On 04/08/2013 12:39 PM, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Colin Beckingham <colbec@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
My testing to this point has been that the device was connected
automatically having been pre-registered and paired.
So I deleted the pre-registered entry and re-paired the device. The device
entry behaved correctly when first paired, however when I left the
registration in place, unconnected the device and then reconnected it, the
duplicates reappeared.
In fact each time I selected an entry at random and clicked "test speakers"
it created a new entry. At one point I had 6 entries all working and all the
same device.
It certainly looks like a UI issue. I will contact the PA folks.
Thanks for helping me remove the BT side from the query list.
You can check if the bug is in the UI or in PulseAudio by running "pactl
list cards short" and "pactl list sinks short". I that shows multiple
entries for the same device, it's not a UI bug.
Is the UI that you're using pavucontrol or something else?
Tanu, I am using gnome-control-center in the Sound section.
pavucontrol and pactl list modules show only one entry, so it is
increasingly looking like an issue in gnome control center. I have
registered an issue on bugzilla.
Thanks for your feedback.
Colin Beckingham
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