during cifs share backups, core investigation and strace revealed that files were being opened
> >   but upon read the syscall was returning a 32-bit error code:
> On my system (x86_64)
> - ssize_t is signed and long which is 8 bytes
> - int is signed and 4 bytes
> That is a weird bug. Casting (long)-13 to int is ok because -13 is
> representable in both.
> > - Above is an impossible situation, the sign extension was at fault. The two functions using the trinary assignment of rc
> > in the cifs asio context:
> You mean this line in collect_uncached_write_data() right? I think the
> current code changed from your version, it's in a different function now.
>         ctx->rc = (rc == 0) ? ctx->total_len : rc;
  Right, the rc is a ssize_t in cifs_aio_ctx, this was found on a slightly older kernel, would like to see it fixed in mainline, just changed the original patch for updated kernel version.

> >    188db:       45 85 e4                test   r12d,r12d
> Ok I'm assuming r12d is the rc var.
> we test if rc == 0 (low 32bit of r12)
> >    188de:       44 89 e0                mov    eax,r12d   <- msl cleared
> Now we set eax (low 32bits) to rc (what is msl? most significat l...?).
> But the high 32bits are unknown
  Right, the most significant long / double word gets cleared in the move, such that a few instructions down it gets stored as if it was a 32-bit / int but it's going into a 64-bit variable.

> >    188e1:       0f 84 6a 01 00 00       je     18a51 <cifs_uncached_writev_complete+0x371>
> if rc was zero, we take the jump
>    188e7:       48 8b 7c 24 18          mov    rdi,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18]
>    188ec:       49 89 85 a8 00 00 00    mov    QWORD PTR [r13+0xa8],rax <- saved
> Otherwise we store rax (unknown high 32 bits + low 32bit of rc) in the ctx.
> So -13 is
>     0xfffffff3 (int)
> but if you copy it in low part of a zero 64bits you end up with (wrong)
>     0x00000000fffffff3 (long)
> which is 4294967283... should have been 0xfffffffffffffff3
> I'm no compiler expert but this looks like possible wrong generated
> code for the cast :/

  This definitely could be a bug with the compiler, I ran into issues adding some printk's and things just magically worked and then changed to adding asm volatile nop sentinel's to make sure I was looking at the correct sections. I still think it's a reasonable change to use the ssize_t since the rc is a ssize_t and the outbound syscall path is also a ssize_t. Best case scenario is a segfault in userspace (made things easier to track down), but will likely wind up with memory corruption otherwise.


Aurélien Aptel / SUSE Labs Samba Team
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SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, DE
GF: Felix Imendörffer, Mary Higgins, Sri Rasiah HRB 247165 (AG München)

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