Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: 3fb4e1cca2eaddc413d1ebed9d862084351efdbc Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2022-06-13 (Mon, 13 Jun 2022) Changed paths: M src/adapter.c M src/device.c M src/device.h Log Message: ----------- device: Add connectable flag to bearer state This adds connectable flag to state so it can be used to detect which is the last seen connectable bearer. Commit: ef14e6eaa7e698d0f62feed3eecd0cae74484d7b Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2022-06-13 (Mon, 13 Jun 2022) Changed paths: M monitor/att.c Log Message: ----------- monitor/att: Fix decoding for notifications Commit: 0da5c68413d6ed3ff8afb3638e0a88914bae7153 Author: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2022-06-14 (Tue, 14 Jun 2022) Changed paths: M lib/mgmt.h M src/advertising.c Log Message: ----------- advertising: Fix attempting to set scan_rsp BLUETOOTH CORE SPECIFICATION Version 5.3 | Vol 4, Part E page 2450 • If extended advertising PDU types are being used (bit 4 = 0) then: The advertisement shall not be both connectable and scannable. So instead this attempts to set name as part of Advertising Data rather then setting it as Scan Response: bluetoothctl> advertise.secondary 2M bluetoothctl> Intel-3 bluetoothctl> advertise on < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters (0x08|0x0036) plen 25 Handle: 0x01 Properties: 0x0001 Connectable Min advertising interval: 1280.000 msec (0x0800) Max advertising interval: 1280.000 msec (0x0800) Channel map: 37, 38, 39 (0x07) Own address type: Public (0x00) Peer address type: Public (0x00) Peer address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 (OUI 00-00-00) Filter policy: Allow Scan Request from Any, Allow Connect Request from Any (0x00) TX power: Host has no preference (0x7f) Primary PHY: LE 1M (0x01) Secondary max skip: 0x00 Secondary PHY: LE 2M (0x02) SID: 0x00 Scan request notifications: Disabled (0x00) > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 5 LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters (0x08|0x0036) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) TX power (selected): 7 dbm (0x07) < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x08|0x0037) plen 4 Handle: 0x01 Operation: Complete extended advertising data (0x03) Fragment preference: Minimize fragmentation (0x01) Data length: 0x00 @ MGMT Event: Command Complete (0x0001) plen 7 Add Extended Advertising Parameters (0x0054) plen 4 Status: Success (0x00) Instance: 1 TX power: 7 dbm (0x07) Available adv data len: 31 Available scan rsp data len: 31 > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x08|0x0037) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) @ MGMT Command: Add Extended Advertising Data (0x0055) plen 23 Instance: 1 Advertising data length: 12 Name (complete): Intel-3 Flags: 0x06 LE General Discoverable Mode BR/EDR Not Supported Scan response length: 0 < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x08|0x0037) plen 16 Handle: 0x01 Operation: Complete extended advertising data (0x03) Fragment preference: Minimize fragmentation (0x01) Data length: 0x0c Name (complete): Intel-3 Flags: 0x06 LE General Discoverable Mode BR/EDR Not Supported > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x08|0x0037) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Scan Response Data (0x08|0x0038) plen 4 Handle: 0x01 Operation: Complete scan response data (0x03) Fragment preference: Minimize fragmentation (0x01) Data length: 0x00 > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Extended Scan Response Data (0x08|0x0038) ncmd 1 Status: Success (0x00) < HCI Command: LE Set Extended Advertising Enable (0x08|0x0039) plen 6 Extended advertising: Enabled (0x01) Number of sets: 1 (0x01) Entry 0 Handle: 0x01 Duration: 0 ms (0x00) Max ext adv events: 0 > HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Extended Advertising Enable (0x08|0x0039) ncmd 2 Status: Success (0x00) @ MGMT Event: Command Complete (0x0001) plen 4 Add Extended Advertising Data (0x0055) plen 1 Status: Success (0x00) Instance: 1 Commit: 5cc08527c0aaeb47305f3637f064efc80d3f85f1 Author: Brian Gix <brian.gix@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 2022-06-14 (Tue, 14 Jun 2022) Changed paths: M mesh/keyring.c Log Message: ----------- mesh: Fix keyring snprintf usage range checking snprintf performs it's own range checking and returns a negative value if string construction fails. Not checking the return value throws a warning at compile time on GCC 12 and later. This patch removes redundent range chacking and checks all snprintf return values. Compare: