Re: Problem with ucontext_t struct in signal handler

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On 18.12.2008, at 18:51, Glynn Clements wrote:

XComp wrote:

I want to switch between user contexts using a signal handler
(something like a preemptive scheduler for userlevel threads). I've
found several sources, which say that it's not a good idea to use
setcontext or swapcontext in a signal handler. Nevertheless there also exists at least one sample code of such an preemptive scheduler, which
seems to work well, at least on my machine (Ubuntu 8.04 with linux
kernel 2.6.24-22):

// [...]
static ucontext_t thread_context;
static ucontext_t scheduler_context;

int thread_finished;
int i;

static void simple_function(void) {
	// do nothing but counting
	for (i = 0; i < 1000000000; ++i) { }

	if (i == 1000000000) {
		printf("\n[Thread Function]\t1st counting worked fine...");
	} else {
printf("\n[Thread Function]\tError: Counting didn't finished (%d)...", i);

	thread_finished = 1;

static void other_function() {
// thread_finished is a global variable, which is set to 1, if the thread function is finished while(thread_finished != 1) { swapcontext(&scheduler_context, &thread_context); }

static void signal_handler_function(int sig_nr, siginfo_t* info, void *old_context) {
	if (sig_nr == SIGPROF) {
		// saves the thread context
		thread_context = *((ucontext_t*) context);

		// swaps back to scheduler context
// [...]

I ran into the following problem which belongs to the code above. I
interrupted simple_function several times by using a ITimer. But the
for-loop doesn't finish successfully everytime. Often the if condition
is false.

It seems likely that either the registers or the stack (wherever "i"
is stored) is getting trashed. What is "i" in the cases where the test

You find a sample output below. It seems to work in some cases. So you might be right with the stack. But why? I mean... there is nothing else but the for-loop. Or do I have the wrong idea of how the stack works?! Can a stack be overflown by a simple for-loop? Is an alternate signal stack needed? I thought it doesn't because the current stack should be big enough.

But it does not cancel after the first signal is raised.
I've found out that using the third parameter old_context for storing
the old context is the reason. But I don't know why.

Note that the old_context parameter to the signal handler won't be
pointing to any of your context "slots". When a signal occurs, the
current context will be saved in a ucontext_t on the current context's
stack, and the old_context argument will point to that.

I'm not sure whether I understood this correctly. What do you mean with slots?

It needs to be borne in mind that a ucontext_t isn't "the context"
itself. It's merely a structure for storing information about a
context, either for receiving information (e.g. getcontext) or
providing it (e.g. setcontext).

So I thought there might be a problem in the kernel. Am I right?

I don't think so.

Because of the fact that ucontext_t is part of the C library? I thought that it might be a kernel issue because of the signal handling which is implemented in the kernel.

I was afraid to post the whole code, so I hope that this code
snippet is enough.

It would help if it was accurate (e.g. the signal handler refers to
"context" which isn't declared anywhere; is this supposed to be the
old_context parameter?) and more complete.

I posted the complete code below. Sorry for the little mistake.

I would appreciate if someone can give me a comment whether this
strange behaviour is because of a wrong thinking of mine or because of
a error in the kernel which needs to be fixed.

I suspect the former.

Glynn Clements <glynn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Sorry, the context variable in the signal handler should be called old_context. Here you have the complete code sample:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

// signal handling
#include <signal.h>
// context switch
#include <ucontext.h>
// timer
#include <sys/time.h>

// upper bound of the for loops inside thread_function
#define UPPER_BOUND 100000000
// number of seconds for setting the interval used by the timer
#define QUANTUM_SEC 0
// number of microseconds for setting the interval used by the timer (0 - 99999)
#define QUANTUM_MICRO_SEC 100000

#define STACKSIZE 4096

static ucontext_t thread_context;
static ucontext_t scheduler_context;

int thread_finished;
int i;

static void thread_function(void) {
       printf("\n[Thread Function]\tFunction starts...");

       for (i = 0; i < UPPER_BOUND; ++i) {
               // do nothing but counting

       if (i == UPPER_BOUND) {
printf("\n[Thread Function]\t1st counting worked fine...");
       } else {
printf("\n[Thread Function]\tError: 1st counting didn't finished (%d)...", i);

       thread_finished = 1;

       printf("\n[Thread Function]\tFunction finishes...");

static void scheduler_function() {

       printf("\n[Scheduler Function]\tScheduler starts...");

// thread_finished is a global variable, which is set to 1, if the thread function is finished
       while (thread_finished != 1) {
               swapcontext(&scheduler_context, &thread_context);

       printf("\n[Scheduler Function]\tScheduler finishes...");

static void signal_handler_function(int sig_nr, siginfo_t* info, void *old_context) {

       if (sig_nr == SIGPROF) {
printf("\n[Signal Handler]\tSIGPROF was raised at %d...", i);

               // saves the thread context
               thread_context = *((ucontext_t*) old_context);

               // swaps back to scheduler context
       } else {
printf("\n[Signal Handler]\tA different signal was raised...");


int main(int argc, char **argv) {

       printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tProgram starts...");

       thread_finished = 0;

       char thread_stack[STACKSIZE];
       char scheduler_stack[STACKSIZE];

       // initializing scheduler context
       if (getcontext(&scheduler_context) == 0) {
               scheduler_context.uc_stack.ss_sp = scheduler_stack;
scheduler_context.uc_stack.ss_size = sizeof(scheduler_stack);
               scheduler_context.uc_stack.ss_flags = 0;
               scheduler_context.uc_link = NULL;
printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tscheduler_context was initialized...");
       } else {
printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tError while initializing scheduler_context...");

       // initializing thread context
       if (getcontext(&thread_context) == 0) {
               thread_context.uc_stack.ss_sp = thread_stack;
               thread_context.uc_stack.ss_size = sizeof(thread_stack);
               thread_context.uc_stack.ss_flags = 0;
               thread_context.uc_link = &scheduler_context;
printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tthread_context was initialized...");
       } else {
printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tError while initializing thread_context...");

       // sets the signal handler for swapping to the scheduler context
       struct sigaction scheduling_interuption_handler;
scheduling_interuption_handler.sa_sigaction = signal_handler_function; scheduling_interuption_handler.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
if (sigaction(SIGPROF, &scheduling_interuption_handler, NULL) == -1) { printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tAn error occurred while initializing the signal handler for swapping to the scheduler context...");

       // sets the timer which sends SIGPROF periodically
       struct itimerval timeslice;
       timeslice.it_value.tv_sec = QUANTUM_SEC;
       timeslice.it_value.tv_usec = QUANTUM_MICRO_SEC;
       timeslice.it_interval = timeslice.it_value;

       if (setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &timeslice, NULL) == 0) {
printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tThe timer was initialized...");
       } else {
printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tAn error occurred while executing setitimer...");

       // sets the thread function
       makecontext(&thread_context, thread_function, 0);

       // this function handles the swapping part

       printf("\n[Main Function]\t\tProgram finishes...");


The possible output for these settings is:

[Main Function]                Program starts...
[Main Function]                scheduler_context was initialized...
[Main Function]                thread_context was initialized...
[Main Function]                The timer was initialized...
[Scheduler Function]        Scheduler starts...
[Thread Function]        Function starts...
[Signal Handler]        SIGPROF was raised at 30811962...
[Signal Handler]        SIGPROF was raised at 62309593...
[Signal Handler]        SIGPROF was raised at 93262549...
[Thread Function]        1st counting worked fine...
[Signal Handler]        SIGPROF was raised at 24910729...
[Signal Handler]        SIGPROF was raised at 55303135...
[Signal Handler]        SIGPROF was raised at 86507356...
[Thread Function] Error: 2nd counting didn't finished (86507356)...
[Thread Function]        Function finishes...
[Scheduler Function]        Scheduler finishes...
[Main Function]                Program finishes...

So you see that the for-loops quits right after a signal was caught. I am really in a dead end now. Do you see any parts of my code, which might be wrong?

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