Hi Johan -
On Mon, 16 Jan 2012, Marcel Holtmann wrote:
Hi Mat,
I noticed your recent bluez.git commit that modifies the Device
Connected event. Would it also make sense to add the results of the
This information was captured in bluetoothd when using hciops, but
has so far been missing with mgmtops.
Do you have a real use-case for it? It'd expect that info to be at most
useful to the kernel side but not so much for user-space. FWIW, we came
to the conclusion with Marcel that a better approach with this
mgmt_ev_device_connected is to encode both the class and the name as an
EIR blob. We'll also do that for the class that's currently as a
separate parameter in mgmt_ev_device_found. This simplifies the
structure of both events and also allows for future extensibility.
in addition, these information are purely debugging details and I think
it would be better to use sysfs or debugfs for it.
The use case involves checking the remote LMP version to figure out if
the remote device supports EDR, to get a rough estimate of available
bandwidth. Lower bandwidth devices can then use different settings at
the profile or application layer.
Mat Martineau
Employee of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
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