[PATCH BlueZ v4] doc: Initial Bluetooth Mesh API

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This decribes proposed D-Bus based API for Bluetooth Mesh
 doc/mesh-api.txt | 512 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 512 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/mesh-api.txt

diff --git a/doc/mesh-api.txt b/doc/mesh-api.txt
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index 000000000..eed7ba653
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+BlueZ D-Bus Mesh API description
+Mesh Network Hierarchy
+Service		org.bluez.mesh
+Interface	org.bluez.mesh.Network1
+Object path	/org/bluez/mesh
+		void Join(object app_defined_root, array{byte}[16] uuid)
+			This is the first method that an application has to call to become
+			a provisioned node on a mesh network. The call will initiate
+			broadcasting of Unprovisioned Device Beacon.
+			The app_defined_root parameter is a D-Bus object root path of the
+			application that implements org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface.
+			The application represents a node where child mesh elements have
+			their own objects that implement org.bluez.mesh.Element1 interface.
+			The application hierarchy also contains a provision agent object
+			that implements org.bluez.mesh.ProvisionAgent1 interface.
+			The standard DBus.ObjectManager interface must be available on the
+			app_defined_root path.
+			The uuid parameter is a 16-byte array that contains Device UUID.
+			PossibleErrors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments
+		void Cancel(void)
+			Cancels an outstanding provisioning request initiated by Join()
+			method.
+		(object node, array{byte, array{(uint16, dict}} configuration)
+				Attach(object app_defined_root, uint64 token)
+			This is the first method that an application must call to get access
+			to mesh node functionalities.
+			The app_defined_root parameter is a D-Bus object root path of the
+			application that implements org.bluez.mesh.Application1 interface.
+			The application represents a node where child mesh elements have
+			their own objects that implement org.bluez.mesh.Element1 interface.
+			The standard DBus.ObjectManager interface must be available on the
+			app_defined_root path.
+			The token parameter is a 64-bit number that has been assigned to the
+			application when it first got provisioned/joined mesh network, i.e.
+			upon receiving JoinComplete() method. The daemon uses the token to
+			verify whether the application is authorized to assume the mesh
+			node identity.
+			In case of success, the method call returns mesh node object (see
+			Mesh Node Hierarchy section) and current configuration settings.
+			The return value of configuration parameter is an array, where each
+			entry is a structure that contains element configuration.
+			The element configuration structure is organized as follows:
+				byte
+					Element index, identifies the element to which this
+					configuration entry pertians.
+				array{struct}
+					Models array where each entry is a structure with the
+					following members:
+						uint16
+							Either a SIG Model Identifier or, if Vendor key is
+							present in model configuration dictionary, a 16-bit
+							vendor-assigned Model Identifier
+						dict
+							A dictionary that contains model configuration with
+							the following keys defined:
+								array{uint16} Bindings
+									Indices of application keys bound to
+									the model
+								uint32 PublicationPeriod
+									Model publication period in milliseconds
+								uint16 Vendor
+									A 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company
+									Identifier of the vendor as defined by
+									Bluetooth SIG
+			PossibleErrors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound,
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.Failed
+		void Leave(uint64 token)
+			This removes the configuration information about the mesh node
+			identified by the 64-bit token parameter. The token parameter
+			has been obtained as a result of successful Join() method call.
+			PossibleErrors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound
+Mesh Node Hierarchy
+Service		org.bluez.mesh
+Interface	org.bluez.mesh.Node1
+Object path	/org/bluez/mesh/node<xxxx>
+		where xxxx is a 4-digit hexadecimal number generated by meshd daemon
+		void Send(object element_path, uint16 destination, uint16 key_index,
+								array{byte} data)
+			This method is used to send a message originated by a local model.
+			The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from
+			a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application
+			Hierarchy section).
+			The destination parameter contains the destination address. This
+			destination must be a uint16 to a unicast address, or a well known
+			group address.
+			The key_index parameter determines which application key to use for
+			encrypting the message. The key_index must be valid for that
+			element, i.e., the application key must be bound to a model on this
+			element. Otherwise, org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized will be
+			returned.
+			The data parameter is an outgoing message to be encypted by the
+			meshd daemon and sent on.
+			Possible errors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotFound
+		void Publish(object element_path, uint16 model, array{byte} data)
+			This method is used to send a publication originated by a local
+			model. If the model does not exist, or it has no publication record,
+			the method returns org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist error.
+			The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from
+			a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application
+			Hierarchy section).
+			The model parameter contains a model ID, as defined by the
+			Bluetooth SIG.
+			Since only one Publish record may exist per element-model, the
+			destination and key_index are obtained from the Publication
+			record cached by the daemon.
+			Possible errors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments
+		void VendorPublish(object element_path, uint16 vendor, uint16 model_id,
+								array{byte} data)
+			This method is used to send a publication originated by a local
+			vendor model. If the model does not exist, or it has no publication
+			record, the method returns org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist error.
+			The element_path parameter is the object path of an element from
+			a collection of the application elements (see Mesh Application
+			Hierarchy section).
+			The vendor parameter is a 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company
+			Identifier.
+			The model_id parameter is a 16-bit vendor-assigned Model Identifier.
+			Since only one Publish record may exist per element-model, the
+			destination and key_index are obtained from the Publication
+			record cached by the daemon.
+			Possible errors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.DoesNotExist
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments
+		dict Features [read-only]
+			The dictionary that contains information about feature support.
+			The following keys are defined:
+				boolean Friend
+					Indicates the ability to establish a friendship with a
+					Low Power node
+				boolean LowPower
+					Indicates support for operating in Low Power node mode
+				boolean Proxy
+					Indicates support for GATT proxy
+				boolean Relay - indicates support for relaying messages
+			If the key is absent from the dictionary, the feature is not
+			supported. Otherwise, true means that the feature is enabled and
+			false means that the feature is disabled.
+		boolean Beacon [read-only]
+			This property indicates whether the periodic beaconing is enabled
+			(true) or disabled (false).
+		uint32 SecondsSinceLastHeard [read-only]
+			This property may be read at any time to determine the number of
+			seconds since mesh network layer traffic was last detected on this
+			node's network.
+Mesh Application Hierarchy
+Service		unique name
+Interface		org.bluez.mesh.Application1
+Object path	<app_defined_root>
+An application is a collection of elements that host SIG defined and vendor
+specific models. It is expected that an application implements
+org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface.
+An example mesh application hierarchy may look like this:
+		-> /com/example
+			|   - org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager
+			|   - org.bluez.mesh.Application1
+			|   - org.bluez.mesh.Attention1 (optional)
+			|
+			-> /com/example/agent
+			| |   - org.bluez.mesh.ProvisionAgent1
+			|
+			-> /com/example/ele00
+			| |   - org.bluez.mesh.Element1
+			-> /com/example/ele01
+			| |   - org.bluez.mesh.Element1
+			...
+			-> /com/example/elexx
+			| |   - org.bluez.mesh.Element1
+		void JoinComplete(uint64 token)
+			This method is called when the node provisioning initiated
+			by a Join() method call successfully completed.
+			The token parameter serves as a unique identifier of the particular
+			node. The token must be preserved by the application in order to
+			authenticate itself to the mesh daemon and attach to the network
+			as a mesh node by calling Attach() method or permanently remove the
+			identity of the mesh node by calling Leave() method.
+		void JoinFailed(string reason)
+			This method is called when the node provisioning initiated
+			by Join() has failed.
+			The reason parameter identifies the reason for provisioning failure.
+			The defined values are: "timeout", "bad-pdu", "confirmation-failed",
+			"out-of-resources", "decryption-error", "unexpected-error",
+			"cannot-assign-addresses".
+		uint16 CompanyID [read-only]
+			A 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company Identifier of the vendor as
+			defined by Bluetooth SIG
+		uint16 ProductID [read-only]
+			A 16-bit vendor-assigned product identifier
+		uint16 VersionID [read-only]
+			A 16-bit vendor-assigned product version identifier
+Mesh Element Hierarchy
+Service		unique name
+Interface	org.bluez.mesh.Element1
+Object path	<app_defined_element_path>
+		void MessageReceived(uint16 source, uint16 key_index,
+								boolean subscription, array{byte} data)
+			This method is called by meshd daemon when a message arrives
+			addressed to the application.
+			The source parameter is unicast address of the remote node-element
+			that sent the message.
+			The key_index parameter indicates which application key has been
+			used to decode the incoming message. The same key_index should be
+			used by the application when sending a response to this message
+			(in case a response is expected).
+			The subscription parameter is a boolean that is set to true if
+			the message is received as a part of the subscription (i.e., the
+			destination is either a well known group address or a virtual
+			label.
+			The data parameter is the incoming message.
+		void UpdateModelConfiguration(uint16 model_id, dict config)
+			This method is called by meshd daemon when a model's configuration
+			is updated.
+			The model_id parameter contains BT SIG Model Identifier or, if
+			Vendor key is present in config dictionary, a 16-bit
+			vendor-assigned Model Identifier.
+			The config parameter is a dictionary with the following keys
+			defined:
+				array{uint16} Bindings
+					Indices of application keys bound to the model
+				uint32 PublicationPeriod
+					Model publication period in milliseconds
+				uint16 Vendor
+					A 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company Identifier of the
+					vendor as defined by Bluetooth SIG
+			uint8 Index [read-only]
+				Element index. It is required that the application follows
+				sequential numbering scheme for the elements, starting with 0.
+			array{uint16} Models [read-only]
+				An array of SIG Model Identifiers. The array may be empty.
+			array{(uint16, uint16)} VendorModels [read-only]
+				An array of pairs (vendor, model ID):
+					vendor is a 16-bit Bluetooth-assigned Company Identifier
+					of the vendor as defined by Bluetooth SIG
+					model ID is a 16-bit vendor-assigned Model Identifier
+				The array may be empty.
+			uint16 Location [read-only, optional]
+				Location descriptor as defined in the GATT Bluetooth Namespace
+				Descriptors section of the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers
+Mesh Attention Hierarchy
+Service		unique name
+Interface	org.bluez.mesh.Attention1
+Object path	freely definable
+This is an optional interface that implements health attention timer.
+		void SetTimer(uint8 element_index,  uint16 time)
+			The element_index parameter is the element's index within the node
+			where the health server model is hosted.
+			The time parameter indicates how many seconds the attention state
+			shall be on.
+			PossibleErrors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotSupported
+		uint16 GetTimer(uint16 element)
+			The element parameter is the unicast address within the node
+			where the health server model is hosted.
+			Returns the number of seconds for how long the attention action
+			remains staying on.
+			PossibleErrors:
+				org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotSupported
+Provisioning Agent Hierarchy
+Service		unique name
+Interface	org.bluez.mesh.ProvisionAgent
+Object path	freely definable
+		array{byte} PrivateKey()
+			This method is called during provisioning if the Provisioner
+			has requested Out-Of-Band ECC key exchange. The Private key
+			is returned to the Daemon, and the Public Key is delivered to
+			the remote Provisioner using a method that does not involve
+			the Bluetooth Mesh system. The Private Key returned must be
+			32 octets in size, or the Provisioning procedure will fail
+			and be canceled.
+			This function will only be called if the Provisioner has
+			requested pre-determined keys to be exchanged Out-of-Band,
+			and the local role is Unprovisioned device.
+		array{byte} PublicKey()
+			This method is called during provisioning if the local device
+			is the Provisioner, and is requestng Out-Of-Band ECC key
+			exchange. The Public key is returned to the Daemon
+			that is the matched pair of the Private key of the remote
+			device. The Public Key returned must be 64 octets in
+			size, or the Provisioning procedure will fail and be canceled.
+			This function will only be called if the Provisioner has
+			requested pre-determined keys to be exchanged Out-of-Band,
+			and the local role is Provisioner.
+		void DisplayString(string display)
+			This method is called when the Daemon has something important
+			for the Agent to Display, but does not require any additional
+			input locally. For instance: "Enter "ABCDE" on remote device".
+		void DisplayNumeric(uint8 type, uint32 number)
+			This method is called when the Daemon has something important
+			for the Agent to Display, but does not require any additional
+			input locally. For instance: "Enter 149264 on remote device".
+			The type parameter indicates the display method. An enumeration
+			of "Blink", "Beep", "Vibrate", or "OutNumeric".
+			The number parameter is the specific value represented by
+			the Prompt.
+		uint32 PromptNumeric(uint8 type)
+			This method is called when the Daemon has requires the user to
+			enter a 1-9 digit decimal value.
+			The type parameter indicates the input method. An enumeration
+			of "Push", "Twist", or "InNumeric".
+			This agent should prompt the user for specific input. For instance:
+			"Enter value being displayed by remote device".
+		array{byte} PromptStatic(uint8 type)
+			This method is called when the Daemon requires a 16 octet
+			byte array, as an Out-of-Band authentication.
+			The type parameter indicates the input method. An enumeration
+			of "Static", or "InAlpha".
+			The Static data returned must be 16 octets in size, or the
+			Provisioning procedure will fail and be canceled. If input is
+			an InAlpha String, the printable charactors should be left
+			justified, with trailing 0x00 octets filling the remaining bytes.
+		void Cancel()
+			This method gets called by the daemon to cancel any existing
+			Agent Requests. When called, any pending user input should be
+			canceled.
+			array{string} Capabilities [read-only]
+				An array of strings with the following allowed values:
+					"blink", "beep", "vibrate", "out-numeric", "out-alpha",
+					"push", "twist", "in-numeric", "in-alpha", "public-oob",
+					"static-oob".
+			array{string} OutOfBandInfo [read-only, optional]
+				Indicates availability of OOB data.
+				An array of strings with the following allowed values:
+					"other", "uri", "machine-code-2d", "bar-code", "nfc",
+					"number", "string", "on-box", "in-box", "on-paper",
+					"in-manual", "on-device"
+			string URI [read-only, optional]
+				Uniform Resource Identifier points to out-of-band (OOB)
+				information (e.g., a public key)
+Mesh Provisioner Hierarchy

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