Il 20/07/2016 16:39, Barry Byford ha scritto:
This is something I'm currently trying to get my head around.
There appears to be a dbus.INTROSPECTABLE_IFACE interface that has an
Introspect() method.
I've got an example of using it in Python at:
In build_introspection()
You can do something similar on the command line with:
gdbus introspect --system --dest org.bluez --object-path / --recurse
Hope that helps move you forward.
Hi Barry,
I was able to get it in this way:
QDBusInterface *iface = new QDBusInterface("org.bluez",
"/org/bluez/hci0", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable",
QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
QString xml = iface->call("Introspect").arguments().at(0).toString();
and then I extract the attribute "name" from the second "node" tag...
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