Hi, I am debugging out-bound transfer(obexd client) and want to track size of outgoing files. I am using bluez-5.50 version on Raspberry Pi (raspbian) with blueman as UI manager. While debugging I encountered fstat() is not reporting file size consistently. obexd[906]: obexd/client/session.c:obc_session_unref() 0xd5d050: ref=2 obexd[906]: obexd/client/transfer.c:transfer_open() Debug : Opened file : /home/pi/Downloads/download.jpeg obexd[906]: obexd/client/transfer.c:obc_transfer_put() Debug : transfer_open successful, file : /home/pi/Downloads/download.jpeg obexd[906]: obexd/client/transfer.c:obc_transfer_put() Debug : Size from fstat : 1 bytes obexd[906]: obexd/client/transfer.c:obc_transfer_register() 0xd59c20 registered /org/bluez/obex/client/session0/transfer0 obexd[906]: obexd/client/session.c:obc_session_ref() 0xd5d050: ref=3 The file name and size is displayed correctly on the receiving device though. Is that done through sdp ? I am sure I'm missing something basic here. Appreciate if someone could help. Thanks, --bhushan