Hello, I’m trying to find a good way to discover and retrieve LE advertisements programatically. My first shot was to try to use DBus. I was trying to extend what the test/test-discovery script is doing, but it seems using DBus I can only get notified of new devices being discovered. Is there a way to get the actual LE advertisement via DBus? The device properties seem not to contain the info from the advertisement PDU. If that’s not possible using DBus, is the way to go just using C? I also tried using command line, a combination of “hcitool lescan” and “hcidump”/“hcidump -R" gives what I need more or less (plain hcidump gives me the RSSI, hcidump -R gives me the raw packet that I need). Still, I guess there must be a better way. Thanks, Adam -- Adam Warski http://twitter.com/#!/adamwarski http://www.softwaremill.com http://www.warski.org-- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-bluetooth" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html