Good suggestions (I guess I am an old assembly-language programmer)
-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Hedberg
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 3:36 AM
To: David Stockwell
Cc: linux-bluetooth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; lucas.demarchi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;
Subject: Re: [PATCH 3/3] AVRCP: Add Passthrough Signal
Hi David,
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011, David Stockwell wrote:
+ if (key_pressed == VENDOR_UNIQUE_OP) {
+ if (operands[1] == 0 || operand_count < 5) {
+ pass_company_id = 0;
+ pass_string = g_malloc0(1);
The above is a quite obscure way to allocate an empty string. Could you
change it to g_strdup(""). That requires a second or two less thinking
to figure out what the line is supposed to do :)
+ } else if (operands[1] == 3 && operand_count == 5) {
+ pass_company_id = get_company_id(operands + 2);
+ pass_string = g_malloc0(1);
Same here.
+ } else { /* op_length does not match operand_count */
+ DBG("Passthrough: Malformed message");
+ DBG("op_len %u, op_cnt %u", operands[1], operand_count);
+ pass_company_id = 0;
+ pass_string = g_malloc0(1);
And here. +++++
+ }
} else {
- status = "pressed";
- pressed = 1;
+ pass_company_id = 0;
+ pass_string = g_malloc0(1);
And here.
+ g_dbus_emit_signal(control->dev->conn, control->dev->path,
+ DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &key_pressed,
+ DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &key_state,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &pass_company_id,
+ DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &pass_string,
The above lines still mix tabs and spaces for indentation. Just use
++++ Sorry, thought I had fixed this in Kate. did not catch
it...will fix.
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