Hi, I've been reading Bluetooth Core spec v5.0, looking for a way to optimize sending LE Advertising Report events through HCI. It turns out that spec allows concatenating a few reports into a single HCI frame: says that "The Controller may queue these advertising reports and send information from multiple devices in one LE Advertising Report event. So far, so good. The question I have is about the exact format of this event. Wording and tables in the spec suggest that fields from concatenated reports should be interleaved in the HCI frame, that is for num_reports = 2, fields should be ordered as follows: event_type[0] event_type[1] address_type[0] address_type[1] address[0] address[1] length[0] length[1] data[0] data[1] rssi[0] rssi[1] I don't this format is "natural", if I were to choose I would rather simply concatenate a few reports. This is exactly what BlueZ (and other projects too, like Zephyr) expects in tools/parser/hci.c: static inline void evt_le_advertising_report_dump(int level, struct frame *frm) { uint8_t num_reports = p_get_u8(frm); while (num_reports--) { le_advertising_info *info = frm->ptr; /* .... */ frm->ptr += LE_ADVERTISING_INFO_SIZE + info->length; frm->len -= LE_ADVERTISING_INFO_SIZE + info->length; frm->ptr += RSSI_SIZE; frm->len -= RSSI_SIZE; } } Who is right? Seems like most of implementations deviate from the spec, but OTOH I haven't seen any HCI controllers sending num_reports greater than 1... cheers -- Michał Lowas-Rzechonek <michal.lowas-rzechonek@xxxxxxxxxxx> Silvair http://silvair.com Jasnogórska 44, 31-358 Krakow, POLAND