Thank you Barry Byford,
Your example is more understandable for me, but I do not know python.
If I understand correctly, the algorithm is as follows:
1. Connect to device (pair, connect)
2. "Release" profile
3. "RegisterProfile" with parameters. profile_path - path for new
profile on Dbus?
After RegisterProfile device port /dev/rfcomm created automatic or need
more operation?
4. For disconnect make RequestDisconnection
26.04.2018 21:39, Barry Byford пишет:
Hello Aleksandr ,
I believe that the following example in the tree is intended to serve
the purpose.
I couldn't workout the correct command line switches to get this
working so I did my own experiment and came up with the follow gist
for Serial Port Profile:
I hope that helps.
On 25 April 2018 at 08:53, Проклов Александр Валерьевич
<ProklovAV@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
The rfcomm command is deprecated, what is the use of the algorithm to create
serial connections?
Whether it is possible to create /dev/rfcomm not using rfcomm command
through Dbus or another utility from Bluez5?
In many forums, people also ask this question, and everything is decided by
adding rfcomm command.
Best regards,
Aleksandr Proklov
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