Dear Shaomin,
Am 19.07.22 um 17:41 schrieb shaomin Deng:
Delete the repeated word "that" in comments.
Maybe start your first name with a capital letter?
git config --global "Shaomin Deng"
In the commit message summary, please add a space after the colons, and
maybe use:
Bluetooth: btrtl: Remove duplicate *that* in comment
Signed-off-by: shaomin Deng <dengshaomin@xxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/bluetooth/btrtl.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/drivers/bluetooth/btrtl.c b/drivers/bluetooth/btrtl.c
index 47c28fd8f006..fb52313a1d45 100644
--- a/drivers/bluetooth/btrtl.c
+++ b/drivers/bluetooth/btrtl.c
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ static int rtlbt_parse_firmware(struct hci_dev *hdev,
/* Loop from the end of the firmware parsing instructions, until
* we find an instruction that identifies the "project ID" for the
* hardware supported by this firwmare file.
It’d be great if you fixed that in a separate commit.
- * Once we have that, we double-check that that project_id is suitable
+ * Once we have that, we double-check that project_id is suitable
It’s a lot of “that”, but it’s actually correct.
* for the hardware we are working with.
while (fwptr >= btrtl_dev->fw_data + (sizeof(*epatch_info) + 3)) {
Kind regards,