Hi Brian, Thank you for that information.It's good to know. Do you have any expected timeline like when this could be pushed out. -- Thanks -----linux-bluetooth-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: ----- To: Mahaboob Nazeer SK <nazeer.m@xxxxxxxxx> From: "Gix, Brian" Sent by: linux-bluetooth-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: 07/05/2019 12:10AM Cc: "linux-bluetooth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <linux-bluetooth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Testing Bluetooth Mesh with python Hello, > On Jul 3, 2019, at 9:08 PM, Mahaboob Nazeer SK <nazeer.m@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hi, > > We are using Zephyr Mesh onoff example on nrf52 eval kit to test the Mesh Functionality.For provisioning of the > node we are using meshctl tool. > > But is there any other way to provision a node using a python script.I found a test-mesh script in the test folder > of bluez stack ,but i was unable to provision and test a node with it.Could you share a test procedure if any. We are in the process of coding the Management1 D-Bus interface which includes many of the method calls required for Provisioner support. The test-mesh python script does *not* work with the meshctl tool, which uses a GATT based architecture. The D-Bus interface (as described in the doc/mesh-api.txt) works with the bluetooth-meshd daemon which is currently being built out, and it is entirely built on Advertisement (non-GATT) based communication with other nodes. The methods required for the Provisioner side are not quite ready to be pushed out. > > -- > Thanks > > > > >