Hi, I'm using the dbus interface to connect to an iPhone Personal Hotspot using Bluez 5.54 / Linux 5.4.32. When connecting, Bluez emits PropertiesChanged signals for the org.bluez.Network1 interface of the device informing me of the Connected (true), Interface (bnep0) and UUID (00001116-...). However, when disconnecting, no such signal is emitted. Querying the properties shows, however, that the values reverted to the unconnected values. When I disconnect by disabling the hotspot on the iPhone, the signal is emitted. To reproduce, run `busctl monitor org.bluez` on one console and issue # busctl call org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0/dev_? org.bluez.Network1 Connect s 00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb resulting in - method_call - signal PropertiesChanged for org.bluez.Device1 (Connected true) - method_return - signal PropertiesChanged for org.bluez.Network1 (Connected true) and then # busctl call org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0/dev_? org.bluez.Network1 Disconnect resulting in - method_call - method_return - signal PropertiesChanged for org.bluez.Device1 (Connected false) but no PropertiesChanged for org.bluez.Network1 (Connected false). Thanks and Cheers, Kai