Re: GATT Server: DBus GATT Services not advertised/exported

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Hi Luiz,
after doing more investigation, I think the slow down comes from some incompatibilities between Bluez v5.44 and the Linux kernel distributed with Ubuntu 16.04 (ie: 4.4.0-72).

Android can discover the GATT services of Bluez's v5.37 './tests/example-gatt-server' with bluez v5.37 distributed by Ubuntu 16.04 under a second.

FYI, I attached 'btmon.log' that is the result of 'btmon' when I had the slowdown with Android 5.1.


On 20.04.2017 13:31, Luiz Augusto von Dentz wrote:
Hi Oliver,

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Olivier MARTIN <olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am back on the thread.
What I noticed last week when I tried on Android phone with both "BLE
Scanner" and "Nordic Connect", discovering GATT services is really really slow (it takes 2 min to discover all `example-gatt-server` GATT services) on Nexus 4 with Android 5.1.1 and Ubuntu 16.04 with Bluez v5.44 for the GATT
server. I am using the Asus USB-BT400 (Broadcom chipset).

I did more investigation this evening but I have not done any progress.
I tried with `example-gatt-server` started by the user and root and no
change in the poor performance.

I do not know what is taking so long but for instance it takes many seconds
to execute this part:

bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x005e
end: 0x0061
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x0060
end: 0x0061
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x0061 end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x0062
end: 0x0071
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x0062
end: 0x0071
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x006e
end: 0x0071
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x0065 end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x0066 end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x0067 end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x006a end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x006b end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x006c end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x006f end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x0070 end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x0071 end:
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x0072
end: 0x0079
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x0072
end: 0x0079
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Read By Type - start: 0x0079
end: 0x0079
bluetoothd[12913]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Find Info - start: 0x0077 end:

You should be able to see their timings in HCI with btmon, or just use
journalctl if are thinking there is a delay in processing the packets
but I think that is not the case. These many Find Info does indeed
looks odd, and there are even repeated range.

On 14.04.2017 20:31, Barry Byford wrote:

Hello Olivier,

On 14 April 2017 at 19:14, Olivier MARTIN <olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks Barry, setting 'ControllerMode = le' in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
fixed my issue. I can now see the GATT services.

Good news!

But I guess my adapter now only works as BLE adapter and will ignore the
non-LE devices.
In the comment of /etc/bluetooth/main.conf it is written the adapter
be by default set as 'dual'.

Is it a bug in Bluez? Why GATT services are not exposed while using the
default value for 'ControllerMode'?

This issue has come up before and was discuss here:

On 14.04.2017 14:30, Barry Byford wrote:

Hello Olivier,

On 14 April 2017 at 12:01, Olivier MARTIN <olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You are right Barry, `example-advertisement` seems to work well (I
and tried Nordic nRF Connect and I can see the expected advertisemet


But I cannot still manage to get `example-gatt-server` :-(
I am sure I got it working last year with an older version of Bluez.
cannot make it work with Bluez v5.44.

OK, I've taken a look at "example-gatt-server" and have it working...

My testing procedure:

1. [Laptop] First terminal: Start `sudo ./src/bluetoothd -E -n -d`
2. [Laptop] Second terminal: Start unmodified Bluez
3. [Laptop] Third terminal: Ensure the adapter is "Powered: yes" and
"Discoverable: yes"

OK, I've done this slightly different (details below). However, the
first thing I did was edit "/etc/bluetooth/main.conf"
I added the following line to the end of the file:

ControllerMode = le

Then I did the following:
1. [SBC1:T1] sudo ./src/bluetoothd -E -n -d
2. [SBC1:T2] ./example-gatt-server
3. [SBC1:T3] ./example-advertisement

4. [Android] Connect using Nordic nRF Connect (I also tried with "BLE
Scanner") and check I see the exposed GATT services by
Unfortunately, I can only see:
- Generic Access Service (0x1800)
- Generic Attribute Service (0x1801)

I've used bluetoothctl on SBC2 to connect and read the battery values
that the GATT server is counting down.

$ bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 00:00:00:00:5A:AD linaro-alip [default]
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 00:00:00:00:5A:AD Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device B8:27:EB:22:57:E0 BluezeroLight
[bluetooth]# scan off
Discovery stopped
[CHG] Controller 00:00:00:00:5A:AD Discovering: no
[bluetooth]# connect B8:27:EB:22:57:E0
Attempting to connect to B8:27:EB:22:57:E0
[CHG] Device B8:27:EB:22:57:E0 Connected: yes
Connection successful
[NEW] Primary Service
Battery Service
[NEW] Characteristic
Battery Level
[CHG] Device B8:27:EB:22:57:E0 ServicesResolved: yes
[BluezeroLight]# select-attribute
[BluezeroLight:/service000a/char000b]# read
Attempting to read
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Value: 0x46
  46                                               F
[BluezeroLight:/service000a/char000b]# notify on
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Notifying:
Notify started
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Value: 0x46
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Value: 0x44
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Value: 0x42
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Value: 0x40
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Value: 0x3e
[BluezeroLight:/service000a/char000b]# notify off
[CHG] Attribute
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_B8_27_EB_22_57_E0/service000a/char000b Notifying:
Notify stopped

That seems to be working then. When I didn't have "ControllerMode =
le" set then I did see it be unpredictable if it successfully
connected or not.
This also worked connecting with the nRF app.

Does that work for you?

If I had to suspect Bluez code, I will guess there is something missing
around here:

bluetoothd[20429]: src/device.c:gatt_server_init() # gatt_server_init bluetoothd[20429]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Primary services found: 2
bluetoothd[20429]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() start: 0x0001, end:
uuid: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
bluetoothd[20429]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() start: 0x0014, end:
uuid: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
bluetoothd[20429]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Registered handler for
Changed": 0
bluetoothd[20429]: src/device.c:gatt_client_ready_cb() status: success,
error: 0

As Bluez daemon does not get the GATT services from Buez GATT Database.
it might be me who miss a step...

On 14.04.2017 12:37, Barry Byford wrote:

example-advertisementHello Oliver,

On 14 April 2017 at 11:03, Olivier MARTIN <olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks for replying my message Barry,

Sorry, I forgot to mention but I start Bluez daemon with `sudo
./src/bluetoothd -E -n -d` (after stopping the bluetooth service). So
already run it with sudo and experimental option.

I am not sure to understand what you mean by "this kind of error
Because I do not see any error message in the log I provided.

OK, that was bad on my part. I read it as complaining that there were too many advertisements. Looking again that wasn't what it was say.

Any other idea?

I am by Linux Single Board Computers (SBC) today so I'm able to run what you are running and can show you what I'm seeing. I'll focus on example-advertisement first as example-gatt-server doesn't change the

I've started the BlueZ daemon with "./src/bluetoothd -E -n -d"

In another shell when I start "./example-advertisement" I see the
following in the output:

bluetoothd[2325]: src/adapter.c:property_set_mode() sending Set
Powered command for index 0
bluetoothd[2325]: src/adapter.c:property_set_mode_complete() Success
bluetoothd[2325]: src/adapter.c:new_settings_callback() Settings:
bluetoothd[2325]: src/adapter.c:settings_changed() Changed settings:
bluetoothd[2325]: src/adapter.c:adapter_start() adapter
/org/bluez/hci0 has been enabled
bluetoothd[2325]: src/adapter.c:trigger_passive_scanning()
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:register_advertisement()
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:client_create() Adding proxy for
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:register_advertisement()
Registered advertisement at path /org/bluez/example/advertisement0
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:parse_service_uuids() Adding
ServiceUUID: 180D
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:parse_service_uuids() Adding
ServiceUUID: 180F
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:parse_manufacturer_data() Adding
ManufacturerData for ffff
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:parse_service_data() Adding
ServiceData for 9999
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:refresh_advertisement() Refreshing
advertisement: /org/bluez/example/advertisement0
bluetoothd[2325]: src/advertising.c:add_adv_callback() Advertisement
registered: /org/bluez/example/advertisement0

On a second SBC, at the command line I run "bluetoothctl" and do "scan
on". Once my first SBC is found I do "scan off". I then do "info
B8:27:EB:22:57:E0" (this is the address of the first SBC) which gives
the following output:

[bluetooth]# info B8:27:EB:22:57:E0
Device B8:27:EB:22:57:E0
Alias: B8-27-EB-22-57-E0
Paired: no
Trusted: no
Blocked: no
Connected: no
LegacyPairing: no
UUID: Heart Rate (0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: Battery Service (0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
ManufacturerData Key: 0xffff
ManufacturerData Value: 0x00
ManufacturerData Value: 0x01
ManufacturerData Value: 0x02
ManufacturerData Value: 0x03
ManufacturerData Value: 0x04
ServiceData Key: 00009999-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
ServiceData Value: 0x00
ServiceData Value: 0x01
ServiceData Value: 0x02
ServiceData Value: 0x03
ServiceData Value: 0x04

I've also done a scan from my Android phone (using the Nordic nRF
Connect app) and can see the advertisements also (just hard to share
that information on here).

Does that help?

On 13.04.2017 19:59, Barry Byford wrote:

Hello Olivier,

On 13 April 2017 at 12:14, Olivier MARTIN <olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi all,
I am having issue to advertise/export GATT services exposed through
API. I tried `./test/example-gatt-server`. And I also tried to
`./test/example-advertisement` into `./test/example-gatt-server`.
both cases I only see the two compulsory GATT services:
- Generic Access Service (0x1800)
- Generic Attribute Service (0x1801)

I am using Bluez v5.44. And I also tried Bluez v5.37.

GATT Services seem to be discovered by Bluez (note: I added
statement all prefixed with '#'):

bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:manager_register_app() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:create_app() # create_app
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:manager_register_app()
application: :1.404:/
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:register_advertisement()
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:client_create() Adding proxy
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:register_advertisement()
advertisement at path /org/bluez/example/advertisement0
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service0/char2, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char0/desc0, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char2/desc3, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char2, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service1/char0, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char1, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service0/char1, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char1/desc3, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char1/desc2, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service0/char0, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2, iface: org.bluez.GattService1
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service1, iface: org.bluez.GattService1
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service0, iface: org.bluez.GattService1
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char0/desc1, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char2/desc2, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:proxy_added_cb() Object
/org/bluez/example/service2/char0, iface:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:client_ready_cb() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:create_service() #
from /org/bluez/example/service2
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:create_service() #
from /org/bluez/example/service1
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:create_service() #
from /org/bluez/example/service0
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_app() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_service() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:cep_write_cb() Stored CEP
the database
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_cep() Created
for characteristic
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:cep_write_cb() Stored CEP
the database
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_cep() Created
for characteristic
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:cep_write_cb() Stored CEP
the database
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_cep() Created
for characteristic
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:gatt_db_service_added() #
gatt_db_service_added: GATT Service added to local database
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_service() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_ccc() Created
for characteristic
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:gatt_db_service_added() #
gatt_db_service_added: GATT Service added to local database
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_service() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:database_add_ccc() Created
for characteristic
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:gatt_db_service_added() #
gatt_db_service_added: GATT Service added to local database
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:client_ready_cb() GATT
registered: :1.404:/
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:parse_service_uuids() Adding
ServiceUUID: 180D
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:parse_service_uuids() Adding
ServiceUUID: 180F
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:parse_manufacturer_data()
ManufacturerData for ffff
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:parse_service_data() Adding
for 9999
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:refresh_advertisement()
advertisement: /org/bluez/example/advertisement0
bluetoothd[16877]: src/advertising.c:add_adv_callback()
registered: /org/bluez/example/advertisement0

I start `./test/example-gatt-server` as a normal user. But Bluez
seem to have any permission issue with it.

Building from source I've seen something similar if I've used sudo

To compile and install I use sudo for the install only:

make -j 4 && sudo make install

I am using 'BLE scanner' on Android to discover the GATT services.
think the problem is coming from Bluez. When I connect the Android
Bluez, I can see this log:

bluetoothd[16877]: src/adapter.c:connected_callback() hci0 device
98:D6:F7:31:7B:0D connected eir_len 14
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-database.c:connect_cb() New incoming
bluetoothd[16877]: attrib/gattrib.c:g_attrib_ref() 0x98cd908:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_gatt_db() # load_gatt_db:
98:D6:F7:31:7B:0D gatt database from file
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_gatt_db_impl() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_service() # load_service:
service: 0x0001, end: 0x0005, uuid:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_service() # load_service:
service: 0x0014, end: 0xffff, uuid:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_chrc() loading characteristic
0x0002, value handle: 0x0003, properties 0x0020 uuid:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_chrc() loading characteristic
0x0015, value handle: 0x0016, properties 0x0002 uuid:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_chrc() loading characteristic
0x0017, value handle: 0x0018, properties 0x0002 uuid:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:load_gatt_db() List GATT Primaries
being free:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:print_primary() - Primary UUID:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:print_primary() - Primary UUID:
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:add_primary() # add_primary
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:add_primary() # add_primary
bluetoothd[16877]: profiles/gap/gas.c:gap_accept() GAP profile
bluetoothd[16877]: src/service.c:change_state() 0x98c98e0: device 98:D6:F7:31:7B:0D profile gap-profile state changed: disconnected
connected (0)
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-client.c:btd_gatt_client_connected()
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_server_init() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Primary services
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() start: 0x0001, end:
uuid: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() start: 0x0014, end:
uuid: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Registered handler for
Changed": 0
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_client_ready_cb() status:
error: 0
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:register_gatt_services() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:add_primary() # add_primary
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:add_primary() # add_primary
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:add_gatt_service() #
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-client.c:btd_gatt_client_ready() GATT
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-client.c:create_services() Exporting
GATT services: 98:D6:F7:31:7B:0D
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-client.c:service_create() Exported GATT
bluetoothd[16877]: src/gatt-client.c:characteristic_create()
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:device_svc_resolved()
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_98_D6_F7_31_7B_0D err 0
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:store_gatt_db() # store_gatt_db bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:store_service() # store_service bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:store_service() # store_service bluetoothd[16877]: profiles/gap/gas.c:read_device_name_cb() GAP
Nexus 4
bluetoothd[16877]: profiles/gap/gas.c:read_appearance_cb() GAP

I also reduced DBus 'TestAdvertisement' interface to only expose
Service as many BLE adapter got a limitation in the size of the
advertisement packet:
class TestAdvertisement(Advertisement):

    def __init__(self, bus, index):
        Advertisement.__init__(self, bus, index, 'peripheral')
        #self.add_service_uuid('180D') # HeartRate
        self.add_service_uuid('180F') # Battery
        #self.add_manufacturer_data(0xffff, [0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
#self.add_service_data('9999', [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03,
        self.include_tx_power = True

My concern is mainly these lines:

bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() Primary services
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() start: 0x0001, end:
uuid: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
bluetoothd[16877]: src/device.c:gatt_debug() start: 0x0014, end:
uuid: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

I've seen this kind of error message when I've had a failure of a previous script and the Bluetooth daemon is in some unknown state.
this point it is worth restarting the bluetooth service with:
  sudo service bluetooth restart

You will see in the advertising DBus API documentation that it is
still in experimental mode in 5.44.

This means that you need to make sure bluetoothd is started in
experimental mode. Have you done this?
 You can check with "sudo service bluetooth status"

Experimental can be switched on by default in the bluetooth.service

Edit /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service file to add

sudo sed -i '/^ExecStart.*bluetoothd\s*$/ s/$/ --experimental/'

I have not found the code that export GATT Services from GATT
the BLE central.

From my search on Internet, it looks I am not the only one who is
this issue
I am happy to share/test anything that could help to make some

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= New Index: 5C:F3:70:6A:D9:3C (Primary,USB,hci0)                                                                                     [hci0] 0.264415
= Open Index: 5C:F3:70:6A:D9:3C                                                                                                       [hci0] 0.264417
= Index Info: 5C:F3:70:6A:D9:3C (Broadcom Corporation)                                                                                [hci0] 0.264418
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 19                                                                                             [hci0] 5.331404
      LE Connection Complete (0x01)
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
        Role: Slave (0x01)
        Peer address type: Random (0x01)
        Peer address: 5E:3A:99:E3:23:CD (Resolvable)
        Connection interval: 48.75 msec (0x0027)
        Connection latency: 0.00 msec (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 20000 msec (0x07d0)
        Master clock accuracy: 0x05
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 16                                                                                           [hci0] 5.331611
      LE L2CAP: Connection Parameter Update Request (0x12) ident 1 len 8
        Min interval: 40
        Max interval: 56
        Slave latency: 0
        Timeout multiplier: 2000
@ Device Connected: 5E:3A:99:E3:23:CD (2) flags 0x0000
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 7                                                                                            [hci0] 5.332136
      ATT: Exchange MTU Request (0x02) len 2
        Client RX MTU: 517
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                [hci0] 5.396396
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 10                                                                                           [hci0] 5.444224
      LE L2CAP: Connection Parameter Update Response (0x13) ident 1 len 2
        Result: Connection Parameters accepted (0x0000)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 7                                                                                            [hci0] 5.542005
      ATT: Exchange MTU Response (0x03) len 2
        Server RX MTU: 517
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.542343
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Primary Service (0x2800)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.590647
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Primary Service (0x2800)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 24                                                                                           [hci0] 5.590898
      ATT: Read By Group Type Response (0x11) len 19
        Attribute data length: 6
        Attribute group list: 3 entries
        Handle range: 0x0001-0x0005
        UUID: Generic Access Profile (0x1800)
        Handle range: 0x0006-0x0009
        UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (0x1801)
        Handle range: 0x000a-0x000d
        UUID: Battery Service (0x180f)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 18                                                                                           [hci0] 5.639527
      ATT: Read By Group Type Response (0x11) len 13
        Attribute data length: 6
        Attribute group list: 2 entries
        Handle range: 0x0001-0x0005
        UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (0x1801)
        Handle range: 0x0014-0xffff
        UUID: Generic Access Profile (0x1800)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.639932
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Secondary Service (0x2801)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.688156
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x000e-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Primary Service (0x2800)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 26                                                                                           [hci0] 5.688413
      ATT: Read By Group Type Response (0x11) len 21
        Attribute data length: 20
        Attribute group list: 1 entry
        Handle range: 0x000e-0x001d
        UUID: Vendor specific (12345678-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef0)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                [hci0] 5.689357
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                            [hci0] 5.736775
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Group Type Request (0x10)
        Handle: 0x0001
        Error: Unsupported Group Type (0x10)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.737047
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0x0005
        Attribute type: Include (0x2802)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                [hci0] 5.816420
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.816432
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x001e-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Primary Service (0x2800)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 12                                                                                           [hci0] 5.816695
      ATT: Read By Group Type Response (0x11) len 7
        Attribute data length: 6
        Attribute group list: 1 entry
        Handle range: 0x001e-0x0025
        UUID: Heart Rate (0x180d)
> HCI Event: LE Meta Event (0x3e) plen 10                                                                                             [hci0] 5.817423
      LE Connection Update Complete (0x03)
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 64
        Connection interval: 67.50 msec (0x0036)
        Connection latency: 0.00 msec (0x0000)
        Supervision timeout: 20000 msec (0x07d0)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                            [hci0] 5.883029
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0001
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.883233
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0014-0xffff
        Attribute type: Include (0x2802)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 5.950685
      ATT: Read By Group Type Request (0x10) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0026-0xffff
        Attribute group type: Primary Service (0x2800)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                            [hci0] 5.950965
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Group Type Request (0x10)
        Handle: 0x0026
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                [hci0] 5.951360
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                            [hci0] 6.085807
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0014
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 6.086017
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0x0005
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                [hci0] 6.086234
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 6.153046
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0x0005
        Attribute type: Include (0x2802)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                            [hci0] 6.153339
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0001
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 13                                                                                           [hci0] 7.165684
      ATT: Read By Type Response (0x09) len 8
        Attribute data length: 7
        Attribute data list: 1 entry
        Handle: 0x0002
        Value: 200300052a
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 7.165875
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0003-0x0005
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                [hci0] 7.345432
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                           [hci0] 9.663320
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0001-0x0005
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 20                                                                                           [hci0] 9.663577
      ATT: Read By Type Response (0x09) len 15
        Attribute data length: 7
        Attribute data list: 2 entries
        Handle: 0x0002
        Value: 020300002a
        Handle: 0x0004
        Value: 020500012a
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                                [hci0] 9.845460
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 12.160742
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0003
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 12.161073
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0004-0x0005
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 12.345483
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 14.658367
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0005-0x0005
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 14.658616
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0005
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 14.845516
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 17.155765
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Find Information Request (0x04)
        Handle: 0x0004
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 17.155920
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0014-0xffff
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 17.346532
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 19.653425
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0006-0x0009
        Attribute type: Include (0x2802)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 19.653637
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0006
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 19.846562
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 20                                                                                          [hci0] 22.151046
      ATT: Read By Type Response (0x09) len 15
        Attribute data length: 7
        Attribute data list: 2 entries
        Handle: 0x0015
        Value: 021600002a
        Handle: 0x0017
        Value: 021800012a
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 22.151258
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0018-0xffff
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 22.346609
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 24.648466
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0006-0x0009
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 13                                                                                          [hci0] 24.648692
      ATT: Read By Type Response (0x09) len 8
        Attribute data length: 7
        Attribute data list: 1 entry
        Handle: 0x0007
        Value: 200800052a
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 24.846622
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 27.145990
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0018
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 27.146285
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0019-0xffff
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 27.346656
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 29.643540
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0008-0x0009
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 29.643821
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0008
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 29.847674
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 32.141054
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Find Information Request (0x04)
        Handle: 0x0019
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 7                                                                                           [hci0] 32.142594
      ATT: Read Request (0x0a) len 2
        Handle: 0x0016
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 32.347697
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 34.638561
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0009-0x0009
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                          [hci0] 34.638810
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x0009
        UUID: Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 34.847732
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 12                                                                                          [hci0] 37.136212
      ATT: Read Response (0x0b) len 7
        Value: 4e657875732034
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 7                                                                                           [hci0] 37.136595
      ATT: Read Request (0x0a) len 2
        Handle: 0x0018
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 37.347740
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 39.633742
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x000a-0x000d
        Attribute type: Include (0x2802)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 39.633996
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x000a
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 39.847757
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 42.347796
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 7                                                                                           [hci0] 44.628674
      ATT: Read Response (0x0b) len 2
        Value: 0000
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 44.848813
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 47.126454
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x000a-0x000d
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 13                                                                                          [hci0] 47.126657
      ATT: Read By Type Response (0x09) len 8
        Attribute data length: 7
        Attribute data list: 1 entry
        Handle: 0x000b
        Value: 120c00192a
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 52.121491
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x000c-0x000d
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 52.121737
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x000c
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 52.348909
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 57.116442
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x000d-0x000d
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                          [hci0] 57.116715
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x000d
        UUID: Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 57.349962
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 62.111720
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x000e-0x001d
        Attribute type: Include (0x2802)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 62.111935
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x000e
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 62.349984
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 67.106773
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x000e-0x001d
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 27                                                                                          [hci0] 67.107075
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x01 dlen 27                                                                                          [hci0] 67.107088
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x01 dlen 15                                                                                          [hci0] 67.107091
      ATT: Read By Type Response (0x09) len 64
        Attribute data length: 21
        Attribute data list: 3 entries
        Handle: 0x000f
        Value: 8a1000f5debc9a785634127856341278563412
        Handle: 0x0014
        Value: 8a1500f1debc9a785634127856341278563412
        Handle: 0x0019
        Value: 8a1a00f3debc9a785634127856341278563412
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 67.350037
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 69.606070
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                          [hci0] 72.101945
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x001a-0x001d
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 72.102244
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x001a
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 72.351106
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 77.096746
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0011-0x0013
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                          [hci0] 77.097040
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x0011
        UUID: Characteristic Extended Properties (0x2900)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 77.226135
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 82.091793
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0012-0x0013
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 24                                                                                          [hci0] 82.092049
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 19
        Format: UUID-128 (0x02)
        Handle: 0x0012
        UUID: Vendor specific (12345678-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef6)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 82.227194
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 87.086846
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0013-0x0013
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                          [hci0] 87.087178
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x0013
        UUID: Characteristic User Description (0x2901)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 87.227231
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 92.081896
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0016-0x0018
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                          [hci0] 92.082197
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x0016
        UUID: Characteristic Extended Properties (0x2900)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 92.227292
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                           [hci0] 97.077070
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0017-0x0018
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 24                                                                                          [hci0] 97.077318
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 19
        Format: UUID-128 (0x02)
        Handle: 0x0017
        UUID: Vendor specific (12345678-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef2)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                               [hci0] 97.228332
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                          [hci0] 102.072117
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0018-0x0018
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                         [hci0] 102.072328
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x0018
        UUID: Characteristic User Description (0x2901)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 102.228382
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                          [hci0] 107.067171
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x001b-0x001d
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                         [hci0] 107.067470
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x001b
        UUID: Characteristic Extended Properties (0x2900)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 107.229433
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                          [hci0] 112.062345
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x001c-0x001d
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 24                                                                                         [hci0] 112.062584
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 19
        Format: UUID-128 (0x02)
        Handle: 0x001c
        UUID: Vendor specific (12345678-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 112.229508
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                          [hci0] 117.057396
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x001d-0x001d
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                         [hci0] 117.057701
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x001d
        UUID: Characteristic User Description (0x2901)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 117.229534
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                         [hci0] 122.052701
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x001e-0x0025
        Attribute type: Include (0x2802)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                          [hci0] 122.053006
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x001e
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 122.230576
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                         [hci0] 127.047783
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x001e-0x0025
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 27                                                                                         [hci0] 127.048072
      ATT: Read By Type Response (0x09) len 22
        Attribute data length: 7
        Attribute data list: 3 entries
        Handle: 0x001f
        Value: 022000382a
        Handle: 0x0021
        Value: 102200372a
        Handle: 0x0024
        Value: 082500392a
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 127.230664
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 11                                                                                         [hci0] 132.042665
      ATT: Read By Type Request (0x08) len 6
        Handle range: 0x0025-0x0025
        Attribute type: Characteristic (0x2803)
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 9                                                                                          [hci0] 132.042936
      ATT: Error Response (0x01) len 4
        Read By Type Request (0x08)
        Handle: 0x0025
        Error: Attribute Not Found (0x0a)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 132.231652
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1
> ACL Data RX: Handle 64 flags 0x02 dlen 9                                                                                          [hci0] 137.037598
      ATT: Find Information Request (0x04) len 4
        Handle range: 0x0023-0x0023
< ACL Data TX: Handle 64 flags 0x00 dlen 10                                                                                         [hci0] 137.037799
      ATT: Find Information Response (0x05) len 5
        Format: UUID-16 (0x01)
        Handle: 0x0023
        UUID: Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5                                                                              [hci0] 137.231731
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 64
        Count: 1

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