(I inadvertently sent my previous message while I was still writing it, resending with full comments) On Fri. 19 Nov 2021 at 22:30, Jimmy Assarsson <extja@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > On 2021-11-19 14:19, Jimmy Assarsson wrote: > > Use the CAN_MHZ define when assigning frequencies. > > Maybe we should use the HZ_PER_MHZ define introduced in kernel 5.15 in > linux/units.h. It also got defines for KILO and MEGA, which we also got > in linux/can/bittiming.h. > > What do you think? With the recent changes in linux/units.h, I am perfectly fine to remove the CAN_MHZ, CAN_KBPS and CAN_MBPS macros from linux/can/bittiming.h. I am just bothered by the name of the macro HZ_PER_MHZ. Hertz per Mega Hertz is a ratio without a unit (physically speaking). The clock speed is expressed in hertz. So: | .frep = 80 * MEGA, would make more sense. I see HZ_PER_MHZ as something used for conversion, e.g.: | freq_in_hz = HZ_PER_MHZ * frep_in_mhz; Yours sincerely, Vincent Mailhol