Re: [PATCH 4/6] android/health: Add HDP SDP record

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Hi Szymon,

On 06/16/2014 11:57 AM, Szymon Janc wrote:
Hi Ravi,

On Thursday 12 of June 2014 16:10:16 Ravi kumar Veeramally wrote:
SDP record preparation code copied from profiles/health/hdp_uitl.c.
So applying GSyC copyrights.
 I added here in commit message why I am adding GSyc copyrights.
  android/health.c | 479 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
  1 file changed, 478 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/android/health.c b/android/health.c
index 397cef6..45255df 100644
--- a/android/health.c
+++ b/android/health.c
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
   *  BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux
   *  Copyright (C) 2014  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010 GSyC/LibreSoft, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Add info in commit message why this is added ie. copied code?
  Commented above.

   *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
  #include <unistd.h>
  #include <glib.h>
+#include "btio/btio.h"
  #include "lib/bluetooth.h"
  #include "lib/sdp.h"
  #include "lib/sdp_lib.h"
@@ -44,10 +46,18 @@
  #include "utils.h"
  #include "bluetooth.h"
  #include "health.h"
+#include "mcap-lib.h"
+#define SVC_HINT_HEALTH			0x00
+#define HDP_VERSION			0x0101
+#define DATA_EXCHANGE_SPEC_11073	0x01
static bdaddr_t adapter_addr;
  static struct ipc *hal_ipc = NULL;
  static struct queue *apps = NULL;
+static struct mcap_instance *mcap = NULL;
+static uint32_t record_id = 0;
+static uint32_t record_state = 0;
struct mdep_cfg {
  	uint8_t role;
@@ -95,6 +105,14 @@ static void free_health_app(void *data)
+static bool mdep_by_mdep_role(const void *data, const void *user_data)
+	const struct mdep_cfg *mdep = data;
+	uint16_t role = PTR_TO_INT(user_data);
+	return mdep->role == role;
  static bool app_by_app_id(const void *data, const void *user_data)
  	const struct health_app *app = data;
@@ -103,6 +121,418 @@ static bool app_by_app_id(const void *data, const void *user_data)
  	return app->id == app_id;
+static int register_service_protocols(sdp_record_t *rec,
+					struct health_app *app)
+	uuid_t l2cap_uuid, mcap_c_uuid;
+	sdp_list_t *l2cap_list, *proto_list = NULL, *mcap_list = NULL;
+	sdp_list_t *access_proto_list = NULL;
+	sdp_data_t *psm = NULL, *mcap_ver = NULL;
+	uint32_t ccpsm;
+	uint16_t version = MCAP_VERSION;
+	GError *err = NULL;
+	int ret = -1;
+	DBG("");
+	/* set l2cap information */
+	sdp_uuid16_create(&l2cap_uuid, L2CAP_UUID);
+	l2cap_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &l2cap_uuid);
+	if (!l2cap_list)
+		goto fail;
+	ccpsm = mcap_get_ctrl_psm(mcap, &err);
+	if (err)
+		goto fail;
+	psm = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT16, &ccpsm);
+	if (!psm)
+		goto fail;
+	if (!sdp_list_append(l2cap_list, psm))
+		goto fail;
+	proto_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, l2cap_list);
+	if (!proto_list)
+		goto fail;
+	/* set mcap information */
+	sdp_uuid16_create(&mcap_c_uuid, MCAP_CTRL_UUID);
+	mcap_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &mcap_c_uuid);
+	if (!mcap_list)
+		goto fail;
+	mcap_ver = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT16, &version);
+	if (!mcap_ver)
+		goto fail;
+	if (!sdp_list_append(mcap_list, mcap_ver))
+		goto fail;
+	if (!sdp_list_append(proto_list, mcap_list))
+		goto fail;
+	/* attach protocol information to service record */
+	access_proto_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, proto_list);
+	if (!access_proto_list)
+		goto fail;
+	sdp_set_access_protos(rec, access_proto_list);
+	ret = 0;
+	sdp_list_free(l2cap_list, NULL);
+	sdp_list_free(mcap_list, NULL);
+	sdp_list_free(proto_list, NULL);
+	sdp_list_free(access_proto_list, NULL);
+	if (psm)
+		sdp_data_free(psm);
+	if (mcap_ver)
+		sdp_data_free(mcap_ver);
+	if (err)
+		g_error_free(err);
+	return ret;
+static int register_service_profiles(sdp_record_t *rec)
+	int ret;
+	sdp_list_t *profile_list;
+	sdp_profile_desc_t hdp_profile;
+	DBG("");
+	/* set hdp information */
+	sdp_uuid16_create(&hdp_profile.uuid, HDP_SVCLASS_ID);
+	hdp_profile.version = HDP_VERSION;
+	profile_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &hdp_profile);
+	if (!profile_list)
+		return -1;
+	/* set profile descriptor list */
+	if (sdp_set_profile_descs(rec, profile_list) < 0)
+		ret = -1;
+	else
+		ret = 0;
Why not just  ret = sdp_set_profile_descs() ?

+	sdp_list_free(profile_list, NULL);
+	return ret;
+static int register_service_additional_protocols(sdp_record_t *rec,
+						struct health_app *app)
+	int ret = -1;
+	uuid_t l2cap_uuid, mcap_d_uuid;
+	sdp_list_t *l2cap_list, *proto_list = NULL, *mcap_list = NULL;
+	sdp_list_t *access_proto_list = NULL;
+	sdp_data_t *psm = NULL;
+	uint32_t dcpsm;
+	GError *err;
+	DBG("");
+	/* set l2cap information */
+	sdp_uuid16_create(&l2cap_uuid, L2CAP_UUID);
+	l2cap_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &l2cap_uuid);
+	if (!l2cap_list)
+		goto fail;
+	dcpsm = mcap_get_ctrl_psm(mcap, &err);
+	if (err)
+		goto fail;
+	psm = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT16, &dcpsm);
+	if (!psm)
+		goto fail;
+	if (!sdp_list_append(l2cap_list, psm))
+		goto fail;
+	proto_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, l2cap_list);
+	if (!proto_list)
+		goto fail;
+	/* set mcap information */
+	sdp_uuid16_create(&mcap_d_uuid, MCAP_DATA_UUID);
+	mcap_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &mcap_d_uuid);
+	if (!mcap_list)
+		goto fail;
+	if (!sdp_list_append(proto_list, mcap_list))
+		goto fail;
+	/* attach protocol information to service record */
+	access_proto_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, proto_list);
+	if (!access_proto_list)
+		goto fail;
+	sdp_set_add_access_protos(rec, access_proto_list);
+	ret = 0;
+	sdp_list_free(l2cap_list, NULL);
+	sdp_list_free(mcap_list, NULL);
+	sdp_list_free(proto_list, NULL);
+	sdp_list_free(access_proto_list, NULL);
+	if (psm)
+		sdp_data_free(psm);
+	if (err)
+		g_error_free(err);
+	return ret;
+static sdp_list_t *mdeps_to_sdp_features(struct mdep_cfg *mdep)
+	sdp_data_t *mdepid, *dtype = NULL, *role = NULL, *descr = NULL;
+	sdp_list_t *f_list = NULL;
+	DBG("");
+	mdepid = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT8, &mdep->id);
+	if (!mdepid)
+		return NULL;
+	dtype = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT16, &mdep->data_type);
+	if (!dtype)
+		goto fail;
+	role = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT8, &mdep->role);
+	if (!role)
+		goto fail;
+	if (mdep->descr) {
+		descr = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_TEXT_STR8, mdep->descr);
+		if (!descr)
+			goto fail;
+	}
+	f_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, mdepid);
+	if (!f_list)
+		goto fail;
+	if (!sdp_list_append(f_list, dtype))
+		goto fail;
+	if (!sdp_list_append(f_list, role))
+		goto fail;
+	if (descr && !sdp_list_append(f_list, descr))
+		goto fail;
+	return f_list;
+	sdp_list_free(f_list, NULL);
+	if (mdepid)
+		sdp_data_free(mdepid);
+	if (dtype)
+		sdp_data_free(dtype);
+	if (role)
+		sdp_data_free(role);
+	if (descr)
+		sdp_data_free(descr);
+	return NULL;
+static void free_hdp_list(void *list)
+	sdp_list_t *hdp_list = list;
+	sdp_list_free(hdp_list, (sdp_free_func_t)sdp_data_free);
+	hdp_list = NULL;
+static void register_features(void *data, void *user_data)
+	struct mdep_cfg *mdep = data;
+	sdp_list_t **sup_features = user_data;
+	sdp_list_t *hdp_feature;
+	DBG("");
+	hdp_feature = mdeps_to_sdp_features(mdep);
+	if (!hdp_feature)
+		return;
+	if (!*sup_features) {
+		*sup_features = sdp_list_append(NULL, hdp_feature);
+		if (!*sup_features) {
+			sdp_list_free(hdp_feature,
+					(sdp_free_func_t)sdp_data_free);
+		}
{} are not needed for this if()

+	} else if (!sdp_list_append(*sup_features, hdp_feature)) {
+		sdp_list_free(hdp_feature,
+					(sdp_free_func_t)sdp_data_free);
+	}
+static int register_service_sup_features(sdp_record_t *rec,
+						struct health_app *app)
+	sdp_list_t *sup_features = NULL;
+	DBG("");
+	queue_foreach(app->mdeps, register_features, &sup_features);
+	if (!sup_features)
+		return -1;
+	if (sdp_set_supp_feat(rec, sup_features) < 0) {
+		sdp_list_free(sup_features, free_hdp_list);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	sdp_list_free(sup_features, free_hdp_list);
+	return 0;
+static int register_data_exchange_spec(sdp_record_t *rec)
+	sdp_data_t *spec;
+	uint8_t data_spec = DATA_EXCHANGE_SPEC_11073;
+	/* As of now only 11073 is supported, so we set it as default */
+	DBG("");
+	spec = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT8, &data_spec);
+	if (!spec)
+		return -1;
+	if (sdp_attr_add(rec, SDP_ATTR_DATA_EXCHANGE_SPEC, spec) < 0) {
+		sdp_data_free(spec);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int register_mcap_features(sdp_record_t *rec)
+	sdp_data_t *mcap_proc;
+	uint8_t mcap_sup_proc = MCAP_SUP_PROC;
+	DBG("");
+	mcap_proc = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT8, &mcap_sup_proc);
+	if (!mcap_proc)
+		return -1;
+							mcap_proc) < 0) {
+		sdp_data_free(mcap_proc);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int set_sdp_services_uuid(sdp_record_t *rec, uint8_t role)
+	uuid_t source, sink;
+	sdp_list_t *list = NULL;
+	sdp_uuid16_create(&sink, HDP_SINK_SVCLASS_ID);
+	sdp_uuid16_create(&source, HDP_SOURCE_SVCLASS_ID);
+	sdp_get_service_classes(rec, &list);
+	switch (role) {
+		if (!sdp_list_find(list, &source, sdp_uuid_cmp))
+			list = sdp_list_append(list, &source);
+		break;
This empty line is not needed.

+		if (!sdp_list_find(list, &sink, sdp_uuid_cmp))
+			list = sdp_list_append(list, &sink);
add break here.

+	}
+	if (sdp_set_service_classes(rec, list) < 0) {
+		sdp_list_free(list, NULL);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	sdp_list_free(list, NULL);
+	return 0;
+static int health_sdp_record(struct health_app *app)
+	sdp_record_t *rec;
+	uint8_t role;
+	DBG("");
+	if (record_id > 0) {
+		bt_adapter_remove_record(record_id);
+		record_id = 0;
+	}
Why is this needed?
 If any other application register itself as different role or same role
with different MDEP configurations implementation in profiels/health/hdp*.c
 removes current sdp record and prepares new HDP SDP record. Don't know
how exactly it suits to Android HAL api. It might be easy if we have multiple
HDP devices for test purpose. Better I will put TODO comments.

+	rec = sdp_record_alloc();
+	if (!rec)
+		return -1;
+	if (queue_find(app->mdeps, mdep_by_mdep_role, INT_TO_PTR(role)))
+		set_sdp_services_uuid(rec, role);
+	if (queue_find(app->mdeps, mdep_by_mdep_role, INT_TO_PTR(role)))
+		set_sdp_services_uuid(rec, role);
+	sdp_set_info_attr(rec, app->service_name, app->provider_name,
+							app->service_descr);
+	if (register_service_protocols(rec, app) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (register_service_profiles(rec) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (register_service_additional_protocols(rec, app) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (register_service_sup_features(rec, app) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (register_data_exchange_spec(rec) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (register_mcap_features(rec) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (sdp_set_record_state(rec, record_state++) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (bt_adapter_add_record(rec, SVC_HINT_HEALTH) < 0) {
+		error("Failed to register HEALTH record");
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	record_id = rec->handle;
+	return 0;
+	sdp_record_free(rec);
+	return -1;
  static void bt_health_register_app(const void *buf, uint16_t buf_len)
  	const struct hal_cmd_health_reg_app *cmd = buf;
@@ -222,7 +652,13 @@ static void bt_health_mdep_cfg_data(const void *buf, uint16_t len)
  		goto end;
- /* TODO: Create MCAP instance and prepare SDP profile */
+	/* add sdp record from app data */
+	if (health_sdp_record(app) < 0) {
+		error("Error creating HDP SDP record");
+		status = HAL_STATUS_FAILED;
+		goto fail;
+	}
@@ -250,6 +686,11 @@ static void bt_health_unregister_app(const void *buf, uint16_t len)
+ if (record_id > 0) {
+		bt_adapter_remove_record(record_id);
+		record_id = 0;
+	}
  	ipc_send_rsp(hal_ipc, HAL_SERVICE_ID_HEALTH,
@@ -289,14 +730,49 @@ static const struct ipc_handler cmd_handlers[] = {
  				sizeof(struct hal_cmd_health_destroy_channel) },
+static void mcl_connected(struct mcap_mcl *mcl, gpointer data)
+	DBG("Not implemented");
+static void mcl_reconnected(struct mcap_mcl *mcl, gpointer data)
+	DBG("Not implemented");
+static void mcl_disconnected(struct mcap_mcl *mcl, gpointer data)
+	DBG("Not implemented");
+static void mcl_uncached(struct mcap_mcl *mcl, gpointer data)
+	DBG("Not implemented");
  bool bt_health_register(struct ipc *ipc, const bdaddr_t *addr, uint8_t mode)
+	GError *err = NULL;
bacpy(&adapter_addr, addr); + mcap = mcap_create_instance(&adapter_addr, BT_IO_SEC_MEDIUM, 0, 0,
+					mcl_connected, mcl_reconnected,
+					mcl_disconnected, mcl_uncached,
+					NULL, /* CSP is not used right now */
+					NULL, &err);
+	if (!mcap) {
+		error("Error creating MCAP instance : %s", err->message);
+		g_error_free(err);
+		return false;
+	}
  	hal_ipc = ipc;
  	apps = queue_new();
Move this in patch that added queue_new().

  	ipc_register(hal_ipc, HAL_SERVICE_ID_HEALTH, cmd_handlers,
@@ -307,6 +783,7 @@ void bt_health_unregister(void)
+ mcap_instance_unref(mcap);
  	queue_destroy(apps, free_health_app);
  	ipc_unregister(hal_ipc, HAL_SERVICE_ID_HEALTH);
  	hal_ipc = NULL;

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