On 10/09/2018 11:09 PM, Barry Byford wrote: >> I'm currently investigating how I could use `busctl` to reproduce that >> behavior. > > Not my area of expertise but it seems like it might be difficult > because there would be no event loop. I tried something like that: ---- busctl call \ org.bluez /org/bluez org.bluez.ProfileManager1 RegisterProfile \ 'osa{sv}' \ /bluez \ "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" \ 3 'Role' s server 'Channel' u 1 Name s 'SerialPort' ---- I'm not 100% confident with the syntax. I also tried using `bluetoothctl` for that, but I'm even less confident with the syntax: ---- bluetoothctl << EOF register-profile 'osa{sv}' /bluez "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" 3 'Role' s server 'Channel' u 1 Name s 'SerialPort' EOF ---- Nevertheless, as you suggested, each of these solutions seems doomed since, according to the documentation: (from https://github.com/pauloborges/bluez/blob/master/doc/profile-api.txt) > If an application disconnects from the bus all > its registered profiles will be removed. If I understand it well, that means even if I was able to register a new profile, it will be removed as soon as `busctl` or `bluetoothctl` terminate. Or did I misunderstand the whole thing?