Hello David Howells,
I came across CacheFS earlier today while searching for ways to
expand the performance of our on-demand video cluster.
Hooking up relative cheap front-end servers to our storage servers
using dedicated copper-gigabit, NFS and local caching by CacheFS
sounded like a solution worth checking out.
I have spent most of the day gathering information on CacheFS and how
I might test its features.
Being only a mediocre linux sysadmin with little experience in
(linux) software development I quickly noticed decent documentation
on CacheFS is rare.
Most of it is scattered, incomplete or outdated it seems and the
mailinglist archive is a horrible place to navigate through.
Using Google I have come across all sorts of things (IBM / solaris
implementations, CacheFS, FS-cache, Cachfilesd) using other
terminology only adding to the confusion.
Is the project still active? If yes, outsiders like me would really
benefit from something like an up-to-date wiki.
I created one in an obvious location, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Cachefs , too bad I have no idea how to fill in the blanks...
I am still not sure wether it is worth fiddling aroung trying to get
the current version of CacheFS to work on our RHEL4 servers.
Anyway, great work. Would be really nice if CacheFS got available for
'the masses' someday.
Kind regards,
Erik Mol
kokkers gmail com