Re: Bluez does not connect to A2DP sink

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On 1/7/20 10:51 PM, Luiz Augusto von Dentz wrote:
 From the logs it looks like it does connects but it aborts after the
suspend, so it might not be related to reconnection policy but
something else that you device do not like, perhaps the suspend being
initiated or something like it? What headset model is this btw?
sorry, I am not familiar with the bluetooth stack, so I cannot make much 
of these logs. The most obvious things I noticed when I took a look into 
the diffs between 5.50 and the later versions are:
* in version 5.50 there are no logged calls to 
`plugins/policy.c:policy_connect()`, just `plugins/policy.c:service_cb()`
* only in version 5.50 there's a logged call to 
Tomorrow I'll try adding some debug messages into the code that was 
added by the patch and see if I can make something of that.
The headset model is JBL E65BTNC.

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