Hi Andrei -
On Fri, 14 Sep 2012, Andrei Emeltchenko wrote:
Hi Mat,
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 08:28:06AM -0700, Mat Martineau wrote:
When receiving A2MP Get AMP Assoc Request execute Read Local AMP Assoc
HCI command to AMP controller. If the AMP Assoc data is larger then it
can fit to HCI event only fragment is read. When all fragments are read
send A2MP Get AMP Assoc Response.
Signed-off-by: Andrei Emeltchenko <andrei.emeltchenko@xxxxxxxxx>
+void a2mp_send_getampassoc_rsp(struct hci_dev *hdev, u8 status)
+ struct amp_mgr *mgr;
+ struct amp_assoc *loc_assoc = &hdev->loc_assoc;
+ struct a2mp_amp_assoc_rsp *rsp;
+ size_t len;
+ mgr = amp_mgr_lookup_by_state(READ_LOC_AMP_ASSOC);
What if multiple amp managers are in the READ_LOC_AMP_ASSOC state?
Is that possible if multiple remote devices send GETAMPASSOC at the
same time?
In this very unrealistic case I still do not see a problem. All those HCI
requests would be serialized and response would be sent for all AMP
I agree that it won't be a common problem - but with millions of
instances of the Linux kernel out there, if simultaneous requests
*can* happen, they *will* happen.
It's mostly the reading of fragments I'm concerned about. If multiple
HCI_OP_READ_LOCAL_AMP_ASSOC commands are queued up to send to the AMP
controller, and any of those involve reading fragments, the
hdev->loc_assoc would be corrupted or you could get a buffer overrun
from the memcpy's in hci_cc_read_local_amp_assoc.
An easy fix is to respond with an error status to any GETAMPASSOC
commands that arrive while an earlier GETAMPASSOC is being processed.
Mat Martineau
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