[PATCH BlueZ v3 4/7] monitor: Add LE Extended Scan commands decoding

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This patch adds decoding for following commands:

LE Set Extended Scan Parameters
LE Set Extended Scan Enable
LE Extended Create Connection
LE Extended Advertising Report Event

< HCI Command: LE Set Extended Scan Parameters (0x08|0x0041) plen 13
        Own address type: Random (0x01)
        Filter policy: Reserved (0x09)
        PHYs: 0x05
          LE 1M
          LE Coded
        Entry 0
          Type: Reserved (0x03)
          Interval: 491.250 msec (0x0312)
          Window: 320.625 msec (0x0201)
        Entry 1
          Type: Active (0x01)
          Interval: 0.625 msec (0x0001)
          Window: 0.625 msec (0x0001)

< HCI Command: LE Set Extended Scan Enable (0x08|0x0042) plen 6
        Extended scan: Enabled
        Filter duplicates: Disabled (0x00)
        Duration: 0 msec (0x0000)
        Period: 0.00 sec (0x0000)

< HCI Command: LE Extended Create Connection (0x08|0x0043) plen 24
        Filter policy: White list is used (0x01)
        Own address type: Public (0x02)
        Peer address type: Reserved (0xff)
        Peer address: 00-00-00-00-00-00
        Initiating PHYs: 0x01
          LE 1M
        Scan interval: 1.250 msec (0x0002)
        Scan window: 1601.875 msec (0x0a03)
        Min connection interval: 3212.50 msec (0x0a0a)
        Max connection interval: 3212.50 msec (0x0a0a)
        Connection latency: 0x010a
        Supervision timeout: 7700 msec (0x0302)
        Min connection length: 802.500 msec (0x0504)
        Max connection length: 5123.750 msec (0x2006)
 monitor/bt.h     |  58 ++++++++
 monitor/packet.c | 407 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 448 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/monitor/bt.h b/monitor/bt.h
index 5eb07d6..0aaa58b 100644
--- a/monitor/bt.h
+++ b/monitor/bt.h
@@ -2274,6 +2274,45 @@ struct bt_hci_cmd_le_set_periodic_adv_enable {
 	uint8_t  handle;
 } __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct bt_hci_cmd_le_set_ext_scan_params {
+	uint8_t  own_addr_type;
+	uint8_t  filter_policy;
+	uint8_t  num_phys;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct bt_hci_le_scan_phy {
+	uint8_t  type;
+	uint16_t interval;
+	uint16_t window;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct bt_hci_cmd_le_set_ext_scan_enable {
+	uint8_t  enable;
+	uint8_t  filter_dup;
+	uint16_t duration;
+	uint16_t period;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define BT_HCI_CMD_LE_EXT_CREATE_CONN		0x2043
+struct bt_hci_cmd_le_ext_create_conn {
+	uint8_t  filter_policy;
+	uint8_t  own_addr_type;
+	uint8_t  peer_addr_type;
+	uint8_t  peer_addr[6];
+	uint8_t  phys;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct bt_hci_le_ext_create_conn {
+	uint8_t  scan_interval;
+	uint16_t scan_window;
+	uint16_t min_interval;
+	uint16_t max_interval;
+	uint16_t latency;
+	uint16_t supv_timeout;
+	uint16_t min_length;
+	uint16_t max_length;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
 struct bt_hci_evt_inquiry_complete {
 	uint8_t  status;
@@ -2884,6 +2923,25 @@ struct bt_hci_evt_le_phy_update_complete {
 	uint8_t  rx_phy;
 } __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct bt_hci_evt_le_ext_adv_report {
+	uint8_t  num_reports;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct bt_hci_le_ext_adv_report {
+	uint16_t event_type;
+	uint8_t  addr_type;
+	uint8_t  addr[6];
+	uint8_t  primary_phy;
+	uint8_t  secondary_phy;
+	uint8_t  sid;
+	uint8_t  tx_power;
+	int8_t   rssi;
+	uint16_t interval;
+	uint8_t  direct_addr_type;
+	uint8_t  direct_addr[6];
+	uint8_t  data_len;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
 #define BT_HCI_EVT_LE_ADV_SET_TERM		0x12
 struct bt_hci_evt_le_adv_set_term {
 	uint8_t  status;
diff --git a/monitor/packet.c b/monitor/packet.c
index cccc69c..2a970e6 100644
--- a/monitor/packet.c
+++ b/monitor/packet.c
@@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@ static void print_num_reports(uint8_t num_reports)
 	print_field("Num reports: %d", num_reports);
-static void print_adv_event_type(uint8_t type)
+static void print_adv_event_type(const char *label, uint8_t type)
 	const char *str;
@@ -2329,7 +2329,7 @@ static void print_adv_event_type(uint8_t type)
-	print_field("Event type: %s (0x%2.2x)", str, type);
+	print_field("%s: %s (0x%2.2x)", label, str, type);
 static void print_rssi(int8_t rssi)
@@ -6283,12 +6283,11 @@ static void le_set_adv_enable_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
 	print_field("Advertising: %s (0x%2.2x)", str, cmd->enable);
-static void le_set_scan_parameters_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
+static void print_scan_type(const char *label, uint8_t type)
-	const struct bt_hci_cmd_le_set_scan_parameters *cmd = data;
 	const char *str;
-	switch (cmd->type) {
+	switch (type) {
 	case 0x00:
 		str = "Passive";
@@ -6300,13 +6299,14 @@ static void le_set_scan_parameters_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
-	print_field("Type: %s (0x%2.2x)", str, cmd->type);
+	print_field("%s: %s (0x%2.2x)", label, str, type);
-	print_interval(cmd->interval);
-	print_window(cmd->window);
-	print_own_addr_type(cmd->own_addr_type);
+static void print_scan_filter_policy(uint8_t policy)
+	const char *str;
-	switch (cmd->filter_policy) {
+	switch (policy) {
 	case 0x00:
 		str = "Accept all advertisement";
@@ -6324,7 +6324,18 @@ static void le_set_scan_parameters_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
-	print_field("Filter policy: %s (0x%2.2x)", str, cmd->filter_policy);
+	print_field("Filter policy: %s (0x%2.2x)", str, policy);
+static void le_set_scan_parameters_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
+	const struct bt_hci_cmd_le_set_scan_parameters *cmd = data;
+	print_scan_type("Type", cmd->type);
+	print_interval(cmd->interval);
+	print_window(cmd->window);
+	print_own_addr_type(cmd->own_addr_type);
+	print_scan_filter_policy(cmd->filter_policy);
 static void le_set_scan_enable_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
@@ -7370,6 +7381,187 @@ static void le_set_periodic_adv_enable_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
+static const struct {
+	uint8_t bit;
+	const char *str;
+} ext_scan_phys_table[] = {
+	{  0, "LE 1M"		},
+	{  2, "LE Coded"		},
+	{ }
+static int print_ext_scan_phys(uint8_t flags)
+	uint8_t mask = flags;
+	int bits_set = 0;
+	int i;
+	print_field("PHYs: 0x%2.2x", flags);
+	for (i = 0; ext_scan_phys_table[i].str; i++) {
+		if (flags & (1 << ext_scan_phys_table[i].bit)) {
+			print_field("  %s", ext_scan_phys_table[i].str);
+			mask &= ~(1 << ext_scan_phys_table[i].bit);
+			++bits_set;
+		}
+	}
+	if (mask)
+		print_text(COLOR_UNKNOWN_ADV_FLAG, "  Unknown scanning PHYs"
+							" (0x%2.2x)", mask);
+	return bits_set;
+static void le_set_ext_scan_params_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
+	const struct bt_hci_cmd_le_set_ext_scan_params *cmd = data;
+	const struct bt_hci_le_scan_phy *scan_phy;
+	int num_structs;
+	int i;
+	print_own_addr_type(cmd->own_addr_type);
+	print_scan_filter_policy(cmd->filter_policy);
+	num_structs = print_ext_scan_phys(cmd->num_phys);
+	for (i = 0; i < num_structs; ++i) {
+		print_field("Entry %d", i);
+		scan_phy = data + 3 + i * sizeof(struct bt_hci_le_scan_phy);
+		print_scan_type("  Type", scan_phy->type);
+		print_slot_625("  Interval", scan_phy->interval);
+		print_slot_625("  Window", scan_phy->window);
+	}
+static void print_enable(const char *label, uint8_t enable)
+	const char *str;
+	switch (enable) {
+	case 0x00:
+		str = "Disable";
+		break;
+	case 0x01:
+		str = "Enabled";
+		break;
+	default:
+		str = "Reserved";
+		break;
+	}
+	print_field("%s: %s", label, str);
+static void print_filter_dup(uint8_t filter_dup)
+	const char *str;
+	switch (filter_dup) {
+	case 0x00:
+		str = "Disabled";
+		break;
+	case 0x01:
+		str = "Enabled";
+		break;
+	default:
+		str = "Reserved";
+		break;
+	}
+	print_field("Filter duplicates: %s (0x%2.2x)", str, filter_dup);
+static void le_set_ext_scan_enable_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
+	const struct bt_hci_cmd_le_set_ext_scan_enable *cmd = data;
+	print_enable("Extended scan", cmd->enable);
+	print_filter_dup(cmd->filter_dup);
+	print_field("Duration: %d msec (0x%4.4x)",
+						le16_to_cpu(cmd->duration) * 10,
+						le16_to_cpu(cmd->duration));
+	print_field("Period: %.2f sec (0x%4.4x)",
+						le16_to_cpu(cmd->period) * 1.28,
+						le16_to_cpu(cmd->period));
+static const struct {
+	uint8_t bit;
+	const char *str;
+} ext_conn_phys_table[] = {
+	{  0, "LE 1M"		},
+	{  1, "LE 2M"		},
+	{  2, "LE Coded"		},
+	{ }
+static int print_ext_conn_phys(uint8_t flags)
+	uint8_t mask = flags;
+	int bits_set = 0;
+	int i;
+	print_field("Initiating PHYs: 0x%2.2x", flags);
+	for (i = 0; ext_conn_phys_table[i].str; i++) {
+		if (flags & (1 << ext_conn_phys_table[i].bit)) {
+			print_field("  %s", ext_conn_phys_table[i].str);
+			mask &= ~(1 << ext_conn_phys_table[i].bit);
+			++bits_set;
+		}
+	}
+	if (mask)
+		print_text(COLOR_UNKNOWN_ADV_FLAG, "  Unknown scanning PHYs"
+							" (0x%2.2x)", mask);
+	return bits_set;
+static void le_ext_create_conn_cmd(const void *data, uint8_t size)
+	const struct bt_hci_cmd_le_ext_create_conn *cmd = data;
+	const struct bt_hci_le_ext_create_conn *entry;
+	const char *str;
+	int num_entries;
+	int i;
+	switch (cmd->filter_policy) {
+	case 0x00:
+		str = "White list is not used";
+		break;
+	case 0x01:
+		str = "White list is used";
+		break;
+	default:
+		str = "Reserved";
+		break;
+	}
+	print_field("Filter policy: %s (0x%2.2x)", str, cmd->filter_policy);
+	print_own_addr_type(cmd->own_addr_type);
+	print_peer_addr_type("Peer address type", cmd->peer_addr_type);
+	print_addr("Peer address", cmd->peer_addr, cmd->peer_addr_type);
+	num_entries = print_ext_conn_phys(cmd->phys);
+	for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
+		entry = data + 10 + i * sizeof(*entry);
+		print_slot_625("Scan interval", entry->scan_interval);
+		print_slot_625("Scan window", entry->scan_window);
+		print_slot_125("Min connection interval", entry->min_interval);
+		print_slot_125("Max connection interval", entry->max_interval);
+		print_field("Connection latency: 0x%4.4x",
+						le16_to_cpu(entry->latency));
+		print_field("Supervision timeout: %d msec (0x%4.4x)",
+					le16_to_cpu(entry->supv_timeout) * 10,
+					le16_to_cpu(entry->supv_timeout));
+		print_slot_625("Min connection length", entry->min_length);
+		print_slot_625("Max connection length", entry->max_length);
+	}
 struct opcode_data {
 	uint16_t opcode;
 	int bit;
@@ -8115,9 +8307,15 @@ static const struct opcode_data opcode_table[] = {
 	{ 0x2040, 300, "LE Set Periodic Advertising Enable",
 				le_set_periodic_adv_enable_cmd, 2, true,
 				status_rsp, 1, true },
-	{ 0x2041, 301, "LE Set Extended Scan Parameters" },
-	{ 0x2042, 302, "LE Set Extended Scan Enable" },
-	{ 0x2043, 303, "LE Extended Create Connection" },
+	{ 0x2041, 301, "LE Set Extended Scan Parameters",
+				le_set_ext_scan_params_cmd, 3, false,
+				status_rsp, 1, true },
+	{ 0x2042, 302, "LE Set Extended Scan Enable",
+				le_set_ext_scan_enable_cmd, 6, true,
+				status_rsp, 1, true },
+	{ 0x2043, 303, "LE Extended Create Connection",
+				le_ext_create_conn_cmd, 10, false,
+				status_rsp, 1, true },
 	{ 0x2044, 304, "LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync" },
 	{ 0x2045, 305, "LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync Cancel" },
 	{ 0x2046, 306, "LE Periodic Advertising Terminate Sync" },
@@ -9093,7 +9291,7 @@ static void le_adv_report_evt(const void *data, uint8_t size)
-	print_adv_event_type(evt->event_type);
+	print_adv_event_type("Event type", evt->event_type);
 	print_peer_addr_type("Address type", evt->addr_type);
 	print_addr("Address", evt->addr, evt->addr_type);
 	print_field("Data length: %d", evt->data_len);
@@ -9211,7 +9409,7 @@ static void le_direct_adv_report_evt(const void *data, uint8_t size)
-	print_adv_event_type(evt->event_type);
+	print_adv_event_type("Event type", evt->event_type);
 	print_peer_addr_type("Address type", evt->addr_type);
 	print_addr("Address", evt->addr, evt->addr_type);
 	print_addr_type("Direct address type", evt->direct_addr_type);
@@ -9232,6 +9430,180 @@ static void le_phy_update_complete_evt(const void *data, uint8_t size)
 	print_le_phy("RX PHY", evt->rx_phy);
+static const struct {
+	uint8_t bit;
+	const char *str;
+} ext_adv_report_evt_type[] = {
+	{  0, "Connectable"		},
+	{  1, "Scannable"		},
+	{  2, "Directed"	},
+	{  3, "Scan response"	},
+	{  4, "Use legacy advertising PDUs"	},
+	{ }
+static void print_ext_adv_report_evt_type(const char *indent, uint16_t flags)
+	uint16_t mask = flags;
+	uint8_t data_status;
+	const char *str;
+	int i;
+	print_field("%sEvent type: 0x%4.4x", indent, flags);
+	for (i = 0; ext_adv_report_evt_type[i].str; i++) {
+		if (flags & (1 << ext_adv_report_evt_type[i].bit)) {
+			print_field("%s  %s", indent,
+						ext_adv_report_evt_type[i].str);
+			mask &= ~(1 << ext_adv_report_evt_type[i].bit);
+		}
+	}
+	data_status = (flags >> 5) & 3;
+	mask &= ~(data_status << 5);
+	switch (data_status) {
+	case 0x00:
+		str = "Complete";
+		break;
+	case 0x01:
+		str = "Incomplete, more data to come";
+		break;
+	case 0x02:
+		str = "Incomplete, data truncated, no more to come";
+		break;
+	default:
+		str = "Reserved";
+		break;
+	}
+	print_field("%s  Data status: %s", indent, str);
+	if (mask)
+				"%s  Reserved (0x%4.4x)", indent, mask);
+static void print_legacy_adv_report_pdu(uint16_t flags)
+	const char *str;
+	if (!(flags & (1 << 4)))
+		return;
+	switch (flags) {
+	case 0x10:
+		str = "ADV_NONCONN_IND";
+		break;
+	case 0x12:
+		str = "ADV_SCAN_IND";
+		break;
+	case 0x13:
+		str = "ADV_IND";
+		break;
+	case 0x15:
+		str = "ADV_DIRECT_IND";
+		break;
+	case 0x1a:
+		str = "SCAN_RSP to an ADV_IND";
+		break;
+	case 0x1b:
+		str = "SCAN_RSP to an ADV_SCAN_IND";
+		break;
+	default:
+		str = "Reserved";
+		break;
+	}
+	print_field("  Legacy PDU Type: %s (0x%4.4x)", str, flags);
+static void le_ext_adv_report_evt(const void *data, uint8_t size)
+	const struct bt_hci_evt_le_ext_adv_report *evt = data;
+	const struct bt_hci_le_ext_adv_report *report;
+	const char *str;
+	int i;
+	print_num_reports(evt->num_reports);
+	data += sizeof(evt->num_reports);
+	for (i = 0; i < evt->num_reports; ++i) {
+		report = data;
+		print_field("Entry %d", i);
+		print_ext_adv_report_evt_type("  ", report->event_type);
+		print_legacy_adv_report_pdu(report->event_type);
+		print_peer_addr_type("  Address type", report->addr_type);
+		print_addr("  Address", report->addr, report->addr_type);
+		switch (report->primary_phy) {
+		case 0x01:
+			str = "LE 1M";
+			break;
+		case 0x03:
+			str = "LE Coded";
+			break;
+		default:
+			str = "Reserved";
+			break;
+		}
+		print_field("  Primary PHY: %s", str);
+		switch (report->secondary_phy) {
+		case 0x00:
+			str = "No packets";
+			break;
+		case 0x01:
+			str = "LE 1M";
+			break;
+		case 0x02:
+			str = "LE 2M";
+			break;
+		case 0x03:
+			str = "LE Coded";
+			break;
+		default:
+			str = "Reserved";
+			break;
+		}
+		print_field("  Secondary PHY: %s", str);
+		if (report->sid == 0xff)
+			print_field("  SID: no ADI field (0x%2.2x)",
+								report->sid);
+		else if (report->sid > 0x0f)
+			print_field("  SID: Reserved (0x%2.2x)", report->sid);
+		else
+			print_field("  SID: 0x%2.2x", report->sid);
+		print_field("  TX power: %d dBm", report->tx_power);
+		if (report->rssi == 127)
+			print_field("  RSSI: not available (0x%2.2x)",
+							(uint8_t) report->rssi);
+		else if (report->rssi >= -127 && report->rssi <= 20)
+			print_field("  RSSI: %d dBm (0x%2.2x)",
+					report->rssi, (uint8_t) report->rssi);
+		else
+			print_field("  RSSI: reserved (0x%2.2x)",
+							(uint8_t) report->rssi);
+		print_slot_125("  Periodic advertising invteral",
+							report->interval);
+		print_peer_addr_type("  Direct address type",
+						report->direct_addr_type);
+		print_addr("  Direct address", report->direct_addr,
+						report->direct_addr_type);
+		print_field("  Data length: 0x%2.2x", report->data_len);
+		data += sizeof(struct bt_hci_le_ext_adv_report);
+		packet_hexdump(data, report->data_len);
+		data += report->data_len;
+	}
 static void le_adv_set_term_evt(const void *data, uint8_t size)
 	const struct bt_hci_evt_le_adv_set_term *evt = data;
@@ -9343,7 +9715,8 @@ static const struct subevent_data le_meta_event_table[] = {
 				le_direct_adv_report_evt, 1, false },
 	{ 0x0c, "LE PHY Update Complete",
 				le_phy_update_complete_evt, 5, true},
-	{ 0x0d, "LE Extended Advertising Report" },
+	{ 0x0d, "LE Extended Advertising Report",
+				le_ext_adv_report_evt, 1, false},
 	{ 0x0e, "LE Periodic Advertising Sync Established" },
 	{ 0x0f, "LE Periodic Advertising Report" },
 	{ 0x10, "LE Periodic Advertising Sync Lost" },

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