How to connect to a phone using Message Access Protocol (MAP) using DBus ? Currently I'm using a call to sdptool to browse the device, find the relevant port by mean of xml output analysis, and then call session bus org.bluez.obex / org.bluez.obex.Client1 / CreateSession(), see [1]. I found relevant documentation for this here [2]. Using system bus org.bluez / org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager GetManagedObject() , a list of UUID is returned, including a 128-bits UUID for MAP '00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', in here the 16- bits value 0x1132 is for MAP if I'm not mistaken. When using org.bluez.Device1 / ConnectProfile(UUID) on device's path, I tried to find a change on system bus and session bus without success using D- Feet. For the sake of clarify I tried also Connect(), and in this case are appearing paths related to media play. I searched over the Internet, found some pages related to GATT but not completely in line with my question it seems. What is the correct usage of ConnectProfile(UUID) ? Can this be used to access phone's MAP ? I this the correct place to ask this question ? Arnaud. [1] [2] and neighbor files