Re: [PATCH v4 4/7] shared/gatt-client: Add write prepare and execute

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Hi Lukasz,

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Lukasz Rymanowski
<lukasz.rymanowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Luiz,
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Luiz Augusto von Dentz
> <luiz.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Lukasz,
>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Lukasz Rymanowski
>> <lukasz.rymanowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> For Android we need explicit write prepare and execute commands in GATT
>>> client. This patch adds that.
>>> Note that till now prepare and execute has been used only in long
>>> write.
>>> With this patch it is possible to start reliable write session by
>>> the gatt-client. First write prepare will return session ID which shall
>>> be used in follow up write prepare request and write execute.
>>> ---
>>>  src/shared/gatt-client.c | 261 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  src/shared/gatt-client.h |  13 +++
>>>  2 files changed, 274 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/src/shared/gatt-client.c b/src/shared/gatt-client.c
>>> index acb6200..30fa883 100644
>>> --- a/src/shared/gatt-client.c
>>> +++ b/src/shared/gatt-client.c
>>> @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ struct bt_gatt_client {
>>>         struct queue *long_write_queue;
>>>         bool in_long_write;
>>> +       unsigned int reliable_write_session_id;
>>> +
>>>         /* List of registered disconnect/notification/indication callbacks */
>>>         struct queue *notify_list;
>>>         struct queue *notify_chrcs;
>>> @@ -2211,6 +2213,7 @@ unsigned int bt_gatt_client_write_without_response(
>>>  }
>>>  struct write_op {
>>> +       struct bt_gatt_client *client;
>>>         bt_gatt_client_callback_t callback;
>>>         void *user_data;
>>>         bt_gatt_destroy_func_t destroy;
>>> @@ -2596,6 +2599,264 @@ unsigned int bt_gatt_client_write_long_value(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>>         return req->id;
>>>  }
>>> +struct prep_write_op {
>>> +       bt_gatt_client_write_long_callback_t callback;
>>> +       void *user_data;
>>> +       bt_gatt_destroy_func_t destroy;
>>> +       uint8_t *pdu;
>>> +       uint16_t pdu_len;
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static void destroy_prep_write_op(void *data)
>>> +{
>>> +       struct prep_write_op *op = data;
>>> +
>>> +       if (op->destroy)
>>> +               op->destroy(op->user_data);
>>> +
>>> +       free(op->pdu);
>>> +       free(op);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void prep_write_cb(uint8_t opcode, const void *pdu, uint16_t length,
>>> +                                                               void *user_data)
>>> +{
>>> +       struct request *req = user_data;
>>> +       struct prep_write_op *op = req->data;
>>> +       bool success;
>>> +       uint8_t att_ecode;
>>> +       bool reliable_error;
>>> +
>>> +       if (opcode == BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP) {
>>> +               success = false;
>>> +               reliable_error = false;
>>> +               att_ecode = process_error(pdu, length);
>>> +               goto done;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       if (opcode != BT_ATT_OP_PREP_WRITE_RSP) {
>>> +               success = false;
>>> +               reliable_error = false;
>>> +               att_ecode = 0;
>>> +               goto done;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       if (!pdu || length != op->pdu_len ||
>>> +                                       memcmp(pdu, op->pdu, op->pdu_len)) {
>>> +               success = false;
>>> +               reliable_error = true;
>>> +               att_ecode = 0;
>>> +               goto done;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       success = true;
>>> +       reliable_error = false;
>>> +       att_ecode = 0;
>>> +
>>> +done:
>>> +       if (op->callback)
>>> +               op->callback(success, reliable_error, att_ecode, op->user_data);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static struct request *get_reliable_request(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>> +                                                       unsigned int id)
>>> +{
>>> +       struct request *req;
>>> +       struct prep_write_op *op;
>>> +
>>> +       op = new0(struct prep_write_op, 1);
>>> +       if (!op)
>>> +               return NULL;
>>> +
>>> +       /* Following prepare writes */
>>> +       if (id != 0)
>>> +               req = queue_find(client->pending_requests, match_req_id,
>>> +                                                       UINT_TO_PTR(id));
>>> +       else
>>> +               req = request_create(client);
>>> +
>>> +       if (!req) {
>>> +               free(op);
>>> +               return NULL;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       req->data = op;
>>> +
>>> +       return req;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +unsigned int bt_gatt_client_prepare_write(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>> +                               unsigned int id, uint16_t value_handle,
>>> +                               uint16_t offset, uint8_t *value,
>>> +                               uint16_t length,
>>> +                               bt_gatt_client_write_long_callback_t callback,
>>> +                               void *user_data,
>>> +                               bt_gatt_client_destroy_func_t destroy)
>>> +{
>>> +       struct request *req;
>>> +       struct prep_write_op *op;
>>> +       uint8_t pdu[4 + length];
>>> +
>>> +       if (!client)
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +
>>> +       if (client->in_long_write)
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +
>>> +       /*
>>> +        * Make sure that client who owns reliable session continues with
>>> +        * prepare writes or this is brand new reliable session (id == 0)
>>> +        */
>>> +       if (id != client->reliable_write_session_id) {
>>> +               util_debug(client->debug_callback, client->debug_data,
>>> +                       "There is other reliable write session ongoing %u",
>>> +                       client->reliable_write_session_id);
>>> +
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       req = get_reliable_request(client, id);
>>> +       if (!req)
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +
>>> +       op = (struct prep_write_op *)req->data;
>>> +
>>> +       op->callback = callback;
>>> +       op->user_data = user_data;
>>> +       op->destroy = destroy;
>>> +
>>> +       req->destroy = destroy_prep_write_op;
>>> +
>>> +       put_le16(value_handle, pdu);
>>> +       put_le16(offset, pdu + 2);
>>> +       memcpy(pdu + 4, value, length);
>>> +
>>> +       /*
>>> +        * Before sending command we need to remember pdu as we need to validate
>>> +        * it in the response. Store handle, offset and value. Therefore
>>> +        * increase length by 4 (handle + offset) as we need it in couple places
>>> +        * below
>>> +        */
>>> +       length += 4;
>>> +
>>> +       op->pdu = malloc(length);
>>> +       if (!op->pdu) {
>>> +               op->destroy = NULL;
>>> +               request_unref(req);
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       memcpy(op->pdu, pdu, length);
>>> +       op->pdu_len = length;
>>> +
>>> +       /*
>>> +        * Now we are ready to send command
>>> +        * Note that request_unref will be done on write execute
>>> +        */
>>> +       req->att_id = bt_att_send(client->att, BT_ATT_OP_PREP_WRITE_REQ, pdu,
>>> +                                       sizeof(pdu), prep_write_cb, req,
>>> +                                       NULL);
>>> +       if (!req->att_id) {
>>> +               op->destroy = NULL;
>>> +               request_unref(req);
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       /*
>>> +        * Store first request id for prepare write and treat it as a session id
>>> +        * valid until write execute is done
>>> +        */
>>> +       if (client->reliable_write_session_id == 0)
>>> +               client->reliable_write_session_id = req->id;
>>> +
>>> +       return client->reliable_write_session_id;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void exec_write_cb(uint8_t opcode, const void *pdu, uint16_t length,
>>> +                                                               void *user_data)
>>> +{
>>> +       struct request *req = user_data;
>>> +       struct write_op *op = req->data;
>>> +       bool success;
>>> +       uint8_t att_ecode;
>>> +
>>> +       if (opcode == BT_ATT_OP_ERROR_RSP) {
>>> +               success = false;
>>> +               att_ecode = process_error(pdu, length);
>>> +               goto done;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       if (opcode != BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_RSP || pdu || length) {
>>> +               success = false;
>>> +               att_ecode = 0;
>>> +               goto done;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       success = true;
>>> +       att_ecode = 0;
>>> +
>>> +done:
>>> +       if (op->callback)
>>> +               op->callback(success, att_ecode, op->user_data);
>>> +
>>> +       op->client->reliable_write_session_id = 0;
>>> +
>>> +       start_next_long_write(op->client);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +unsigned int bt_gatt_client_write_execute(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>> +                                       unsigned int id,
>>> +                                       bool execute,
>>> +                                       bt_gatt_client_callback_t callback,
>>> +                                       void *user_data,
>>> +                                       bt_gatt_client_destroy_func_t destroy)
>>> +{
>>> +       struct request *req;
>>> +       struct write_op *op;
>>> +       uint8_t pdu;
>>> +
>>> +       if (!client)
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +
>>> +       if (client->in_long_write)
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +
>>> +       if (client->reliable_write_session_id != id)
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +
>>> +       op = new0(struct write_op, 1);
>>> +       if (!op)
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +
>>> +       req = queue_find(client->pending_requests, match_req_id,
>>> +                                                       UINT_TO_PTR(id));
>>> +       if (!req) {
>>> +               free(op);
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       op->client = client;
>>> +       op->callback = callback;
>>> +       op->user_data = user_data;
>>> +       op->destroy = destroy;
>>> +
>>> +       pdu = execute ? 0x01 : 0x00;
>>> +
>>> +       req->data = op;
>>> +       req->destroy = destroy_write_op;
>>> +
>>> +       req->att_id = bt_att_send(client->att, BT_ATT_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ, &pdu,
>>> +                                               sizeof(pdu), exec_write_cb,
>>> +                                               req, request_unref);
>>> +       if (!req->att_id) {
>>> +               op->destroy = NULL;
>>> +               request_unref(req);
>>> +               return 0;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       return id;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  static bool match_notify_chrc_value_handle(const void *a, const void *b)
>>>  {
>>>         const struct notify_chrc *chrc = a;
>>> diff --git a/src/shared/gatt-client.h b/src/shared/gatt-client.h
>>> index d4358cf..d7cd2ba 100644
>>> --- a/src/shared/gatt-client.h
>>> +++ b/src/shared/gatt-client.h
>>> @@ -108,6 +108,19 @@ unsigned int bt_gatt_client_write_long_value(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>>                                 bt_gatt_client_write_long_callback_t callback,
>>>                                 void *user_data,
>>>                                 bt_gatt_client_destroy_func_t destroy);
>>> +unsigned int bt_gatt_client_prepare_write(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>> +                               unsigned int id,
>>> +                               uint16_t value_handle, uint16_t offset,
>>> +                               uint8_t *value, uint16_t length,
>>> +                               bt_gatt_client_write_long_callback_t callback,
>>> +                               void *user_data,
>>> +                               bt_gatt_client_destroy_func_t destroy);
>>> +unsigned int bt_gatt_client_write_execute(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>> +                                       unsigned int id,
>>> +                                       bool execute,
>>> +                                       bt_gatt_client_callback_t callback,
>>> +                                       void *user_data,
>>> +                                       bt_gatt_client_destroy_func_t destroy);
>> I recall suggesting to remove execute parameter here and use
>> bt_gatt_client_cancel, that anyway should support cancelling it, note
>> that if execute 0x00 fails it would probably block any further
>> operation to use prepare so I wonder if there is actually a case where
>> cancel can fail, except perhaps if the queue is empty but then we
>> would need a special error code to identify that and discard the
>> prepare queue anyway since in that case it would not block further
>> prepares.
> Yes, you did suggest that, and I missed to comment on that in my cover letter.
> bt_gatt_client_cancel does support canceling of prepare write. I guess
> it  will  be used  mostly when cancel_all is used.
> In case of, let say, controlled prepare write session, having callback
> from execute gives you and idea
> when gatt client is ready to send another request. It also fits
> android design as we need to send notification to framework once
> write is done. We do send this notification in the write_cb.

You can send the notification right away can't you? att will queue the
requests anyway, so it is not that this will broken anything actually.

> Also, having two ways of  doing write execute 0x00 ( with
> bt_gatt_client_cancel and (imho) more intuitive way
> bt_gatt_client_execute_write(0x00) )
> should not be a big problem, especially that this is our internal API.

Well I suspect a newbie could do things like execute 0x00 and then
cancel which would probably crash given that the request would be
freed before the response.

> BR
> Lukasz
>>>  unsigned int bt_gatt_client_register_notify(struct bt_gatt_client *client,
>>>                                 uint16_t chrc_value_handle,
>>> --
>>> 1.8.4
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>> --
>> Luiz Augusto von Dentz
>> --
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Luiz Augusto von Dentz
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