I recently built an autonomous bluetooth LE network (based on Nordic
nRF51822 central/nRF8001 peripheral µC) which I use for basic home
automation tasks.
To access this network from my Nexus 4 I need to put the phone in a
peripheral role so it can connect to the nRF51822 central.
As bluedroid won't support older Nexus phones in a peripheral role
anytime soon and is difficult to hack I was looking into bluez as an
alternative. I looked through the bluez source over the last few days,
watched your latest commits and list conversations, read up all kind of
README's and API docs.
I'm pleased to see that you're actively working on the kernel-side LE
advertising mgmt API and that you already implemented HAL stubs on the
Android side for the Lollipop 5.0 peripheral role enhancements.
It seems that the min requirement for peripheral role support in Android
would be at least 5 concurrent multi-advertising instances.
What is your schedule for the implementation of the multi-advertising
stubs in the Android bluetoothd HAL daemon? Is someone working on it
already? Would you welcome patches? (I never contributed to bluez,
though, and would require a bit of initial 1:1 support...)
Is there still something else missing on the kernel side or in userland
to make multi-advertisement work? Or is it all just about HAL support now?
Kind regards,
Florian Grandel
Freelance Software Developer
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