i am trying to implement a communication channel that uses BLE Security
Mode 2 Lvl 1 or 2. Both participants that need to communicate are
Raspberry Pi's running Raspberry Pi OS and BlueZ as Bluetooth Stack. The
data i want to send is already encrypted which makes Data Signing
interesting for me.
Does BlueZ Support BLE Security Mode 2 Lvl 1/2 and if yes how can i
access the functionality?
Furthermore in my research to find the answer for this question i always
seemed to come across Security Mode 3 mentioned in combination with
BlueZ. Does this simply refer to Security Mode 1 Lvl 3?
In order to find an answer for this question: I searched the web
rigorously / Tried to find an answer in forums / Read the Documentation
/ Tried to read the source code / Checked the archives
As i found nearly nothing regarding this topic my last resort is to ask
this E-Mail Chain and i would be extremely gratefull if someone would be
able to answer my question or tip me off into the right direction.
Thank you very much for your time and help in advance!
Best regards,
Christian Seifert
PS: Please excuse my poor Translation attempts as English is not my
first language. I will gladly try to rewrite any confusing or misleading
parts in my message if pointed out!