avdtp.c:cancel_request Times Out, Plus Other Failures

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System updated 2021-02-19
Previous update 2020-12-18

    Current: Linux computerName 5.11.0-dirty #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Feb 19
06:30:22 CST 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Previous: 5.8.7

    Current: 5.55-3
    Previous: 5.55-1

Feb 22 12:27:21 computerName systemsettings5[563003]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 12:27:21 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 12:27:21 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'devices' of undefined
Feb 22 12:27:21 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_sink.<sanitized>.a2dp_sink"
Feb 22 12:27:21 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Rejected send
message, 0 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.734"
(uid=1000 pid=500326 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no
--log-target=jo") interface="(unset)" member=>
Feb 22 12:27:21 computerName bluetoothd[565499]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Abort: Connection timed out
Feb 22 12:27:19 computerName pulseaudio[500326]: Transport Acquire()
failed for transport /org/bluez/hci0/dev_<sanitized>/sep1/fd0
(Input/output error)
Feb 22 12:27:19 computerName bluetoothd[565499]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Suspend: Connection timed out
Feb 22 12:27:09 computerName systemsettings5[563003]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
Feb 22 12:27:09 computerName bluetoothd[565499]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Suspend: Connection timed out
Feb 22 12:18:43 computerName systemsettings5[563003]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
Feb 22 11:24:34 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: unexpected event
for opcode 0x0c03
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName kded5[500252]: bluedevil: Requested default Agent
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName kded5[500252]: bluedevil: Agent registered
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName bluetoothd[565499]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName bluetoothd[565499]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName kded5[500252]: bluedevil: Bluetooth
operational changed true
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Activating via
systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1'
unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.829'
(uid=0 pid=565499 comm="/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetooth>
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName bluetoothd[565499]: Bluetooth management
interface 1.19 initialized
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName kded5[500252]: bluedevil: AGENT-Release
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Exit
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Stopping SDP server
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Rejected send
message, 0 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.734" (uid=1000
pid=500326 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no --log-target=jo")
interface="(unset)" member="(unset)>
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Rejected send
message, 0 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.734" (uid=1000
pid=500326 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no --log-target=jo")
interface="(unset)" member="(unset)>
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Endpoint
unregistered: sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Endpoint
unregistered: sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc
Feb 22 11:24:33 computerName systemd[1]: Stopping Bluetooth service...
//Had to unblock a softblock to get the device to pair
Feb 22 11:23:07 computerName kded5[500252]: kf.bluezqt: PendingCall
Error: "Blocked through rfkill"
Feb 22 11:23:07 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Failed to set mode:
Blocked through rfkill (0x12)
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName kded5[500252]: bluedevil: Requested default Agent
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName kded5[500252]: bluedevil: Agent registered
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName kded5[500252]: bluedevil: Bluetooth
operational changed true
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Successfully
activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Bluetooth management
interface 1.19 initialized
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Activating via
systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1'
unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.823'
(uid=0 pid=565355 comm="/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetooth>
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName sudo[565352]: pam_unix(sudo:session):
session closed for user root
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName bluetoothd[565355]: Starting SDP server
Feb 22 11:23:06 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Successfully
activated service 'org.bluez'
Feb 22 11:23:05 computerName bluetoothd[368526]: Endpoint
unregistered: sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc
Feb 22 11:23:05 computerName systemd[1]: bluetooth.service: Succeeded.
░░ Subject: Unit succeeded
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ The unit bluetooth.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Feb 22 11:23:05 computerName bluetoothd[368526]: Endpoint
unregistered: sender=:1.734 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc
Feb 22 11:21:08 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: HCI reset during
shutdown failed
Feb 22 11:21:00 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c03 tx timeout
Feb 22 11:20:54 computerName kwin_x11[500256]: qt.qpa.xcb:
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 21430, resource
id: 92274704, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
//Restarted the wizard multiple times because the pairing kept failing
Feb 22 11:20:54 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Wizard done:  0
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Initialize Fail Page
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard:          errorText :  "Authentication Failed"
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard:          error     :  true
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Pairing finished:
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]: kf.bluezqt:
PendingCall Error: "Authentication Failed"
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Initialize Pairing Page
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: PIN:  "0000"
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: From DB:  true
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Legacy:  true
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Device type:  "headset"
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: PIN:  "0000"
Feb 22 11:20:52 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Stopping scanning
Feb 22 11:20:48 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
Unable to assign [undefined] to bool
Feb 22 11:20:40 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Starting scanning
Feb 22 11:20:40 computerName bluedevil-wizard[564973]:
bluedevil.wizard: Initialize Discover Page
Feb 22 11:04:00 computerName pulseaudio[500326]: connect(): Software
caused connection abort
Feb 22 11:03:43 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: HCI reset during
shutdown failed
Feb 22 11:03:33 computerName systemsettings5[563003]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
Feb 22 11:03:33 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
src/profile.c:ext_io_disconnected() Unable to get io data for Headset
Voice gateway: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)
Feb 22 11:01:58 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:58 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ports' of undefined
Feb 22 11:01:58 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Rejected send
message, 0 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.734"
(uid=1000 pid=500326 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no
--log-target=jo") interface="(unset)" member=>
Feb 22 11:01:58 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_sink.<sanitized>.a2dp_sink"
Feb 22 11:01:58 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Abort: Connection timed out
Feb 22 11:01:56 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Suspend: Connection timed out
Feb 22 11:01:46 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Suspend: Connection timed out
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ports' of undefined
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_sink.<sanitized>.a2dp_sink"
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_source.<sanitized>.headset_head_unit"
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ports' of undefined
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_sink.<sanitized>.headset_head_unit"
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_sink.<sanitized>.headset_head_unit"
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName rtkit-daemon[1459]: Supervising 4 threads
of 1 processes of 1 users.
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName rtkit-daemon[1459]: Successfully made
thread 562947 of process 500326 owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName rtkit-daemon[1459]: Supervising 3 threads
of 1 processes of 1 users.
Feb 22 11:01:31 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_<sanitized>/sep1/fd7: fd(43) ready
Feb 22 10:59:57 computerName systemd-logind[937]: Watching system
buttons on /dev/input/event21 (Motorola S705 (AVRCP))
Feb 22 10:59:57 computerName kernel: input: Motorola S705 (AVRCP) as
Feb 22 10:59:50 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: SCO packet for
unknown connection handle 13
Feb 22 10:59:50 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: SCO packet for
unknown connection handle 13
Feb 22 10:59:50 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: SCO packet for
unknown connection handle 13
Feb 22 10:59:45 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 10:59:45 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 10:59:45 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_source.<sanitized>.headset_head_unit"
Feb 22 10:59:45 computerName rtkit-daemon[1459]: Supervising 4 threads
of 1 processes of 1 users.
Feb 22 10:59:45 computerName rtkit-daemon[1459]: Successfully made
thread 562711 of process 500326 owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
Feb 22 10:59:45 computerName rtkit-daemon[1459]: Supervising 3 threads
of 1 processes of 1 users.
Feb 22 10:59:20 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
Feb 22 10:59:19 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName systemsettings5[562536]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
src/profile.c:ext_io_disconnected() Unable to get io data for Headset
Voice gateway: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ports' of undefined
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_sink.<sanitized>.a2dp_sink"
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Rejected send
message, 0 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.734"
(uid=1000 pid=500326 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no
--log-target=jo") interface="(unset)" member=>
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:handle_unanswered_req() No reply to Suspend
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: killing stalled
connection <sanitized>
Feb 22 10:59:18 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: link tx timeout
Feb 22 10:10:38 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:avdtp_connect_cb() connect to <sanitized>:
Operation already in progress (114)
Feb 22 10:10:36 computerName plasmashell[500294]: kf.bluezqt:
PendingCall Error: "Resource temporarily unavailable"
Feb 22 10:10:36 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:avdtp_connect_cb() connect to <sanitized>:
Operation already in progress (114)
Feb 22 10:10:36 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
src/profile.c:record_cb() Unable to get Headset Voice gateway SDP
record: Operation already in progress
Feb 22 10:09:57 computerName systemsettings5[557101]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 10:09:57 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
org.kde.plasma.pulseaudio: No object for name
Feb 22 10:09:57 computerName plasmashell[500294]:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ports' of undefined
Feb 22 10:09:57 computerName kdeconnectd[500311]: org.kde.pulseaudio:
No object for name "bluez_sink.<sanitized>.a2dp_sink"
Feb 22 10:09:57 computerName dbus-daemon[933]: [system] Rejected send
message, 0 matched rules; type="method_return", sender=":1.734"
(uid=1000 pid=500326 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no
--log-target=jo") interface="(unset)" member=>
Feb 22 10:09:57 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
profiles/audio/avdtp.c:handle_unanswered_req() No reply to Suspend
Feb 22 10:09:57 computerName bluetoothd[368526]:
src/profile.c:ext_io_disconnected() Unable to get io data for Headset
Voice gateway: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)
Feb 22 10:09:56 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: killing stalled
connection <sanitized>
Feb 22 10:09:56 computerName kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: link tx timeout
Basically, you can see it is problematic pretty often. It had never
been a problem whatsoever prior to this last upgrade.

Tail end of btmon (I have the whole 1.2MB output saved):
< ACL Data TX: Handle 1 flags 0x02 dlen 820            #9551 [hci0] 3253.312691
< ACL Data TX: Handle 1 flags 0x01 dlen 44             #9552 [hci0] 3253.312756
      Channel: 419 len 860 [PSM 25 mode Basic (0x00)] {chan 0}
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Pack.. (0x13) plen 5  #9553 [hci0] 3253.342709
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 1
        Count: 2
< ACL Data TX: Handle 1 flags 0x02 dlen 820            #9554 [hci0] 3253.344394
< ACL Data TX: Handle 1 flags 0x01 dlen 44             #9555 [hci0] 3253.344413
      Channel: 419 len 860 [PSM 25 mode Basic (0x00)] {chan 0}
< ACL Data TX: Handle 1 flags 0x00 dlen 7              #9556 [hci0] 3253.366148
      Channel: 418 len 3 [PSM 25 mode Basic (0x00)] {chan 2}
      AVDTP: Suspend (0x09) Command (0x00) type 0x00 label 14 nosp 0
        ACP SEID: 1
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Pack.. (0x13) plen 5  #9557 [hci0] 3253.375709
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 1
        Count: 2
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Pack.. (0x13) plen 5  #9558 [hci0] 3253.376706
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 1
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 1 flags 0x02 dlen 6              #9559 [hci0] 3253.453728
      Channel: 66 len 2 [PSM 25 mode Basic (0x00)] {chan 2}
      AVDTP: Suspend (0x09) Response Accept (0x02) type 0x00 label 14 nosp 0
> HCI Event: Mode Change (0x14) plen 6                 #9560 [hci0] 3263.523026
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 1
        Mode: Sniff (0x02)
        Interval: 640.000 msec (0x0400)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 1 flags 0x00 dlen 7

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