I added the sockopt CAN_ISOTP_WAIT_TX_DONE in isotp-poll-test.c which
fixes the problem:
struct sockaddr_can addr;
static struct can_isotp_options opts = { .flags = CAN_ISOTP_WAIT_TX_DONE};
CHECK(setsockopt(sock, SOL_CAN_ISOTP, CAN_ISOTP_OPTS, &opts, sizeof(opts)));
The sockopt uses a wait queue and returns from the write() syscall when
tx.state becomes ISOTP_IDLE.
Using the isotp socket without CAN_ISOTP_WAIT_TX_DONE turned out to be
not such good idea. But this results from the original API which had
some kind of "fire-and-forget" mode.
Today the tx.state is set back to ISOTP_IDLE in isotp_rcv_echo() - and
with this short 9 byte PDU the interaction with the receiving entity is
really fast on vcan's. Maybe faster than the the write syscall returns.
I don't know what happens to the poll notification then.
Best regards,
On 01.03.23 19:59, Oliver Hartkopp wrote:
Hi Michal,
just copied the text to answer your patch ...
On 28.02.23 21:49, Michal Sojka wrote:
> When using select/poll/epoll() with a non-blocking ISOTP socket to
> wait for when non-blocking write is possible, false EPOLLOUT event is
> sometimes returned. This can happen at least after sending a message
> which must be split to multiple CAN frames.
> The reason is that isotp_sendmsg() returns -EAGAIN when tx.state is
> not equal to ISOTP_IDLE and this behavior is not reflected in
> datagram_poll(), which is used in isotp_ops.
> This is fixed by introducing ISOTP-specific poll function, which
> suppresses the EPOLLOUT events in that case.
Good improvement!
> Below is a program that can trigger the problem on a vcan interface.
> When running the program as:
> ./isotp-poll-test -s 123 -d 321 -o
> it starts sending ISOTP messages that include increasing ASCII
> numbers. poll() is used to wait before next transmission.
> With current mainline Linux, once the message length is greater than 7
> bytes, write() returns -EAGAIN and the program terminates. This should
> not happen, because the previous poll() reported that the write()
> would not block.
> After applying this patch, the above command doesn't fail - if one
> runs some ISOTP reader such as:
> isotprecv -l -s 321 -d 123 vcan0
Yes, I can confirm that the above setup works - but not reliable:
> This test program can also show another problem. When running:
> ./isotp-poll-test -s 321 -d 123 -i -a
> and then in another terminal:
> ./isotp-poll-test -s 123 -d 321 -o
> The first program receives the messages and uses the counter values to
> check for lost messages. After a random number of iterations a lost
> message is always detected. I believe that ISOTP should be reliable
> protocol, at least on vcan, shouldn't it?
The problem seems to occur with the new introduced POLL feature.
When using
./isotp-poll-test -s 123 -d 321 -o
together with
isotprecv -l -s 321 -d 123 vcan0
the transmission of isotp PDUs stops at some point
#8179 #6204 #1787 #373 #69321 etc
I can not see problems or drops when using
./isotpsend vcan0 -s 123 -d 321 -D 9 -li
as data producer where I added a counter:
diff --git a/isotpsend.c b/isotpsend.c
index deac601..815c254 100644
--- a/isotpsend.c
+++ b/isotpsend.c
@@ -96,10 +96,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
useconds_t usecs = 0; /* wait before sending the PDU */
__u32 force_tx_stmin = 0;
unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE];
int buflen = 0;
int datalen = 0;
+ u_int32_t datainc = 0;
int retval = 0;
addr.can_addr.tp.tx_id = addr.can_addr.tp.rx_id = NO_CAN_ID;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "s:d:x:p:P:t:f:D:l:g:bSCL:?")) !=
-1) {
@@ -295,10 +296,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (usecs)
+ memcpy(&buf[datalen - 4], &datainc, 4);
+ datainc++;
retval = write(s, buf, buflen);
if (retval < 0) {
return retval;
Maybe the 'poll' patch needs to check for something else. I will take a
look at it.
Many thanks,