[PATCH 9/9] android/tester: Remove old android-tester

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All test cases has already been ported to newer framework.
 .gitignore               |    1 -
 android/Makefile.am      |   24 -
 android/android-tester.c | 1931 ----------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 1956 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 android/android-tester.c

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 13e0bcb..0370c0b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ android/system-emulator
diff --git a/android/Makefile.am b/android/Makefile.am
index 84a05a8..177e3ed 100644
--- a/android/Makefile.am
+++ b/android/Makefile.am
@@ -139,30 +139,6 @@ android_haltest_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -I$(srcdir)/android \
 android_haltest_LDFLAGS = -pthread -ldl -lm
-noinst_PROGRAMS += android/android-tester
-android_android_tester_SOURCES = emulator/btdev.h emulator/btdev.c \
-				emulator/bthost.h emulator/bthost.c \
-				emulator/smp.c \
-				src/shared/crypto.h src/shared/crypto.c \
-				src/shared/io.h src/shared/io-glib.c \
-				src/shared/queue.h src/shared/queue.c \
-				src/shared/util.h src/shared/util.c \
-				src/shared/mgmt.h src/shared/mgmt.c \
-				src/shared/hciemu.h src/shared/hciemu.c \
-				src/shared/tester.h src/shared/tester.c \
-				src/shared/timeout.h src/shared/timeout-glib.c \
-				monitor/rfcomm.h \
-				android/hardware/hardware.c \
-				android/android-tester.c
-android_android_tester_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -I$(srcdir)/android \
-				-DPLUGINDIR=\""$(android_plugindir)"\"
-android_android_tester_LDADD = lib/libbluetooth-internal.la @GLIB_LIBS@
-android_android_tester_LDFLAGS = -pthread -ldl
 noinst_PROGRAMS += android/android-tester-ng
 android_android_tester_ng_SOURCES = emulator/btdev.h emulator/btdev.c \
diff --git a/android/android-tester.c b/android/android-tester.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1167e98..0000000
--- a/android/android-tester.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1931 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <sys/signalfd.h>
-#include <libgen.h>
-#include "lib/bluetooth.h"
-#include "lib/mgmt.h"
-#include "src/shared/util.h"
-#include "src/shared/tester.h"
-#include "src/shared/mgmt.h"
-#include "src/shared/hciemu.h"
-#include "emulator/bthost.h"
-#include "monitor/bt.h"
-#include <hardware/hardware.h>
-#include <hardware/bluetooth.h>
-#include <hardware/bt_sock.h>
-#include <hardware/bt_hh.h>
-#include "utils.h"
-struct priority_property {
-	bt_property_t prop;
-	int prio;
-struct generic_data {
-	int expected_adapter_status;
-	uint32_t expect_settings_set;
-	int expected_cb_count;
-	bt_property_t set_property;
-	bt_callbacks_t expected_hal_cb;
-	struct priority_property *expected_properties;
-	uint8_t expected_properties_num;
-struct socket_data {
-	btsock_type_t sock_type;
-	const char *service_name;
-	const uint8_t *service_uuid;
-	const bt_bdaddr_t *bdaddr;
-	int channel;
-	int flags;
-	bt_status_t expected_status;
-	bool test_channel;
-struct hidhost_generic_data {
-	bthh_status_t expected_status;
-	int expected_conn_state;
-	int expected_cb_count;
-	bthh_protocol_mode_t expected_protocol_mode;
-	int expected_report;
-	bthh_callbacks_t expected_hal_cb;
-	int expected_report_size;
-#define WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL_TIME 2 /* in seconds */
-#define EMULATOR_SIGNAL "emulator_started"
-struct test_data {
-	struct mgmt *mgmt;
-	uint16_t mgmt_index;
-	unsigned int mgmt_settings_id;
-	struct hciemu *hciemu;
-	enum hciemu_type hciemu_type;
-	const void *test_data;
-	pid_t bluetoothd_pid;
-	guint signalfd;
-	struct hw_device_t *device;
-	const bt_interface_t *if_bluetooth;
-	const btsock_interface_t *if_sock;
-	const bthh_interface_t *if_hid;
-	int conditions_left;
-	/* Set to true if test conditions should be verified */
-	bool test_checks_valid;
-	bool test_result_set;
-	int cb_count;
-	GSList *expected_properties_list;
-	/* hidhost */
-	uint16_t sdp_handle;
-	uint16_t sdp_cid;
-	uint16_t ctrl_handle;
-	uint16_t ctrl_cid;
-	uint16_t intr_handle;
-	uint16_t intr_cid;
-struct bt_cb_data {
-	bt_state_t state;
-	bt_status_t status;
-	bt_bdaddr_t bdaddr;
-	bt_bdname_t bdname;
-	uint32_t cod;
-	bt_ssp_variant_t ssp_variant;
-	uint32_t passkey;
-	int num;
-	bt_property_t *props;
-struct hh_cb_data {
-	bt_bdaddr_t bdaddr;
-	bthh_status_t status;
-	bthh_hid_info_t hid_info;
-	bthh_protocol_mode_t mode;
-	bthh_connection_state_t state;
-	uint8_t *report;
-	int size;
-static char exec_dir[PATH_MAX];
-static gint scheduled_cbacks_num = 0;
-static void test_update_state(void)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	if (data->conditions_left == 0 && !data->test_result_set) {
-		data->test_result_set = true;
-		tester_test_passed();
-	}
-static void check_cb_count(void)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	if (!data->test_checks_valid)
-		return;
-	if (data->cb_count == 0) {
-		data->conditions_left--;
-		test_update_state();
-	}
-static void check_expected_status(uint8_t status)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test_data = data->test_data;
-	if (test_data->expected_adapter_status == status) {
-		data->conditions_left--;
-		test_update_state();
-	} else
-		tester_test_failed();
-static int locate_property(gconstpointer expected_data,
-						gconstpointer received_prop)
-	bt_property_t rec_prop = *((bt_property_t *)received_prop);
-	bt_property_t exp_prop =
-			((struct priority_property *)expected_data)->prop;
-	if (exp_prop.type && (exp_prop.type != rec_prop.type))
-		return 1;
-	if (exp_prop.len && (exp_prop.len != rec_prop.len))
-		return 1;
-	if (exp_prop.val && memcmp(exp_prop.val, rec_prop.val, exp_prop.len))
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
-static int compare_priorities(gconstpointer prop_list, gconstpointer priority)
-	int prio = GPOINTER_TO_INT(priority);
-	int comp_prio = ((struct priority_property *)prop_list)->prio;
-	if (prio > comp_prio)
-		return 0;
-	return 1;
-static bool check_prop_priority(int rec_prop_prio)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	GSList *l = data->expected_properties_list;
-	if (!rec_prop_prio || !g_slist_length(l))
-		return true;
-	if (g_slist_find_custom(l, GINT_TO_POINTER(rec_prop_prio),
-							&compare_priorities))
-		return false;
-	return true;
-static void check_expected_property(bt_property_t received_prop)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	int rec_prio;
-	GSList *l = data->expected_properties_list;
-	GSList *found_exp_prop;
-	if (!g_slist_length(l))
-		return;
-	found_exp_prop = g_slist_find_custom(l, &received_prop,
-							&locate_property);
-	if (found_exp_prop) {
-		rec_prio = ((struct priority_property *)
-						(found_exp_prop->data))->prio;
-		if (check_prop_priority(rec_prio))
-			l = g_slist_remove(l, found_exp_prop->data);
-	}
-	data->expected_properties_list = l;
-	if (g_slist_length(l))
-		return;
-	data->conditions_left--;
-	test_update_state();
-static bool check_test_property(bt_property_t received_prop,
-						bt_property_t expected_prop)
-	if (expected_prop.type && (expected_prop.type != received_prop.type))
-		return false;
-	if (expected_prop.len && (expected_prop.len != received_prop.len))
-		return false;
-	if (expected_prop.val && memcmp(expected_prop.val, received_prop.val,
-							expected_prop.len))
-		return false;
-	return true;
-static void emu_connectable_complete(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t status,
-					const void *param, uint8_t len,
-					void *user_data)
-	switch (opcode) {
-		break;
-	default:
-		return;
-	}
-	tester_print("Emulated remote set connectable status 0x%02x", status);
-	if (status)
-		tester_setup_failed();
-	else
-		tester_setup_complete();
-static void setup_powered_emulated_remote(void)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	struct bthost *bthost;
-	tester_print("Controller powered on");
-	bthost = hciemu_client_get_host(data->hciemu);
-	bthost_set_cmd_complete_cb(bthost, emu_connectable_complete, data);
-	if (data->hciemu_type == HCIEMU_TYPE_LE)
-		bthost_set_adv_enable(bthost, 0x01, 0x00);
-	else
-		bthost_write_scan_enable(bthost, 0x03);
-static gboolean adapter_state_changed(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (data->test_checks_valid &&
-			test->expected_hal_cb.adapter_state_changed_cb) {
-		test->expected_hal_cb.adapter_state_changed_cb(cb_data->state);
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-	if (!data->test_checks_valid && cb_data->state == BT_STATE_ON)
-		setup_powered_emulated_remote();
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void adapter_state_changed_cb(bt_state_t state)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->state = state;
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(adapter_state_changed, cb_data);
-static void discovery_start_success_cb(bt_discovery_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STARTED) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-	}
-static void discovery_start_done_cb(bt_discovery_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	bt_status_t status;
-	status = data->if_bluetooth->start_discovery();
-	data->cb_count--;
-	check_cb_count();
-	check_expected_status(status);
-static void discovery_stop_success_cb(bt_discovery_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	bt_status_t status;
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STARTED && data->cb_count == 2) {
-		status = data->if_bluetooth->cancel_discovery();
-		check_expected_status(status);
-		data->cb_count--;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STOPPED && data->cb_count == 1) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-	}
-static void discovery_device_found_state_changed_cb(bt_discovery_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STARTED && data->cb_count == 3) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STOPPED && data->cb_count == 1) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-	}
-static void remote_discovery_state_changed_cb(bt_discovery_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STARTED && data->cb_count == 3) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STOPPED && data->cb_count == 1) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-	}
-static void remote_setprop_disc_state_changed_cb(bt_discovery_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STARTED && data->cb_count == 3) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (state == BT_DISCOVERY_STOPPED) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-	}
-static gboolean discovery_state_changed(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (test && test->expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb(
-								cb_data->state);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void discovery_state_changed_cb(bt_discovery_state_t state)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->state = state;
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(discovery_state_changed, cb_data);
-static bt_property_t *copy_properties(int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	int i;
-	bt_property_t *props = g_new0(bt_property_t, num_properties);
-	for (i = 0; i < num_properties; i++) {
-		props[i].type = properties[i].type;
-		props[i].len = properties[i].len;
-		props[i].val = g_memdup(properties[i].val, properties[i].len);
-	}
-	return props;
-static void free_properties(int num_properties, bt_property_t *properties)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_properties; i++)
-		g_free(properties[i].val);
-	g_free(properties);
-static void discovery_device_found_cb(int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	uint8_t *remote_bdaddr =
-			(uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	uint32_t emu_remote_type = BT_DEVICE_DEVTYPE_BREDR;
-	int32_t emu_remote_rssi = -60;
-	bt_bdaddr_t emu_remote_bdaddr;
-	int i;
-	bt_property_t expected_prop;
-	bt_property_t received_prop;
-	data->cb_count--;
-	check_cb_count();
-	if (num_properties < 1) {
-		tester_test_failed();
-		return;
-	}
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *) remote_bdaddr, &emu_remote_bdaddr);
-	for (i = 0; i < num_properties; i++) {
-		received_prop = properties[i];
-		switch (properties[i].type) {
-			expected_prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR;
-			expected_prop.len = sizeof(emu_remote_bdaddr);
-			expected_prop.val = &emu_remote_bdaddr;
-			break;
-			expected_prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE;
-			expected_prop.len = sizeof(emu_remote_type);
-			expected_prop.val = &emu_remote_type;
-			break;
-			expected_prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_RSSI;
-			expected_prop.len = sizeof(emu_remote_rssi);
-			expected_prop.val = &emu_remote_rssi;
-			break;
-		default:
-			expected_prop.type = 0;
-			expected_prop.len = 0;
-			expected_prop.val = NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (!check_test_property(received_prop, expected_prop)) {
-			data->if_bluetooth->cancel_discovery();
-			tester_test_failed();
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	data->if_bluetooth->cancel_discovery();
-static void remote_getprops_device_found_cb(int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	if (data->cb_count == 2)
-		data->cb_count--;
-	data->if_bluetooth->cancel_discovery();
-	data->if_bluetooth->get_remote_device_properties(&remote_addr);
-static void remote_get_property_device_found_cb(int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	bt_status_t status;
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	const bt_property_t prop = test->expected_properties[0].prop;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	if (data->cb_count == 2)
-		data->cb_count--;
-	data->if_bluetooth->cancel_discovery();
-	status = data->if_bluetooth->get_remote_device_property(&remote_addr,
-								prop.type);
-	check_expected_status(status);
-static void remote_setprop_device_found_cb(int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	bt_status_t status;
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	const bt_property_t prop = test->expected_properties[0].prop;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	if (data->cb_count == 2)
-		data->cb_count--;
-	data->if_bluetooth->cancel_discovery();
-	status = data->if_bluetooth->set_remote_device_property(&remote_addr,
-									&prop);
-	check_expected_status(status);
-	data->if_bluetooth->get_remote_device_property(&remote_addr, prop.type);
-static void remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb(int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	bt_status_t status;
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	const bt_property_t prop = test->expected_properties[0].prop;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	if (data->cb_count == 2)
-		data->cb_count--;
-	data->if_bluetooth->cancel_discovery();
-	status = data->if_bluetooth->set_remote_device_property(&remote_addr,
-									&prop);
-	check_expected_status(status);
-static void bond_device_found_cb(int num_properties, bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	bt_status_t status;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	if (data->cb_count == 4) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		status = data->if_bluetooth->create_bond(&remote_addr);
-		check_expected_status(status);
-	}
-static void bond_nostatus_device_found_cb(int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	if (data->cb_count == 4) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		data->if_bluetooth->create_bond(&remote_addr);
-	}
-static gboolean device_found(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (data->test_checks_valid && test->expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb(cb_data->num,
-								cb_data->props);
-	free_properties(cb_data->num, cb_data->props);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void device_found_cb(int num_properties, bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->num = num_properties;
-	cb_data->props = copy_properties(num_properties, properties);
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(device_found, cb_data);
-static gboolean adapter_properties(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (data->test_checks_valid &&
-				test->expected_hal_cb.adapter_properties_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.adapter_properties_cb(cb_data->status,
-						cb_data->num, cb_data->props);
-	free_properties(cb_data->num, cb_data->props);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void adapter_properties_cb(bt_status_t status, int num_properties,
-						bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->status = status;
-	cb_data->num = num_properties;
-	cb_data->props = copy_properties(num_properties, properties);
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(adapter_properties, cb_data);
-static void remote_test_device_properties_cb(bt_status_t status,
-				bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, int num_properties,
-				bt_property_t *properties)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_properties; i++)
-		check_expected_property(properties[i]);
-static gboolean remote_device_properties(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (data->test_checks_valid &&
-			test->expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb(
-					cb_data->status, &cb_data->bdaddr,
-					cb_data->num, cb_data->props);
-	free_properties(cb_data->num, cb_data->props);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void remote_device_properties_cb(bt_status_t status,
-				bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, int num_properties,
-				bt_property_t *properties)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->status = status;
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *bd_addr;
-	cb_data->num = num_properties;
-	cb_data->props = copy_properties(num_properties, properties);
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(remote_device_properties, cb_data);
-static void bond_test_bonded_state_changed_cb(bt_status_t status,
-			bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, bt_bond_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	switch (state) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		break;
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-		break;
-	default:
-		tester_test_failed();
-		break;
-	}
-static void bond_test_none_state_changed_cb(bt_status_t status,
-			bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, bt_bond_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	switch (state) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		break;
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-		break;
-	default:
-		tester_test_failed();
-		break;
-	}
-static void bond_remove_success_state_changed_cb(bt_status_t status,
-			bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, bt_bond_state_t state)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	bt_status_t remove_status;
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	if (state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDED) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		remove_status = data->if_bluetooth->remove_bond(&remote_addr);
-		check_expected_status(remove_status);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (state == BT_BOND_STATE_NONE) {
-		data->cb_count--;
-		check_cb_count();
-	}
-static gboolean bond_state_changed(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (data->test_checks_valid &&
-				test->expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb(cb_data->status,
-					&cb_data->bdaddr, cb_data->state);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	return FALSE;
-static void bond_state_changed_cb(bt_status_t status,
-			bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, bt_bond_state_t state)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->status = status;
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *remote_bd_addr;
-	cb_data->state = state;
-	g_idle_add(bond_state_changed, cb_data);
-static void bond_create_pin_success_request_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
-					bt_bdname_t *bd_name, uint32_t cod)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const bt_bdaddr_t *bdaddr = remote_bd_addr;
-	bt_pin_code_t pin_code = {
-	.pin = { 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30 },
-	};
-	uint8_t pin_len = 4;
-	data->cb_count--;
-	data->if_bluetooth->pin_reply(bdaddr, TRUE, pin_len, &pin_code);
-static void bond_create_pin_fail_request_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
-					bt_bdname_t *bd_name, uint32_t cod)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const bt_bdaddr_t *bdaddr = remote_bd_addr;
-	bt_pin_code_t pin_code = {
-	.pin = { 0x31, 0x31, 0x31, 0x31 },
-	};
-	uint8_t pin_len = 4;
-	data->cb_count--;
-	data->if_bluetooth->pin_reply(bdaddr, TRUE, pin_len, &pin_code);
-static gboolean pin_request(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (data->test_checks_valid && test->expected_hal_cb.pin_request_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.pin_request_cb(&cb_data->bdaddr,
-						&cb_data->bdname, cb_data->cod);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	return FALSE;
-static void pin_request_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
-					bt_bdname_t *bd_name, uint32_t cod)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *remote_bd_addr;
-	cb_data->bdname = *bd_name;
-	cb_data->cod = cod;
-	g_idle_add(pin_request, cb_data);
-static void bond_create_ssp_request_cb(const bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
-					bt_ssp_variant_t pairing_variant,
-					bool accept, uint32_t pass_key)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	data->if_bluetooth->ssp_reply(remote_bd_addr,
-					accept, pass_key);
-	data->cb_count--;
-static void bond_create_ssp_success_request_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
-					bt_bdname_t *bd_name, uint32_t cod,
-					bt_ssp_variant_t pairing_variant,
-					uint32_t pass_key)
-	bool accept = true;
-	bond_create_ssp_request_cb(remote_bd_addr, pairing_variant, accept,
-								pass_key);
-static void bond_create_ssp_fail_request_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
-					bt_bdname_t *bd_name, uint32_t cod,
-					bt_ssp_variant_t pairing_variant,
-					uint32_t pass_key)
-	bool accept = false;
-	bond_create_ssp_request_cb(remote_bd_addr, pairing_variant, accept,
-								pass_key);
-static void bond_cancel_success_ssp_request_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
-					bt_bdname_t *bd_name, uint32_t cod,
-					bt_ssp_variant_t pairing_variant,
-					uint32_t pass_key)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	uint8_t *bdaddr = (uint8_t *)hciemu_get_client_bdaddr(data->hciemu);
-	bt_bdaddr_t remote_addr;
-	bt_status_t status;
-	bdaddr2android((const bdaddr_t *)bdaddr, &remote_addr.address);
-	data->cb_count--;
-	status = data->if_bluetooth->cancel_bond(&remote_addr);
-	check_expected_status(status);
-static gboolean ssp_request(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	if (data->test_checks_valid && test->expected_hal_cb.ssp_request_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.ssp_request_cb(&cb_data->bdaddr,
-					&cb_data->bdname, cb_data->cod,
-					cb_data->ssp_variant, cb_data->passkey);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	return FALSE;
-static void ssp_request_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, bt_bdname_t *bd_name,
-				uint32_t cod, bt_ssp_variant_t pairing_variant,
-				uint32_t pass_key)
-	struct bt_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct bt_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *remote_bd_addr;
-	cb_data->bdname = *bd_name;
-	cb_data->cod = cod;
-	cb_data->ssp_variant = pairing_variant;
-	cb_data->passkey = pass_key;
-	g_idle_add(ssp_request, cb_data);
-static const struct generic_data bluetooth_discovery_start_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-						discovery_start_success_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 1,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bluetooth_discovery_start_success2_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb = discovery_start_done_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 1,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bluetooth_discovery_stop_success2_test = {
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bluetooth_discovery_stop_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb = discovery_stop_success_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 2,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bluetooth_discovery_device_found_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					discovery_device_found_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = discovery_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_NOT_EXPECTED,
-static const char remote_get_properties_bdname_val[] = "00:AA:01:01:00:00";
-static uint32_t remote_get_properties_cod_val = 0;
-static bt_device_type_t remote_get_properties_tod_val = BT_DEVICE_DEVTYPE_BREDR;
-static int32_t remote_get_properties_rssi_val = -60;
-static struct priority_property remote_getprops_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME,
-	.prop.val = &remote_get_properties_bdname_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_get_properties_bdname_val) - 1,
-	},
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS,
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 0,
-	},
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_get_properties_cod_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_get_properties_cod_val),
-	},
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_get_properties_tod_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_get_properties_tod_val),
-	},
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_get_properties_rssi_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_get_properties_rssi_val),
-	},
-	{
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 4,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprops_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_getprops_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 6,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprops_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_NOT_EXPECTED,
-static const char remote_getprop_bdname_val[] = "00:AA:01:01:00:00";
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_bdname_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME,
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_bdname_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_bdname_val) - 1,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_bdname_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 1,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_bdname_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_uuids_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS,
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 0,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_uuids_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 1,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_uuids_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static uint32_t remote_getprop_cod_val = 0;
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_cod_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_cod_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_cod_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_cod_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 1,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_cod_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static bt_device_type_t remote_getprop_tod_val = BT_DEVICE_DEVTYPE_BREDR;
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_tod_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_tod_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_tod_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_tod_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 1,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_tod_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static int32_t remote_getprop_rssi_val = -60;
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_rssi_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_rssi_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_rssi_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_rssi_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 1,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_rssi_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_timestamp_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 4,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_timpestamp_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 1,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_timestamp_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static bt_bdaddr_t remote_getprop_bdaddr_val = {
-	.address = { 0x00, 0xaa, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_bdaddr_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR,
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_bdaddr_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_bdaddr_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_bdaddr_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_bdaddr_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static bt_service_record_t remote_getprop_servrec_val = {
-	.uuid = { {0x00} },
-	.channel = 12,
-	.name = "bt_name",
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_servrec_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_servrec_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_servrec_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_servrec_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_servrec_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static bt_scan_mode_t remote_getprop_scanmode_val = BT_SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE;
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_scanmode_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_scanmode_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_scanmode_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_scanmode_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_scanmode_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_bondeddev_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 0,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_bondeddev_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_bondeddev_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static uint32_t remote_getprop_disctimeout_val = 120;
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_disctimeout_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_getprop_disctimeout_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_getprop_disctimeout_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_disctimeout_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_disctimeout_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_verinfo_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 0,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_verinfo_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_verinfo_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static struct priority_property remote_getprop_fname_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 0,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_getprop_fname_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_get_property_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_getprop_fname_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static const char remote_setprop_fname_val[] = "set_fname_test";
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_fname_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_fname_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_fname_val) - 1,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_fname_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_setprop_disc_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.remote_device_properties_cb =
-					remote_test_device_properties_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties_num = 1,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_fname_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const char remote_setprop_bdname_val[] = "setprop_bdname_fail";
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_bdname_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME,
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_bdname_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_bdname_val) - 1,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_bdname_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_bdname_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_uuids_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS,
-	.prop.val = NULL,
-	.prop.len = 0,
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_uuids_fail_test  = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_uuids_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static uint32_t remote_setprop_cod_val = 0;
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_cod_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_cod_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_cod_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_cod_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_cod_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static bt_device_type_t remote_setprop_tod_val = BT_DEVICE_DEVTYPE_BREDR;
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_tod_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_tod_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_tod_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_tod_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_tod_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static int32_t remote_setprop_rssi_val = -60;
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_rssi_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_rssi_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_rssi_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_rssi_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_rssi_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static int32_t remote_setprop_timestamp_val = 0xAB;
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_timestamp_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = (&remote_setprop_timestamp_val),
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_timestamp_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_timpestamp_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_timestamp_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static bt_bdaddr_t remote_setprop_bdaddr_val = {
-	.address = { 0x00, 0xaa, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_bdaddr_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR,
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_bdaddr_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_bdaddr_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_bdaddr_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_bdaddr_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static bt_service_record_t remote_setprop_servrec_val = {
-	.uuid = { {0x00} },
-	.channel = 12,
-	.name = "bt_name",
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_servrec_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_servrec_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_servrec_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_servrec_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_servrec_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static bt_scan_mode_t remote_setprop_scanmode_val = BT_SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE;
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_scanmode_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_scanmode_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_scanmode_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_scanmode_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_scanmode_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static bt_bdaddr_t remote_setprop_bondeddev_val = {
-	.address = { 0x00, 0xaa, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_bondeddev_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_bondeddev_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_bondeddev_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_bondeddev_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_bondeddev_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static uint32_t remote_setprop_disctimeout_val = 120;
-static struct priority_property remote_setprop_disctimeout_props[] = {
-	{
-	.prop.val = &remote_setprop_disctimeout_val,
-	.prop.len = sizeof(remote_setprop_disctimeout_val),
-	},
-static const struct generic_data bt_dev_setprop_disctimeout_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.discovery_state_changed_cb =
-					remote_discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = remote_setprop_fail_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_properties = remote_setprop_disctimeout_props,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_create_pin_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = bond_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb =
-					bond_test_bonded_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.pin_request_cb = bond_create_pin_success_request_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 4,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_create_pin_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = bond_nostatus_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb =
-						bond_test_none_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.pin_request_cb = bond_create_pin_fail_request_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 4,
-	.expected_adapter_status = MGMT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILED,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_create_ssp_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = bond_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb =
-					bond_test_bonded_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.ssp_request_cb = bond_create_ssp_success_request_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 4,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_create_ssp_fail_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = bond_nostatus_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb =
-						bond_test_none_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.ssp_request_cb = bond_create_ssp_fail_request_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 4,
-	.expected_adapter_status = MGMT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILED,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_create_no_disc_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb =
-					bond_test_bonded_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.ssp_request_cb = bond_create_ssp_success_request_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 3,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_create_bad_addr_success_test = {
-	.expected_adapter_status = MGMT_STATUS_CONNECT_FAILED,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_cancel_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = bond_nostatus_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb =
-						bond_test_none_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.ssp_request_cb = bond_cancel_success_ssp_request_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 4,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static const struct generic_data bt_bond_remove_success_test = {
-	.expected_hal_cb.device_found_cb = bond_nostatus_device_found_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.bond_state_changed_cb =
-					bond_remove_success_state_changed_cb,
-	.expected_hal_cb.ssp_request_cb = bond_create_ssp_success_request_cb,
-	.expected_cb_count = 4,
-	.expected_adapter_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-static bt_callbacks_t bt_callbacks = {
-	.size = sizeof(bt_callbacks),
-	.adapter_state_changed_cb = adapter_state_changed_cb,
-	.adapter_properties_cb = adapter_properties_cb,
-	.remote_device_properties_cb = remote_device_properties_cb,
-	.device_found_cb = device_found_cb,
-	.discovery_state_changed_cb = discovery_state_changed_cb,
-	.pin_request_cb = pin_request_cb,
-	.ssp_request_cb = ssp_request_cb,
-	.bond_state_changed_cb = bond_state_changed_cb,
-	.acl_state_changed_cb = NULL,
-	.thread_evt_cb = NULL,
-	.dut_mode_recv_cb = NULL,
-	.le_test_mode_cb = NULL
-const bt_bdaddr_t bdaddr_dummy = {
-	.address = { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55}
-static const struct socket_data btsock_inv_param_socktype = {
-	.bdaddr = &bdaddr_dummy,
-	.sock_type = 0,
-	.channel = 1,
-	.service_uuid = NULL,
-	.service_name = "Test service",
-	.flags = 0,
-	.expected_status = BT_STATUS_PARM_INVALID,
-static const struct socket_data btsock_inv_param_socktype_l2cap = {
-	.bdaddr = &bdaddr_dummy,
-	.sock_type = BTSOCK_L2CAP,
-	.channel = 1,
-	.service_uuid = NULL,
-	.service_name = "Test service",
-	.flags = 0,
-	.expected_status = BT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED,
-/* Test invalid: channel & uuid are both zeroes */
-static const struct socket_data btsock_inv_params_chan_uuid = {
-	.bdaddr = &bdaddr_dummy,
-	.sock_type = BTSOCK_RFCOMM,
-	.channel = 0,
-	.service_uuid = NULL,
-	.service_name = "Test service",
-	.flags = 0,
-	.expected_status = BT_STATUS_PARM_INVALID,
-static const struct socket_data btsock_success = {
-	.bdaddr = &bdaddr_dummy,
-	.sock_type = BTSOCK_RFCOMM,
-	.channel = 1,
-	.service_uuid = NULL,
-	.service_name = "Test service",
-	.flags = 0,
-	.expected_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-	.test_channel = false
-static const struct socket_data btsock_success_check_chan = {
-	.sock_type = BTSOCK_RFCOMM,
-	.channel = 1,
-	.service_uuid = NULL,
-	.service_name = "Test service",
-	.flags = 0,
-	.expected_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
-	.test_channel = true,
-static const struct socket_data btsock_inv_param_bdaddr = {
-	.bdaddr = NULL,
-	.sock_type = BTSOCK_RFCOMM,
-	.channel = 1,
-	.service_uuid = NULL,
-	.service_name = "Test service",
-	.flags = 0,
-	.expected_status = BT_STATUS_PARM_INVALID,
-static const struct socket_data btsock_inv_listen_listen = {
-	.sock_type = BTSOCK_RFCOMM,
-	.channel = 1,
-	.service_uuid = NULL,
-	.service_name = "Test service",
-	.flags = 0,
-	.expected_status = BT_STATUS_BUSY,
-	.test_channel = true,
-static gboolean hidhost_connection_state(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct hidhost_generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	data->cb_count++;
-	if (cb_data->state == BTHH_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED)
-		tester_setup_complete();
-	if (test && test->expected_hal_cb.connection_state_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.connection_state_cb(&cb_data->bdaddr,
-								cb_data->state);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void hidhost_connection_state_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr,
-						bthh_connection_state_t state)
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct hh_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->state = state;
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *bd_addr;
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(hidhost_connection_state, cb_data);
-static gboolean hidhost_virual_unplug(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct hidhost_generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	data->cb_count++;
-	if (test && test->expected_hal_cb.virtual_unplug_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.virtual_unplug_cb(&cb_data->bdaddr,
-							cb_data->status);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void hidhost_virual_unplug_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bthh_status_t status)
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct hh_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *bd_addr;
-	cb_data->status = status;
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(hidhost_virual_unplug, cb_data);
-static gboolean hidhost_hid_info(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct hidhost_generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	data->cb_count++;
-	if (test && test->expected_hal_cb.hid_info_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.hid_info_cb(&cb_data->bdaddr,
-							cb_data->hid_info);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void hidhost_hid_info_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bthh_hid_info_t hid)
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct hh_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *bd_addr;
-	cb_data->hid_info = hid;
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(hidhost_hid_info, cb_data);
-static gboolean hidhost_protocol_mode(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct hidhost_generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	data->cb_count++;
-	if (test && test->expected_hal_cb.protocol_mode_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.protocol_mode_cb(&cb_data->bdaddr,
-						cb_data->status, cb_data->mode);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void hidhost_protocol_mode_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr,
-						bthh_status_t status,
-						bthh_protocol_mode_t mode)
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct hh_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *bd_addr;
-	cb_data->status = status;
-	cb_data->mode = mode;
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(hidhost_protocol_mode, cb_data);
-static gboolean hidhost_get_report(gpointer user_data)
-	struct test_data *data = tester_get_data();
-	const struct hidhost_generic_data *test = data->test_data;
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = user_data;
-	data->cb_count++;
-	if (test && test->expected_hal_cb.get_report_cb)
-		test->expected_hal_cb.get_report_cb(&cb_data->bdaddr,
-			cb_data->status, cb_data->report, cb_data->size);
-	g_free(cb_data->report);
-	g_free(cb_data);
-	g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	return FALSE;
-static void hidhost_get_report_cb(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bthh_status_t status,
-						uint8_t *report, int size)
-	struct hh_cb_data *cb_data = g_new0(struct hh_cb_data, 1);
-	cb_data->bdaddr = *bd_addr;
-	cb_data->status = status;
-	cb_data->report = g_memdup(report, size);
-	cb_data->size = size;
-	g_atomic_int_inc(&scheduled_cbacks_num);
-	g_idle_add(hidhost_get_report, cb_data);
-static bthh_callbacks_t bthh_callbacks = {
-	.size = sizeof(bthh_callbacks),
-	.connection_state_cb = hidhost_connection_state_cb,
-	.hid_info_cb = hidhost_hid_info_cb,
-	.protocol_mode_cb = hidhost_protocol_mode_cb,
-	.idle_time_cb = NULL,
-	.get_report_cb = hidhost_get_report_cb,
-	.virtual_unplug_cb = hidhost_virual_unplug_cb
-#define test_bredr(name, data, test_setup, test, test_teardown) \
-	do { \
-		struct test_data *user; \
-		user = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct test_data)); \
-		if (!user) \
-			break; \
-		user->hciemu_type = HCIEMU_TYPE_BREDR; \
-		user->test_data = data; \
-		tester_add_full(name, data, test_pre_setup, test_setup, \
-				test, test_teardown, test_post_teardown, \
-							1, user, g_free); \
-	} while (0)
-#define test_bredrle(name, data, test_setup, test, test_teardown) \
-	do { \
-		struct test_data *user; \
-		user = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct test_data)); \
-		if (!user) \
-			break; \
-		user->hciemu_type = HCIEMU_TYPE_BREDRLE; \
-		user->test_data = data; \
-		tester_add_full(name, data, test_pre_setup, test_setup, \
-				test, test_teardown, test_post_teardown, \
-							3, user, g_free); \
-	} while (0)
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	snprintf(exec_dir, sizeof(exec_dir), "%s", dirname(argv[0]));
-	tester_init(&argc, &argv);
-	return tester_run();

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