Re: [PATCH BlueZ v3 3/8] core: device: Fix broken GATT UUID management

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> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Arman Uguray <armansito@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Luiz,
>> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 5:17 AM, Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.dentz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Arman,
>> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Arman Uguray <armansito@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> This patch fixes the broken GATT UUID management, which incorrectly
>>> remove valid UUIDs during the GATT profile probe process. This is
>>> achieved by splitting UUIDs obtained via GATT and SDP into their own
>>> lists that are internal to btd_device.
>>> ---
>>>  plugins/sixaxis.c |   2 +-
>>>  src/adapter.c     |   8 +-
>>>  src/device.c      | 367 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
>>>  src/device.h      |   6 +-
>>>  4 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/plugins/sixaxis.c b/plugins/sixaxis.c
>>> index ac53ba9..0a4e3d8 100644
>>> --- a/plugins/sixaxis.c
>>> +++ b/plugins/sixaxis.c
>>> @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ static bool setup_device(int fd, int index, struct btd_adapter *adapter)
>>>         device = btd_adapter_get_device(adapter, &device_bdaddr, BDADDR_BREDR);
>>> -       if (g_slist_find_custom(btd_device_get_uuids(device), HID_UUID,
>>> +       if (g_slist_find_custom(btd_device_get_sdp_uuids(device), HID_UUID,
>>>                                                 (GCompareFunc)strcasecmp)) {
>>>                 DBG("device %s already known, skipping", device_addr);
>>>                 return true;
>>> diff --git a/src/adapter.c b/src/adapter.c
>>> index d7e2550..379a80b 100644
>>> --- a/src/adapter.c
>>> +++ b/src/adapter.c
>>> @@ -2912,9 +2912,13 @@ static void load_devices(struct btd_adapter *adapter)
>>>                 /* TODO: register services from pre-loaded list of primaries */
>>> -               list = btd_device_get_uuids(device);
>>> +               list = btd_device_get_sdp_uuids(device);
>>>                 if (list)
>>> -                       device_probe_profiles(device, list);
>>> +                       device_probe_profiles(device, list, false);
>>> +
>>> +               list = btd_device_get_gatt_uuids(device);
>>> +               if (list)
>>> +                       device_probe_profiles(device, list, true);
>>>  device_exist:
>>>                 if (key_info) {
>>> diff --git a/src/device.c b/src/device.c
>>> index 4f702ba..9d1a480 100644
>>> --- a/src/device.c
>>> +++ b/src/device.c
>>> @@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ struct btd_device {
>>>         uint16_t        appearance;
>>>         char            *modalias;
>>>         struct btd_adapter      *adapter;
>>> -       GSList          *uuids;
>>> +       GSList          *sdp_uuids;
>>> +       GSList          *gatt_uuids;
>>>         GSList          *primaries;             /* List of primary services */
>>>         GSList          *services;              /* List of btd_service */
>>>         GSList          *pending;               /* Pending services */
>>> @@ -335,6 +336,28 @@ static void update_technologies(GKeyFile *file, struct btd_device *dev)
>>>                                                                 list, len);
>>>  }
>>> +static char **store_service_uuids(GKeyFile *key_file, gchar *key, GSList *uuids)
>>> +{
>>> +       GSList *l;
>>> +       char **array;
>>> +       int i;
>>> +
>>> +       if (!uuids) {
>>> +               g_key_file_remove_key(key_file, "General", key, NULL);
>>> +               return NULL;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       array = g_new0(char *, g_slist_length(uuids) + 1);
>>> +
>>> +       for (i = 0, l = uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l), i++)
>>> +               array[i] = l->data;
>>> +
>>> +       g_key_file_set_string_list(key_file, "General", key,
>>> +                                               (const char **)array, i);
>>> +
>>> +       return array;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  static gboolean store_device_info_cb(gpointer user_data)
>>>  {
>>>         struct btd_device *device = user_data;
>>> @@ -344,7 +367,7 @@ static gboolean store_device_info_cb(gpointer user_data)
>>>         char device_addr[18];
>>>         char *str;
>>>         char class[9];
>>> -       char **uuids = NULL;
>>> +       char **sdp_uuids, **gatt_uuids;
>>>         gsize length = 0;
>>>         device->store_id = 0;
>>> @@ -387,18 +410,10 @@ static gboolean store_device_info_cb(gpointer user_data)
>>>         g_key_file_set_boolean(key_file, "General", "Blocked",
>>>                                                         device->blocked);
>>> -       if (device->uuids) {
>>> -               GSList *l;
>>> -               int i;
>>> -
>>> -               uuids = g_new0(char *, g_slist_length(device->uuids) + 1);
>>> -               for (i = 0, l = device->uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l), i++)
>>> -                       uuids[i] = l->data;
>>> -               g_key_file_set_string_list(key_file, "General", "Services",
>>> -                                               (const char **)uuids, i);
>>> -       } else {
>>> -               g_key_file_remove_key(key_file, "General", "Services", NULL);
>>> -       }
>>> +       sdp_uuids = store_service_uuids(key_file, "SDPServices",
>>> +                                                       device->sdp_uuids);
>>> +       gatt_uuids = store_service_uuids(key_file, "GATTServices",
>>> +                                                       device->gatt_uuids);
>> This change is not backward compatible which mean existing storage
>> will not load properly if we change the storage fields, furthermore I
>> think it is better to store the UUIDs per bearer_state since service
>> discovered flag is stored there it seem logical to couple UUIDs founds
>> there as well.
> You're right, I'm aware that this is not backwards compatible. I
> didn't build any migration mechanism from the UUIDs field to the new
> fields to sort of initiate this discussion with you. I'm still trying
> to figure out how to resolve the current format. See my comments
> below.
>>>         if (device->vendor_src) {
>>>                 g_key_file_set_integer(key_file, "DeviceID", "Source",
>>> @@ -420,7 +435,8 @@ static gboolean store_device_info_cb(gpointer user_data)
>>>         g_free(str);
>>>         g_key_file_free(key_file);
>>> -       g_free(uuids);
>>> +       g_free(sdp_uuids);
>>> +       g_free(gatt_uuids);
>>>         return FALSE;
>>>  }
>>> @@ -574,7 +590,8 @@ static void device_free(gpointer user_data)
>>>         btd_gatt_client_destroy(device->client_dbus);
>>>         device->client_dbus = NULL;
>>> -       g_slist_free_full(device->uuids, g_free);
>>> +       g_slist_free_full(device->sdp_uuids, g_free);
>>> +       g_slist_free_full(device->gatt_uuids, g_free);
>>>         g_slist_free_full(device->primaries, g_free);
>>>         g_slist_free_full(device->attios, g_free);
>>>         g_slist_free_full(device->attios_offline, g_free);
>>> @@ -988,22 +1005,43 @@ static gboolean dev_property_get_uuids(const GDBusPropertyTable *property,
>>>  {
>>>         struct btd_device *dev = data;
>>>         DBusMessageIter entry;
>>> -       GSList *l;
>>> +       GHashTable *uuids = NULL;
>>> +       GSList *sl;
>>> +       GList *keys, *l;
>>>         dbus_message_iter_open_container(iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
>>>                                 DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, &entry);
>>> -       if (dev->bredr_state.svc_resolved || dev->le_state.svc_resolved)
>>> -               l = dev->uuids;
>>> -       else if (dev->eir_uuids)
>>> -               l = dev->eir_uuids;
>>> -       else
>>> -               l = dev->uuids;
>>> +       if (!dev->bredr_state.svc_resolved && dev->le_state.svc_resolved &&
>>> +                                                       dev->eir_uuids) {
>>> +               for (sl = dev->eir_uuids; sl; sl = g_slist_next(sl))
>>> +                       dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&entry, DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
>>> +                                                               &sl->data);
>>> +
>>> +               goto done;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       /* Insert GATT and SDP UUIDs into a set to prevent any duplicates */
>>> +       uuids = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> -       for (; l != NULL; l = l->next)
>>> +       for (sl = dev->sdp_uuids; sl; sl = g_slist_next(sl))
>>> +               g_hash_table_add(uuids, sl->data);
>>> +
>>> +       for (sl = dev->gatt_uuids; sl; sl = g_slist_next(sl))
>>> +               g_hash_table_add(uuids, sl->data);
>>> +
>>> +       /* Obtain a list of UUIDs and sort it */
>>> +       keys = g_hash_table_get_keys(uuids);
>>> +       keys = g_list_sort(keys, bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> +
>>> +       for (l = keys; l; l = g_list_next(l))
>>>                 dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&entry, DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
>>> -                                                       &l->data);
>>> +                                                               &l->data);
>>> +
>>> +       g_list_free(keys);
>>> +       g_hash_table_destroy(uuids);
>>> +done:
>>>         dbus_message_iter_close_container(iter, &entry);
>>>         return TRUE;
>>> @@ -1130,7 +1168,8 @@ int device_unblock(struct btd_device *device, gboolean silent,
>>>         if (!silent) {
>>>                 g_dbus_emit_property_changed(dbus_conn, device->path,
>>>                                                 DEVICE_INTERFACE, "Blocked");
>>> -               device_probe_profiles(device, device->uuids);
>>> +               device_probe_profiles(device, device->sdp_uuids, false);
>>> +               device_probe_profiles(device, device->gatt_uuids, true);
>>>         }
>>>         return 0;
>>> @@ -2165,6 +2204,66 @@ failed:
>>>         return str;
>>>  }
>>> +static bool device_add_uuid(GSList **uuids, const char *uuid)
>>> +{
>>> +       if (g_slist_find_custom(*uuids, uuid, bt_uuid_strcmp))
>>> +               return false;
>>> +
>>> +       *uuids = g_slist_insert_sorted(*uuids, g_strdup(uuid), bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> +
>>> +       return true;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool device_add_uuids(struct btd_device *device, GSList **uuids,
>>> +                                                       GSList *new_uuids)
>>> +{
>>> +       GSList *l;
>>> +       bool changed = false;
>>> +
>>> +       for (l = new_uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l)) {
>>> +               if (device_add_uuid(uuids, l->data))
>>> +                       changed = true;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       if (changed)
>>> +               g_dbus_emit_property_changed(dbus_conn, device->path,
>>> +                                               DEVICE_INTERFACE, "UUIDs");
>>> +
>>> +       return changed;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool device_add_sdp_uuid(struct btd_device *device, const char *uuid)
>>> +{
>>> +       return device_add_uuid(&device->sdp_uuids, uuid);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool device_add_sdp_uuids(struct btd_device *device, GSList *uuids)
>>> +{
>>> +       return device_add_uuids(device, &device->sdp_uuids, uuids);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool device_add_gatt_uuid(struct btd_device *device, const char *uuid)
>>> +{
>>> +       return device_add_uuid(&device->gatt_uuids, uuid);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool device_add_gatt_uuids(struct btd_device *device, GSList *uuids)
>>> +{
>>> +       return device_add_uuids(device, &device->gatt_uuids, uuids);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void device_remove_gatt_uuid(struct btd_device *device, const char *uuid)
>>> +{
>>> +       GSList *l;
>>> +
>>> +       l = g_slist_find_custom(device->gatt_uuids, uuid, bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> +       if (!l)
>>> +               return;
>>> +
>>> +       g_free(l->data);
>>> +       device->gatt_uuids = g_slist_delete_link(device->gatt_uuids, l);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  static void load_info(struct btd_device *device, const char *local,
>>>                         const char *peer, GKeyFile *key_file)
>>>  {
>>> @@ -2254,30 +2353,40 @@ next:
>>>         if (blocked)
>>>                 device_block(device, FALSE);
>>> -       /* Load device profile list */
>>> -       uuids = g_key_file_get_string_list(key_file, "General", "Services",
>>> -                                               NULL, NULL);
>>> +       /* Load classic device profile list */
>>> +       uuids = g_key_file_get_string_list(key_file, "General", "SDPServices",
>>> +                                                               NULL, NULL);
>>>         if (uuids) {
>>>                 char **uuid;
>>> -               for (uuid = uuids; *uuid; uuid++) {
>>> -                       GSList *match;
>>> +               for (uuid = uuids; *uuid; uuid++)
>>> +                       device_add_sdp_uuid(device, *uuid);
>>> -                       match = g_slist_find_custom(device->uuids, *uuid,
>>> -                                                       bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> -                       if (match)
>>> -                               continue;
>>> -
>>> -                       device->uuids = g_slist_insert_sorted(device->uuids,
>>> -                                                               g_strdup(*uuid),
>>> -                                                               bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> -               }
>>>                 g_strfreev(uuids);
>>>                 /* Discovered services restored from storage */
>>>                 device->bredr_state.svc_resolved = true;
>>>         }
>>> +       /* Load GATT-based device profile list */
>>> +       uuids = g_key_file_get_string_list(key_file, "General", "GATTServices",
>>> +                                                               NULL, NULL);
>>> +       if (uuids) {
>>> +               char **uuid;
>>> +
>>> +               for (uuid = uuids; *uuid; uuid++)
>>> +                       device_add_gatt_uuid(device, *uuid);
>>> +
>>> +               g_strfreev(uuids);
>>> +
>>> +               /*
>>> +                * TODO: The GATT-based service UUIDs have been restored from
>>> +                * storage but we don't have a populated gatt-db yet. Here we
>>> +                * should mark le_state.svc_resolved as true, if we're bonded
>>> +                * and we have a populated gatt_db.
>>> +                */
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>>         /* Load device id */
>>>         source = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, "DeviceID", "Source", NULL);
>>>         if (source) {
>>> @@ -2411,34 +2520,13 @@ static void add_primary(struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, void *user_data)
>>>         *new_services = g_slist_append(*new_services, prim);
>>>  }
>>> -static void device_add_uuids(struct btd_device *device, GSList *uuids)
>>> -{
>>> -       GSList *l;
>>> -       bool changed = false;
>>> -
>>> -       for (l = uuids; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next(l)) {
>>> -               GSList *match = g_slist_find_custom(device->uuids, l->data,
>>> -                                                       bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> -               if (match)
>>> -                       continue;
>>> -
>>> -               changed = true;
>>> -               device->uuids = g_slist_insert_sorted(device->uuids,
>>> -                                               g_strdup(l->data),
>>> -                                               bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> -       }
>>> -
>>> -       if (changed)
>>> -               g_dbus_emit_property_changed(dbus_conn, device->path,
>>> -                                               DEVICE_INTERFACE, "UUIDs");
>>> -}
>>> -
>>>  static void store_services(struct btd_device *device);
>>>  struct gatt_probe_data {
>>>         struct btd_device *dev;
>>>         bool all_services;
>>> -       GSList *uuids;
>>> +       GSList *new_uuids;
>>> +       GSList *old_uuids;
>>>         struct gatt_db_attribute *cur_attr;
>>>         char cur_uuid[MAX_LEN_UUID_STR];
>>>  };
>>> @@ -2488,20 +2576,31 @@ static void dev_probe_gatt_profile(struct gatt_db_attribute *attr,
>>>  {
>>>         struct gatt_probe_data *data = user_data;
>>>         bt_uuid_t uuid;
>>> -       GSList *l = NULL;
>>> +       gpointer dup_uuid;
>>>         gatt_db_attribute_get_service_uuid(attr, &uuid);
>>>         bt_uuid_to_string(&uuid, data->cur_uuid, sizeof(data->cur_uuid));
>>>         data->cur_attr = attr;
>>> -       /*
>>> -        * If we're probing for all services, store the UUID since device->uuids
>>> -        * was cleared.
>>> -        */
>>> -       if (data->all_services)
>>> -               data->uuids = g_slist_append(data->uuids,
>>> +       if (data->all_services) {
>>> +               GSList *l;
>>> +
>>> +               /*
>>> +                * Check if the service is already in the old UUIDs list. If so,
>>> +                * remove it.
>>> +                */
>>> +               l = g_slist_find_custom(data->old_uuids, data->cur_uuid,
>>> +                                                               bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> +               if (l) {
>>> +                       g_free(l->data);
>>> +                       data->old_uuids = g_slist_delete_link(data->old_uuids,
>>> +                                                                       l);
>>> +               } else {
>>> +                       data->new_uuids = g_slist_append(data->new_uuids,
>>>                                                 g_strdup(data->cur_uuid));
>>> +               }
>>> +       }
>>>         /* Don't probe the profiles if a matching service already exists. */
>>>         if (find_service_with_uuid(data->dev->services, data->cur_uuid))
>>> @@ -2512,8 +2611,14 @@ static void dev_probe_gatt_profile(struct gatt_db_attribute *attr,
>>>         if (data->all_services)
>>>                 return;
>>> -       l = g_slist_append(l, g_strdup(data->cur_uuid));
>>> -       device_add_uuids(data->dev, l);
>>> +       dup_uuid = g_strdup(data->cur_uuid);
>>> +       if (!device_add_gatt_uuid(data->dev, dup_uuid)) {
>>> +               g_free(dup_uuid);
>>> +               return;
>>> +       }
>>> +
>>> +       g_dbus_emit_property_changed(dbus_conn, data->dev->path,
>>> +                                               DEVICE_INTERFACE, "UUIDs");
>>>  }
>>>  static void device_probe_gatt_profile(struct btd_device *device,
>>> @@ -2526,33 +2631,25 @@ static void device_probe_gatt_profile(struct btd_device *device,
>>> = device;
>>>         dev_probe_gatt_profile(attr, &data);
>>> -       g_slist_free_full(data.uuids, g_free);
>>>  }
>>>  static void remove_invalid_services(struct gatt_probe_data *data)
>>>  {
>>>         struct btd_device *dev = data->dev;
>>>         struct btd_service *service;
>>> -       struct btd_profile *profile;
>>> -       GSList *l, *tmp;
>>> +       GSList *l, *svc;
>>> -       for (l = dev->services; l != NULL;) {
>>> -               service = l->data;
>>> -               profile = btd_service_get_profile(service);
>>> +       for (l = data->old_uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l)) {
>>> +               device_remove_gatt_uuid(dev, l->data);
>>> -               if (g_slist_find_custom(dev->uuids, profile->remote_uuid,
>>> -                                                       bt_uuid_strcmp)) {
>>> -                       l = g_slist_next(l);
>>> +               svc = find_service_with_uuid(dev->services, l->data);
>>> +               if (!svc)
>>>                         continue;
>>> -               }
>>> -               /* Service no longer valid, so remove it */
>>> -               tmp = l->next;
>>> -               dev->services = g_slist_delete_link(dev->services, l);
>>> +               service = svc->data;
>>> +               dev->services = g_slist_delete_link(dev->services, svc);
>>>                 dev->pending = g_slist_remove(dev->pending, service);
>>>                 service_remove(service);
>>> -
>>> -               l = tmp;
>>>         }
>>>  }
>>> @@ -2560,6 +2657,7 @@ static void device_probe_gatt_profiles(struct btd_device *device)
>>>  {
>>>         struct gatt_probe_data data;
>>>         char addr[18];
>>> +       GSList *l;
>>>         ba2str(&device->bdaddr, addr);
>>> @@ -2573,23 +2671,24 @@ static void device_probe_gatt_profiles(struct btd_device *device)
>>> = device;
>>>         data.all_services = true;
>>> +       /* Copy current list of GATT UUIDs */
>>> +       for (l = device->gatt_uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l))
>>> +               data.old_uuids = g_slist_append(data.old_uuids,
>>> +                                                       g_strdup(l->data));
>>>         gatt_db_foreach_service(device->db, NULL, dev_probe_gatt_profile,
>>>                                                                         &data);
>>> -       /*
>>> -        * Clear the UUIDs list
>>> -        *
>>> -        * FIXME: The management of UUIDs here iss currently broken, as clearing
>>> -        * the entire list here will likely remove UUIDs that shouldn't be
>>> -        * removed (e.g. those obtained via SDP for a dual-mode device).
>>> -        */
>>> -       g_slist_free_full(device->uuids, g_free);
>>> -       device->uuids = NULL;
>>> +       /* Whatever remains in data.old_uuids is stale and should be removed */
>>> +       remove_invalid_services(&data);
>>> -       device_add_uuids(device, data.uuids);
>>> -       g_slist_free_full(data.uuids, g_free);
>>> +       /* Update the list with new UUIDs */
>>> +       if (!device_add_gatt_uuids(device, data.new_uuids) && data.old_uuids)
>>> +               g_dbus_emit_property_changed(dbus_conn, device->path,
>>> +                                               DEVICE_INTERFACE, "UUIDs");
>>> -       remove_invalid_services(&data);
>>> +       g_slist_free_full(data.new_uuids, g_free);
>>> +       g_slist_free_full(data.old_uuids, g_free);
>>>  }
>>>  static void device_accept_gatt_profiles(struct btd_device *device)
>>> @@ -2675,46 +2774,39 @@ static gint prim_attr_cmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
>>>         return !(prim->range.start == start && prim->range.end == end);
>>>  }
>>> -static gint prim_uuid_cmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
>>> -{
>>> -       const struct gatt_primary *prim = a;
>>> -       const char *uuid = b;
>>> -
>>> -       return bt_uuid_strcmp(prim->uuid, uuid);
>>> -}
>>> -
>>>  static void gatt_service_removed(struct gatt_db_attribute *attr,
>>>                                                                 void *user_data)
>>>  {
>>>         struct btd_device *device = user_data;
>>>         GSList *l;
>>> -       struct gatt_primary *prim;
>>>         uint16_t start, end;
>>> +       bt_uuid_t uuid;
>>> +       char uuid_str[MAX_LEN_UUID_STR];
>>>         if (!bt_gatt_client_is_ready(device->client))
>>>                 return;
>>> -       gatt_db_attribute_get_service_handles(attr, &start, &end);
>>> +       gatt_db_attribute_get_service_data(attr, &start, &end, NULL, &uuid);
>>>         DBG("start: 0x%04x, end: 0x%04x", start, end);
>>>         /* Remove the corresponding gatt_primary */
>>>         l = g_slist_find_custom(device->primaries, attr, prim_attr_cmp);
>>> -       if (!l)
>>> -               return;
>>> +       if (l) {
>>> +               g_free(l->data);
>>> +               device->primaries = g_slist_delete_link(device->primaries, l);
>>> +       }
>>> -       prim = l->data;
>>> -       device->primaries = g_slist_delete_link(device->primaries, l);
>>> +       bt_uuid_to_string(&uuid, uuid_str, sizeof(uuid_str));
>>>         /* Get the UUID entry to be removed below */
>>> -       l = g_slist_find_custom(device->uuids, prim->uuid, bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> +       l = g_slist_find_custom(device->gatt_uuids, uuid_str, bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>>         /*
>>>          * Remove the corresponding UUIDs entry and the profile, only if this
>>>          * is the last service with this UUID.
>>>          */
>>> -       if (!g_slist_find_custom(device->primaries, prim->uuid,
>>> -                                                       prim_uuid_cmp)) {
>>> +       if (!gatt_db_get_service_with_uuid(device->db, &uuid)) {
>>>                 /*
>>>                  * If this happened since the db was cleared for a non-bonded
>>>                  * device, then don't remove the btd_service just yet. We do
>>> @@ -2727,13 +2819,11 @@ static void gatt_service_removed(struct gatt_db_attribute *attr,
>>>                         device_remove_gatt_profile(device, attr);
>>>                 g_free(l->data);
>>> -               device->uuids = g_slist_delete_link(device->uuids, l);
>>> +               device->gatt_uuids = g_slist_delete_link(device->gatt_uuids, l);
>>>                 g_dbus_emit_property_changed(dbus_conn, device->path,
>>>                                                 DEVICE_INTERFACE, "UUIDs");
>>>         }
>>> -       g_free(prim);
>>> -
>>>         store_device_info(device);
>>>         btd_gatt_client_service_removed(device->client_dbus, attr);
>>> @@ -2988,8 +3078,13 @@ void device_merge_duplicate(struct btd_device *dev, struct btd_device *dup)
>>>         dev->trusted = dup->trusted;
>>>         dev->blocked = dup->blocked;
>>> -       for (l = dup->uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l))
>>> -               dev->uuids = g_slist_append(dev->uuids, g_strdup(l->data));
>>> +       for (l = dup->sdp_uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l))
>>> +               dev->sdp_uuids = g_slist_append(dev->sdp_uuids,
>>> +                                                       g_strdup(l->data));
>>> +
>>> +       for (l = dup->gatt_uuids; l; l = g_slist_next(l))
>>> +               dev->gatt_uuids = g_slist_append(dev->gatt_uuids,
>>> +                                                       g_strdup(l->data));
>>>         if (dev->name[0] == '\0')
>>>                 strcpy(dev->name, dup->name);
>>> @@ -3240,9 +3335,14 @@ static gboolean record_has_uuid(const sdp_record_t *rec,
>>>         return FALSE;
>>>  }
>>> -GSList *btd_device_get_uuids(struct btd_device *device)
>>> +GSList *btd_device_get_sdp_uuids(struct btd_device *device)
>>>  {
>>> -       return device->uuids;
>>> +       return device->sdp_uuids;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +GSList *btd_device_get_gatt_uuids(struct btd_device *device)
>>> +{
>>> +       return device->gatt_uuids;
>>>  }
>>>  struct probe_data {
>>> @@ -3280,7 +3380,8 @@ void device_probe_profile(gpointer a, gpointer b)
>>>         if (profile->device_probe == NULL)
>>>                 return;
>>> -       if (!device_match_profile(device, profile, device->uuids))
>>> +       if (!device_match_profile(device, profile, device->sdp_uuids) &&
>>> +               !device_match_profile(device, profile, device->gatt_uuids))
>>>                 return;
>>>         service = service_create(device, profile);
>>> @@ -3318,7 +3419,8 @@ void device_remove_profile(gpointer a, gpointer b)
>>>         service_remove(service);
>>>  }
>>> -void device_probe_profiles(struct btd_device *device, GSList *uuids)
>>> +void device_probe_profiles(struct btd_device *device, GSList *uuids,
>>> +                                                               bool gatt)
>>>  {
>>>         struct probe_data d = { device, uuids };
>>>         char addr[18];
>>> @@ -3335,7 +3437,10 @@ void device_probe_profiles(struct btd_device *device, GSList *uuids)
>>>         btd_profile_foreach(dev_probe, &d);
>>>  add_uuids:
>>> -       device_add_uuids(device, uuids);
>>> +       if (gatt)
>>> +               device_add_gatt_uuids(device, uuids);
>>> +       else
>>> +               device_add_sdp_uuids(device, uuids);
>>>  }
>>>  static void store_sdp_record(GKeyFile *key_file, sdp_record_t *rec)
>>> @@ -3431,7 +3536,7 @@ static int update_record(struct browse_req *req, const char *uuid,
>>>         req->records = sdp_list_append(req->records, sdp_copy_record(rec));
>>>         /* Check if UUID is duplicated */
>>> -       l = g_slist_find_custom(req->device->uuids, uuid, bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> +       l = g_slist_find_custom(req->device->sdp_uuids, uuid, bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>>         if (l == NULL) {
>>>                 l = g_slist_find_custom(req->profiles_added, uuid,
>>>                                                         bt_uuid_strcmp);
>>> @@ -3662,7 +3767,7 @@ static void search_cb(sdp_list_t *recs, int err, gpointer user_data)
>>>          * the full list of services and populate a client-role gatt_db over
>>>          * BR/EDR.
>>>          */
>>> -       device_probe_profiles(device, req->profiles_added);
>>> +       device_probe_profiles(device, req->profiles_added, false);
>>>         /* Propagate services changes */
>>>         g_dbus_emit_property_changed(dbus_conn, req->device->path,
>>> @@ -3927,6 +4032,8 @@ static void gatt_client_ready_cb(bool success, uint8_t att_ecode,
>>>         if (device->browse)
>>>                 register_gatt_services(device->browse);
>>> +       else
>>> +               device_probe_gatt_profiles(device);
>>>         device_accept_gatt_profiles(device);
>>> @@ -5127,13 +5234,13 @@ void btd_device_add_uuid(struct btd_device *device, const char *uuid)
>>>         GSList *uuid_list;
>>>         char *new_uuid;
>>> -       if (g_slist_find_custom(device->uuids, uuid, bt_uuid_strcmp))
>>> +       if (g_slist_find_custom(device->sdp_uuids, uuid, bt_uuid_strcmp))
>>>                 return;
>>>         new_uuid = g_strdup(uuid);
>>>         uuid_list = g_slist_append(NULL, new_uuid);
>>> -       device_probe_profiles(device, uuid_list);
>>> +       device_probe_profiles(device, uuid_list, false);
>>>         g_free(new_uuid);
>>>         g_slist_free(uuid_list);
>>> diff --git a/src/device.h b/src/device.h
>>> index a7fefee..f250bfa 100644
>>> --- a/src/device.h
>>> +++ b/src/device.h
>>> @@ -60,8 +60,10 @@ struct device_addr_type {
>>>  };
>>>  int device_addr_type_cmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
>>> -GSList *btd_device_get_uuids(struct btd_device *device);
>>> -void device_probe_profiles(struct btd_device *device, GSList *profiles);
>>> +GSList *btd_device_get_sdp_uuids(struct btd_device *device);
>>> +GSList *btd_device_get_gatt_uuids(struct btd_device *device);
>>> +void device_probe_profiles(struct btd_device *device, GSList *profiles,
>>> +                                                               bool gatt);
>> Id leave this API as it is for now and internally classify the UUIDs,
>> the classification function can be used when loading from the storage
>> that way we don't need to break the storage format.
> Well, I'm just not sure how to do that classification. Especially in
> the case of device_probe_profiles, which gets passed in a list of
> UUIDs and the case where the UUIDs get loaded from storage, I don't
> know how we can figure out which ones are LE and which ones are
> BR/EDR, unless we do something complicated/inefficient like going
> through the gatt-db and see if there's a matching service for each
> UUID but this still becomes a problem when we load the UUIDs before
> having done discovery (i.e. there's no populated gatt-db).
>>>  const sdp_record_t *btd_device_get_record(struct btd_device *device,
>>>                                                 const char *uuid);
>>>  struct gatt_primary *btd_device_get_primary(struct btd_device *device,
>>> --
>>> 2.2.0.rc0.207.ga3a616c
>>> --
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>> --
>> Luiz Augusto von Dentz
> Thanks,
> Arman

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