[PATCH v2] Adjust SPARQL queries to the changes in call history

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Currently nmo:Call resources put to the Tracker by commhistory do not use
the same nco:PhoneNumber as the one bound to the nco:PersonContact. This
patch introduces matching contacts by actual phone number, thus returning
proper contact data regardless of this commhistory change.
In the previous version backslashes at the ends of lines were incorrectly
 plugins/phonebook-tracker.c |   74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c b/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c
index d72c04e..9431d8a 100644
--- a/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c
+++ b/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
 	"OPTIONAL { ?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role .} "		\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_ncontact a nco:Contact . "					\
-	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:from ?_ncontact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isAnswered false ;"					\
@@ -239,9 +239,11 @@
 	"?_contact a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 	"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "			\
 	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_unb_contact a nco:Contact . "				\
-	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:from ?_unb_contact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isAnswered false ;"					\
@@ -250,7 +252,9 @@
 	"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . } "				\
 	"OPTIONAL {?_contact a nco:PersonContact ; "			\
 	"nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "					\
-	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number. } "			\
+	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . }"			\
 	"FILTER ( !bound(?_contact) && !bound(?_role) ) "		\
 "} "									\
 "} "									\
@@ -288,7 +292,9 @@
 		"nmo:isAnswered false ."				\
 		"?c a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 		"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?a . "				\
-		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "				\
+		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?no . "				\
+		"?h maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
+		"?no maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
 	"} "								\
 	"} GROUP BY ?call ORDER BY DESC(nmo:receivedDate(?call))"
@@ -368,7 +374,7 @@
 	"OPTIONAL { ?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role .} "		\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_ncontact a nco:Contact . "					\
-	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:from ?_ncontact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isAnswered true ;"						\
@@ -376,9 +382,11 @@
 	"?_contact a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 	"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "			\
 	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_unb_contact a nco:Contact . "				\
-	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:from ?_unb_contact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isAnswered true ;"						\
@@ -387,7 +395,9 @@
 	"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . } "				\
 	"OPTIONAL {?_contact a nco:PersonContact ; "			\
 	"nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "					\
-	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number. } "			\
+	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum ."			\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . }"			\
 	"FILTER ( !bound(?_contact) && !bound(?_role) ) "		\
 "} "									\
 "} "\
@@ -424,7 +434,9 @@
 		"nmo:isAnswered true ."					\
 		"?c a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 		"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?a . "				\
-		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "				\
+		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?no . "				\
+		"?h maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
+		"?no maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
 	"}"								\
 	"} GROUP BY ?call ORDER BY DESC(nmo:receivedDate(?call))"
@@ -503,16 +515,18 @@
 	"OPTIONAL { ?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role .} "		\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_ncontact a nco:Contact . "					\
-	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:to ?_ncontact ; "						\
 	"nmo:isSent true . "						\
 	"?_contact a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 	"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "			\
 	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_unb_contact a nco:Contact . "				\
-	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:to ?_unb_contact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isSent true . "						\
@@ -520,7 +534,9 @@
 	"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . } "				\
 	"OPTIONAL {?_contact a nco:PersonContact ; "			\
 	"nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "					\
-	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number. } "			\
+	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum ."			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . }"			\
 	"FILTER ( !bound(?_contact) && !bound(?_role) ) "		\
 "} "									\
 "} "									\
@@ -554,7 +570,9 @@
 		"nmo:isSent true . "					\
 		"?c a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 		"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?a . "				\
-		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "				\
+		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?no . "				\
+		"?h maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
+		"?no maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
 	"}"								\
 	"} GROUP BY ?call ORDER BY DESC(nmo:sentDate(?call))"
@@ -633,16 +651,18 @@
 	"OPTIONAL { ?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role .} "		\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_ncontact a nco:Contact . "					\
-	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:to ?_ncontact ; "						\
 	"nmo:isSent true . "						\
 	"?_contact a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 	"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "			\
 	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_unb_contact a nco:Contact . "				\
-	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:to ?_unb_contact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isSent true . "						\
@@ -650,7 +670,9 @@
 	"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . } "				\
 	"OPTIONAL {?_contact a nco:PersonContact ; "			\
 	"nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "					\
-	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number. } "			\
+	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum ."			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . }"			\
 	"FILTER ( !bound(?_contact) && !bound(?_role) ) "		\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_ncontact a nco:Contact . "					\
@@ -663,16 +685,18 @@
 	"OPTIONAL { ?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role .} "		\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_ncontact a nco:Contact . "					\
-	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_ncontact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:from ?_ncontact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isSent false . "						\
 	"?_contact a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 	"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "			\
 	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . "			\
 "} UNION { "								\
 	"?_unb_contact a nco:Contact . "				\
-	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "			\
+	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_other . "			\
 	"?_call a nmo:Call ; "						\
 	"nmo:from ?_unb_contact ; "					\
 	"nmo:isSent false . "						\
@@ -680,7 +704,9 @@
 	"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . } "				\
 	"OPTIONAL {?_contact a nco:PersonContact ; "			\
 	"nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "					\
-	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number. } "			\
+	"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . "				\
+	"?_other maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum ."			\
+	"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_realnum . }"			\
 	"FILTER ( !bound(?_contact) && !bound(?_role) ) "		\
 "} "									\
 "} "									\
@@ -713,7 +739,9 @@
 			"nmo:isSent true . "				\
 			"?c a nco:PersonContact . "			\
 			"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?a . "			\
-			"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "			\
+			"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?no . "			\
+			"?h maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "		\
+			"?no maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "		\
 		"}UNION {"						\
 			"?c a nco:Contact . "				\
 			"?c nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "			\
@@ -736,7 +764,9 @@
 			"nmo:isSent false . "				\
 			"?c a nco:PersonContact . "			\
 			"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?a . "			\
-			"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "			\
+			"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?no . "			\
+			"?h maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "		\
+			"?no maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "		\
 		"}"							\
 	"} GROUP BY ?call ORDER BY DESC(nmo:receivedDate(?call))"
@@ -887,7 +917,9 @@
 		"nmo:isAnswered false ."				\
 		"?c a nco:PersonContact . "				\
 		"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?a . "				\
-		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "				\
+		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?no . "				\
+		"?h maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
+		"?no maemo:localPhoneNumber ?num . "			\
 	"} "								\
 	"} GROUP BY ?call ORDER BY DESC(nmo:receivedDate(?call)) "	\
 	"LIMIT 40"

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