socketcand FD configuration proposal

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I just proposed this MR in the socketcand repo to implement CAN
configuration commands using libsocketcan to do it:

Currently, I am working in supporting also CANFD configuration (with
bitrate and dbitrate) and I would like to propose a new configuration
keyword for that configuration just in case you find it useful for
future implementations.

Similar to the current CAN configuration:

< can0 B bitrate sample_point tq prop_seg phase_seg1 phase_seg2 sjw brp >

We can use a parallel keyword for FD mode:

< can0 F bitrate dbitrate sample_point tq prop_seg phase_seg1
phase_seg2 sjw brp >

This is just a proposal I will implement internally for my project,
but if you think it could be applicable for the mainstream, we can
discuss about the format or alternative options.

Regarding the implementation, I know libsocketcan doesn't support
currently CAN-FD configuration, it is a thing should be rethough when
we reach that point.



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