Advancing the testing for the CAN subsystem

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Hi Marc, Oliver, and linux-can community,

we are reaching out to you because we would like to advance the testing
of the kernel CAN subsystem. We, that's Davide, Filippo and I, are
volunteering to provide the patches for this, but would like to get your
feedback and opinions first.

We know about the can-tests repository[1] and think this is a good
starting point for our efforts. Currently, there are two main activities
we'd like to do:

- Promote the test cases in can-tests to become part of the kernel
selftests: This would mainly get the tests closer to the upstream kernel
development, both in terms of maintenance and actually running them. CI
systems like LKFT and CKI could easily be continuously running the
tests. The downside is that existing automation depending on can-tests
(which we don't know about) would need to be modified.
- Extend the coverage of the tests: This could include testing for,
e.g., vcan, vxcan, and the cangw netlink interface. But we're open to
feedback here if you see any pressing areas.

Like I stated in the beginning, this message should get the discussion
started and we are looking forward to your feedback or concerns on these



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