Hi M > Is your Code available online? > > I've found this online: > > https://git.eclipse.org/c/titan/titan.TestPorts.SocketCANasp.git/ Yes. This is the code I wrote. It had been comitted by Ericsson, as I do not have access to their Eclipse git repository. If you think commits from you should go back into the eclipse repository, then let me know. > but it doesn't compile on my debian testing. I've hacked a bit on it, I have downloaded the titan core (https://github.com/eclipse/titan.core) from below, compiled and installed it myself as described in the "README.linux" description in the repository. This works well with the eclipse git repository above. > until it compiled: > > https://github.com/marckleinebudde/titan.TestPorts.SocketCANasp > I can try yours on Ubuntu and will check with Elemer Lelik from Ericsson what the problem with the titan installation packages on Debian and Ubuntu is. Here Elemers announcement of the Eclipse titan packages: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=msg&th=1086995&goto=1766495&#msg_1766495